Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fairy tailesre not getting you any place good!!!

Oops again, sorry folks, Im still getting trouble geting my blog up at the right time, but here it is!

After me TRYING keeping the spirit in our family, I was wasting my time with Harmonee and LiaHona! I gave them that stuff on Harry Potter yesterday and I was thinking theyd be dumping the book in the garbage, but THEN I found out Harmonees been lending some MORE Harry Potter books to Celestial Rainbow and she says shesLOVING them!!! Keeping Sweet says shes not reading them anymore and I think shes a gentile!!!! Youd be thinking folk in the fullness of the gospell would be knowing better!

Harmonee was over last night with LiaHona and I was thinking shed be scared about the stuff in the paper, but after she read it she was laughing and saying the newspaper writer was just kidding!!! I told her it was all TRUE cus my cousin gave it to me and she made sure evrybody she knew was getting it to!! Anyways LiaHona says shes letting her kids read the books, and theres nothing I can do about it. But I said I was talking to Pratt about it cus I dont want evil spirits coming in MY home cus of bad books being there!!!!

Harmonee was saying if I think Harry Potters evil, then Snow White, and Sleeping Beautey, and Cinderellave got to be bad TO, cus theyve got magic and spells in them! LiaHona joined in and was saying reading THEM never turned HER into being a witch or going around worshipping the devil!!

I said that didnt matter cus its STILL wrong to be reading it and Pratt says hes not much liking all those fairy story lies anyways. He wants us to be reading the scriptures with the kids, cus fairy tailsre not getting you into the celestial kingdom! Brigham Young didnt like folk reading made up stories either, so Pratts right!!!!

So watch what your reading, cus you dont know how your ending up!

I guess I'll be writing about the magic staff stuff and Joseph Smith tomorrow.



  1. Yes Honey Dawn, I am currently a gentile, but I am coming to see the light with your help.
    Thank you.

  2. people should stop reading your fairytales then lol,


  3. Keeping Sweet, Im WAY glad your seeing the truth!

  4. Annonymous Satan Im thinking thats a BAD name to be using. I can help you with a good name if you want. AND Im not writing fairytails - Im not writing about magic and stuff like that, Im just writing about all the stuff Ive seen and heard in my way wonderful life!

  5. OMG, Satan has been here, leaving comments !!!


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!