Monday, January 18, 2010

Family united order.

Im WAY glad about the nice folk sending me letters. That Reality guy made me real upset for a spell. I stayed in my room yesterday drinking my camamile tea and I tried the warm bath like Rebeckah said, and I put herbs in it, so now Im fine again. Pratts taking me out to dinner tonight and then hes sleeping over to, so that makes me real happy!!

I DID go to family meeting last night. Pratt was testifying for about an hour. He's WAY good at talking! He can talk longer than anybody else I know! If he gets called to speak in meeting, then you know he'll be taking up most of the meeting. Just in case your not knowing, folk in our group speak by the spirit. Nobodys writing down talks, you just let the spirit tell you what to say when you get called up. The spirit always tells Pratt BUNCHESve stuff to be saying! Pratts talksre ALWAYS the best! Some folkre not doing so good, so I guess there not getting the spirit so much. After his testifying Pratt was talking about being united in the family, just like we're united in our united order. That means not being selfish about money, or time he's spending with the wives. He's SO right about that. I NEVER mind about that stuff. Its just great to be living polygamy and living in a united order like we're doing.

Theres still that guy wanting to be paid for his house cus he wants to be leaving the united order and living somewhere else. Pratt says guys need to be knowing if they join the order, they need to be staying. If they go, then they need to be leaving there home and not expecting the order to be paying them!! If they had enough faith they wouldnt be WANTING to leave! We talked about it for a spell, but Harmonee wasnt agreeing with Pratt about it. SHE says thats not what its saying in the Doctrine and Covenenants. I said, "so what DOES it say in the D&C?" Then Harmonee goes - "it says you can take your stewardship if your leaving, and your stewardships your home!" Then she got out her D&C and read about it to us. I wish gals wouldnt be trying to tell the preisthood whats right! Its not feminin at ALL! Pratt listened and then he told her THAT was early on when folk werent learning yet to give EVERYTHING up to god. Nowdays, if we're going IN, then we shouldnt be thinking its easy to be getting OUT! Harmonee never just takes what Pratt says! THEN she was asking "wheres the revelation saying that?" So Pratt told her its in the revelations the preisthoodre teaching private, so she probally wouldnt be hearing about it, just the guys would.

I dont like it when Harmonees doing this around all us sisterwives. Celestial Rainbow and LiaHona get mixed up sometimes if your telling them to much stuff. Chastitees pretty much OK, and my sister Sariahs fine no matter what shes hearing - shes pretty much full of faith like me. LaBlessings not intrested in doctrine, so she just beleives in whatever Pratts saying, which is good.

I need to be getting on with stuff, cus Im finishing off my Joseph Smith tote bag today, and then Im making my room look specail for tonight, (Im making silk flower arrangments in some vases I got at DI the other day) and then I need to be washing my hair and making it look cute for the dinner. Pratt says to keep it quiet, cus hes not been taking anybody else out for a while and hes not wanting to be making jealousy in the family. I said I wouldnt be saying ANYTHING about it, but anyways Im pretty sure theres no jealousy in OUR family, cus our patriarch brings so much of the spirit in our lives. Pratt says thats real sweet of me! Hes AWESOME!

1 comment:

  1. I ran into some Mormon missionaries at the bus stop yesterday, and had a very interesting talk.

    They were very suprised by how much i knew about Mormon history and scriptures, especially when i told them i hadn't been raised in the church. I even seemed to know more than them about some things - they didn't know the church had ever preached blood attonement, they were adamant that the church had always taught that the blood of Christ attoned for all of everyones sins, and when i showed them a Brigham Young quote about it from your website (thankyou iPhone) they were really suprised and had never seen it before. I guess they haven't read many of the early sermons.

    Anyway, I told them i had been reading a blog written by a Mormon lady in Utah, and they said that God must have led me to you to prepare me for meeting them and having an opportunity to learn the truth and prepare for baptism.

    I told them that i wasn't sure about baptism, but that your blog is always enlightening and has taught me HEAPS about the truth of Mormonism!!

    Anyway, they are calling me this week to talk more. They wanted to come round, and said that they would be careful to do so when my husband was around (i had my 3 year old with me), in case he thought there was anything improper about 2 young guys visiting with me, and they seemed kind of suprised when i said that i didn't have a husband anymore.

    It was very interesting, i rarely get to talk to anyone who shares this interest, although you would think that the LDS would educate their missionaries better about Mormon history. They did seem awfully young though, even though they wore badges saying they were elders.

    I'm glad you are feeling less stressed and that the attacks on you and your blog have ceased for now. If anyone else attacks you, you can tell them that a LDS elder has told me that you and this blog have been sent by God!!

    Melissa xx


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!