"There is beauty all around, when there's love at home.
There is joy in ev'ry sound, when there's love at home.
Peace and plenty here abide, smiling sweet on ev'ry side.
Time doth softly, sweetly glide, when there's love at home.
Chorus: Love at home, Love at home.
Time doth softly, sweetly glide, when there's love at home.
In the cottage there is joy, when there's love at home.
Hate and envy ne'er annoy, when there's love at home.
Roses bloom beneath our feet, all the earth's a garden sweet,
Making life a bliss complete, when there's love at home."
LiaHona got a coughing fit when I was singing and it kinda spoiled it cus of my soft voice. After that Pratt said a LONG prayer and we had testifying. Pratt did his for about an hour and he was saying about our family being on its way to the Celestial Kingdom and its like being in a beautiful gold charyot, and we just have to sit down and be happy and let him do the driving to get us there. And if anybody was standing up and making trouble, or jumping out of the charyot, then theyd fall all the way back into darkness and never get to that great place we're all going. (It was REAL nice. Pratts got a poets sole!)
Then Pratt was asking me to be speaking, so I got up and said about polygamy being the ONLY way to be getting back to god, and what a great way it is to be living. (I was looking at Harmonee when I was saying it, but she was just staring at her shoes) Then I was telling them what Mavis was saying in her letter the other day, about folk outside thinking we're dumb, but theres heapsve smart polygamy gals, and THERE believing it, so it MUST be true!!! It made me feel all full of the spirit saying it, so I just started crying - I can always tell if Ive got the spirit cus it always makes me cry. (We cry in meeting to when we get the spirit)
After I finished Sariah was crying to and Pratt said she could go next. She said she KNEW it was all true, and she was glad she grew up in the work, and course its all true, cus if Joseph Smiths a prophet then it MUST be true, cus hes the one who gave it to us! Pratt said thanks for those great words from us both, and what a blessing it was to have wonderful women around to have the kids to build up his kingdom and to be praying for him
Then Pratt looked around and asked if there was anybody with questions or anybody wanting to say anything? Celestial Rainbow asked when she was getting some help with the babies? But Pratt said not THAT sort of question - we needed to be talking about spiritaul stuff. I didnt think Harmonee was going to be saying much because she was real quiet sitting there, but then she said she had stuff to say and some questions for Pratt. Pratt said OK, so she got up and looked around REAL serious! She said just cus SOME smart womenre thinking polygamys true, doesnt MAKE it right, and we need to be using our head instead of getting "feelings" and just following what other folkre saying. She said therere some real smart women who were thinking it was true, and then they were deciding its wrong and leaving, so WHICH smart women are we beleiveing? She was saying its real hard for gals and guys to be saying there wrong when theyve been believing it for a way long time! And she was saying Sariah's right about polygamy being true if Joseph Smiths a prophet, cus hes the one whose saying its right, but what about if he WASNT a prophet? (Everybody was real shocked by her saying that!)
Pratt said for us all to be singing another song and then hed be saying some more about it, so we sang "We Thank thee Oh god for a prophet" (its all about Joseph Smith and how great he is - we sing it in meeting on sundays)
After that Pratt did another talk to us. He was saying when we start questioning we're loseing the spirit. He said its not just Joseph Smith telling us about polygamy. Its the law in the bible to. But then Harmonee was saying "you show me where god said it was the law, in the bible.?" I knew the answer to that one so I said "what about Abraham and Sarah?" Harmonee went "Look at all the trouble it made - it wasnt anything to do with god, it was cus they didnt have faith that god was going to give them a son like he said he would, so thats why Abraham and Sarah got into polygamy and it made a real mess and there kids were argueing all the time and now its even making wars with there grankids - the Ayrabs and the jewish folk!"
Pratt said it was probally enough to be talking about for now, and for us to be singing "Praise to the Man" - thats another song we're singing in meeting on sundays and it another hymn for Joseph smith . I LOVE the part that says "Hail to the Man".
Pratts thinking he should be haveing some other meetings with Harmonee on her own, away from all the other sisterwives cus shes bringing a bad spirit into the family. All those questions! I think Pratt wants me to be there to, cus Ive been in polygamy longest and can tell her about living it better!
Got to go!
Oh my, have you seen those naughty gentile women over at FLDS Texas blog?
ReplyDeleteThey apparently have started a new polygamy religion with women in charge over multiple husbands.
Maybe you want to join ?
I want to join the First Church of the Holy Matriarchs of the WTF Ranch, and I think you should too !