Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The LDS missionries are liking my blog!!!!!!

I just HAD to tell you all about what Melissa was writing! Im WAY excited! Pratt SAID I was doing a real important job writing this blog and letting folk feel the spirit of TRUE mormons!! Even if its been hard sometimes taking all that presecution, and making all that sacrafice to be writing evry day - its GREAT when the spirits leading folk to the truth. Melissa was saying she was meeting some mormon missionries and they were saying MY BLOGs SENT FROM GOD to be bringing her to the truth!!!!! There SO right!!!! See, if she decides shes wanting to be a LDS mormon, then it wont be long for her to be wanting to be a fundamentalist mormon!!! We get a bunch of folk converting from the LDS mormons when there seeing they stopped teaching the same stuff Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were saying, so they kinda do the missionry work FOR us! They go out and find the new members and then there passing them along to us. Its  kinda strange about the missionries not knowing to much about what there prophets were teaching, but I guess its cus they say to "follow the living prophet" and that means its OK for them to be ignoreing all the other prophets if there not liking what there saying anymore. It must be knda confuseing sometimes for them when they get a prophet dying and then they have to be forgetting about the stuff HE was saying and go with the new guy. The missionries werent knowing about blood atoneing at ALL! Its probally to scary to be saying about it now, and there trying to keep quiet about stuff like mountain meadows and those wagon train folk getting killed, cus it might put folk off from joining there church.
Anyways Im WAY happy today about it. I always KNEW it was the right thing to be doing, but now its making my faith stronger and showing Pratt KNOWS what gods wanting me to be doing!!!
Have an AWESOME and spiritaul day!


  1. Congratulations Honey Dawn, you are finally receiving the recognition you truly deserve!

  2. Wow, what a terrific recognition of your accomplishments as a missionary ! Kudos, Honey Dawn !


  3. Well Honey Dawn, at last you are receiving the recognition for your work that you deserve.

  4. lol, you crack me up, really stupidity holds no bounds


  5. You're an extremely angry person, Reality. It's not good for you to harbor such anger. People who feel so much negativity are more prone to heart problems and cancer. You might want to find some way to deal with it, other than spewing on the internet. Really, I'm concerned for you.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!