We'll probally be having a quiet day today and just be thinking about all the stuff the bretheren were saying at the dance. They were talking about repenting for the new year and getting the spirit more. One of the things is that the women need to be loving polygamy more. Its no good just saying its OK for your husband to be having more wives - the women need to be happy about it to! Then god might be accepting them. The guysve got to stop wanting to be owning stuff for themselves, specially the United Order houses - cus they belong to the preisthood (and that means god) We all need to be ready to run out into the desert sometime if god wants us to. One of our prophets said a whiles back that we need to do that sometime, and leave everything behind, and not come back till whatevers going to happen, happens, THEN we can come back home, but not before. The other stuff we need to be doing is paying our tithing properly and paying our offerings to, cus theres not so much money this year. The bretherenre saying the prophet Joseph and the book of mormonre under attack from the devil to, and we shouldnt be worrying about bad stuff folk might be saying! We need to have faith and stay strong and we'll get to the CK!!!
It was nice having the dancing. We like "Red River Valley" cus the guys get to dance with 2 gals at once, so it means we can be getting more dancing and not just standing around waiting. The words go -
You pass right on round the Valley
And you circle to the left and to the right,
Then you swing your girl in the valley
And you swing your red river girl.
Thats my favrite dance. Theres the last waltz at the end but thats always tricky for the guy to choose which wife. Pratt trys to split it up with all the sisterwives, but you dont get much time!
Anyways have a great year!
Thankyou HoneyDawn.
ReplyDeleteAll the best for 2010 and hope the extra tithing doesn't cause problems for your family.
Please keep blogging!! Your perspectives and insights are always unique and interesting. Would still love it if you decided to share some of your other writings such as Poly PreTeen, Thoughts of Husband Pratt, and of course your poetry.
Melissa xx
Sorry to post again, but I've just been reading some of your posts and am, as ever, curious.
ReplyDeleteDo you consider the FLDS prophet Warren to be a true prophet? You always speak of him with respect, but I understand that could simply be because of your shared heritage and family in the group.
When does your groups belief in who has priesthood authority branch off from the FLDS?
Thanks for indulging my curiosity.
Melissa xx
And a very happy New Year to you and yours, HoneyDawn! I hope all is well with your family this new year and that finances improve.
ReplyDeleteI must say, though, that a god who tried to tell me I had to like something like polygamy would be pretty mean in my book. It's not natural for women to share their husband or his time and resources and for a god to say they not only have to, but they have to be HAPPY about it seem just horrible. I don't think I could worship a god like that. I guess it's a good think I don't belong to any Mormon religions. ;)
Thanks for sharing those words. Happy New Year to you and your family as well.
ReplyDeleteHi HoneyDawn, I am fairly new to your blog but have read through most of the posts and just wanted to say it is very well done and keep up the good work. I was baptised LDS, but I believe and adhere to a more fundamentalist view of mormonism. I enjoyed the explanation of the LDS allowing black's in the preisthood. I don't necessarily think bad of black people, I just think the LDS church changed it to make the world happy. The sad thing about that is even though blacks can play football and basketball for BYU, their teams are still bad.
ReplyDeleteThat is the thing with compromising the principles of the gospel- they don't acheive what the changes were intended too. I don't understand why the church wants to change things to appease the very people who are mean to the church in the first place. That's the main reason I go with fundamental mormon teachings, and I enjoy reading your posts- they are like lessons for me and my family. So please keep a postin!
Happy New Year Honey Dawn !!!!!!!!!!