Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some booksre NOT Approprate for us!

Sorry about the mix up yesterday - where I was writing MY name when I was meaning Harmonee!! I get up REAL early to do scripture studying and praying and writing my blog, so sometimes Im feeling kinda tired. It was defnitely HARMONEE giving Sarah Ann that book! Sarah Anns 13 and needs to be thinking about better stuff than that nasty Harry Potter!!!! She needs to be reading the scriptures more, not those made up stories, and specially stories about evil.

I know someve you probally read those Harry Potter books, but you probally DONT know it makes young folk follow Satan!!!!! A few years back one of my cousins found some stuff in the news about it, and she gave it to me. It was a newspaper guy talking to the woman who was writing the books. Shes making heaps of money getting kids to follow the devil and be witches and wizards!!!!

Anyways, heres what its saying in the newspaper, so you can see for yourself what its doing to young folk all over the USA! Its a lot of writing, but its WAY important for you to be reading!!! (its got some long words, but youll be OK with a dictionry)

Harry Potter Books Spark Rise In Satanism Among Children

LOCK HAVEN, PA—Ashley Daniels is as close as you can get to your typical 9-year-old American girl. A third-grader at Lock Haven Elementary School, she loves rollerblading, her pet hamsters Benny and Oreo, Britney Spears, and, of course, Harry Potter. Having breezed through the most recent Potter opus in just four days, Ashley is among the millions of children who have made Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire the fastest-selling book in publishing history.

And, like many of her school friends, Ashley was captivated enough by the strange occult doings at the Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry to pursue the Left-Hand Path, determined to become as adept at the black arts as Harry and his pals.

"I used to believe in what they taught us at Sunday School," said Ashley, conjuring up an ancient spell to summon Cerebus, the three-headed hound of hell. "But the Harry Potter books showed me that magic is real, something I can learn and use right now, and that the Bible is nothing but boring lies."

Ashley is hardly the only child rejecting God these days. Weeks after the release of Goblet, the fourth book in J.K. Rowling's blockbuster kid-lit series, interest in witchcraft continues to skyrocket among children. Across America, Satanic temples are filling to the rafters with youngsters clamoring for instruction in summoning and conjuring.

Over protests from Christian Right leaders, who oppose the books for containing magic—and, by extension, Satanic religious beliefs—millions of children are willing their bodies and souls to Lucifer in unholy blood covenants. In 1995, it was estimated that some 100,000 Americans, mostly adults, were involved in devil-worship groups. Today, more than 14 million children alone belong to the Church of Satan, thanks largely to the unassuming boy wizard from 4 Privet Drive...

The Harry Potter books are cool, 'cause they teach you all about magic and how you can use it to control people and get revenge on your enemies," said Hartland, WI, 10-year-old Craig Nowell, a recent convert to the New Satanic Order Of The Black Circle. "I want to learn the Cruciatus Curse, to make my muggle science teacher suffer for giving me a D."...But as wild as children are about Harry, no one is happier about the phenomenon than old-school Satanists, who were struggling to recruit new members prior to the publication of the first Potter book in 1997.
"Harry is an absolute godsend to our cause," said High Priest Egan of the First Church Of Satan in Salem, MA. "An organization like ours thrives on new blood—no pun intended—and we've had more applicants than we can handle lately....

With membership in Satanic temples reaching critical mass in some areas, many children have been forced to start their own organizations to worship the Lord Of Lies. Houston 11-year-old Bradley Winters, who purchased Goblet Of Fire with his own allowance money at the stroke of midnight on July 8, organized his own club, Potterites To Destroy Jesus, with his neighborhood pals. An admission fee of $6.66 grants membership to any applicant willing to curse the name of God and have a lightning bolt carved into his or her forehead with an iron dagger...

"It's almost impossible to find a book that can compete with those PlayStation games, but Harry Potter has done it," said Gulfport (MS) Middle School principal Frank Grieg. "I have this one student in the fifth grade who'd never read a book before in his life. Now he's read Sorcerer's Stone, Prisoner Of Azkaban, Chamber Of Secrets, Goblet Of Fire, The Seven Scrolls Of The Black Rose, The Necronomicon, The Satanic Bible, The Origin Of Species—you name it."

Less pleased are Christian leaders, who see Pottermania as a serious threat to their way of life.

"Children are very impressionable," said Dr. Andrea Collins of Focus On Faith, a Denver-based Christian think-tank and advocacy group. "These books do not merely depict one or two uses of magic spells or crystal balls. We're talking about hundreds of occult invocations. The natural, intuitive leap from reading a Harry Potter book to turning against God and worshipping Satan is very easy for a child to make, as the numbers have shown."

"These books are truly magical," Collins added, "and therefore dangerous."

I think it's absolute rubbish to protest children's books on the grounds that they are luring children to Satan," Rowling told a London Times reporter in a July 17 interview. "People should be praising them for that! "" THE ONION, July 26, 2000
So there you are! !!! It was in a newspaper called "The Onion". Im giving a copy to Harmonee and LIaHona so there knowing about it and not giving that stuff to our kids!

Pratt says all those wizard guys with their magic wands and staff things are just the devil copying the preisthood, cus some guys in the church way back in Joseph Smiths day had stuff like that, only it was for doing good. I might be writing about it tomorrow.

Dont be worrying about Celestial Rainbow. Shes doing OK and itll be good for her to be getting the practice in with the babies. She'll need to be getting used to the smell of dipers cus she'll be having it around for a long time now she's getting started with her own kids.

Have a great day.


  1. Honey Dawn, I will keep this in mind and I will not buy any Harry Potter books.

  2. Lol, you got to love the Onion. Though the sad thing is, some Christians actually thought that article was legitimate! O_O

  3. What do you think about Bratz dolls? They are the one toy I won't allow in my home.

    Melissa xx

  4. Honeydawn, I'm sure you know the Onion is a parody even though according the common stereotype, Mormons don't "get" sarcasm.
    However there is some truth to it as many right wing fundy Christian groups have actually condemned the book as being the work of Satan.
    Did you hear about Pat Robertson claiming the Earthquake in Haiti was a result of the Haitan people making a "deal with the Devil"?
    Anyway I consider all that stuff to be rubbish as I'm an agnostic but it is still a free country so you can believe what you want.
    If I'm wrong and there really is a strict God, I hope it is the fundie Mormon one because according to mormon theology, even if you mess up here on Earth, you still get a 2nd shot at at least the lowest level of heaven. According to an ex-flds dude, Rulon Jeffs sez there will be some Gentiles who will make it to heaven and some fundie Mormons who won't make it.
    Whereas the Fundie Baptists assert that people who fail to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior will burn in hell, no ifs, ands, and buts.
    What America needs is a strong dose of religious tolerance whether you are Mormon, Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, Atheist, or Agnostic.

    bestest buddies


  5. Melissa, I think the Bratz dolls are obnoxious -- I don't buy them or Barbies for my niece or granddaughter. I prefer books like "The Practical Princess and Other Modern Fairytales". ;D

    HoneyDawn, all I can say is everyone in my family has read the entire Harry Potter series and none of us worship Satan -- or try to practice magic. Of course, we also play Dungeons and Dragons, so maybe our brains are just addled too much to know. ;)

    Thanks for sharing that article. I laughed so loud I almost woke up the grandbabies.

    And remind Celestial Rainbow to keep her blood sugar up. That helps a lot with nausea during pregnancy. Nibble on crackers and sip on orange juice. It can't hurt!

  6. Where is my morning HoneyDawn?


  7. The best treatment for nausea related to pregnancy is ginger root, or ginger candies.
    Tell your sister wife to try it.

  8. Duane,
    What happened to your buddy Megan's Polyblog?
    It seems to have vanished.

  9. wait, Megan's blog is back ....
    here is the link :


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!