Saturday, January 2, 2010

Getting converted from being LDS mormons.

Theres a few diffrent things to be talking about today. Melissa was asking about our group and if we're thinking warrens a prophet. Pratt and me didnt want to be saying WHICH group is ours cus some folk could stop reading! We ARE knowing folk in a lot of the groups and the only thing we're saying is our groups not doing child brides now cus it could be making a lot of problams in Utah. Thats one thing the AGs not liking and says he'll be sending folk to prison over. We're being respectful of other folk and there groups cus at least there TRYING to be doing the right thing, but if your not in the RIGHT group with the RIGHT prophet, then its not gonna get you far. (it WONT be getting you into the CK) And Zion Raider says god chooses the best men to be prophets. That is SO true. All our prophets have been GREAT guys! (Sometimes folk bring up bad stuff but thats being critical and itll make you go apostate if you keep on doing that!!!) Theres TRUE prophets and FAKE prophets and you need to be knowing the diffrence!

Authoriteys WAY important like I was saying before. The Woolley guys (John and Lorin) got theres thru John Taylor the prophet of the mormon church, and then they passed it on to  other guys. But there was a heap of trouble down the line and some guys decided to split and make there own groups. Some of the trouble was about Joseph Musser and the guys he wanted on his priesthood council, and some of it was about child brides. Other guys said they got there authoritey straight from god, not from other guys - like the Harmston group in Manti. (True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Last Days'' (TLC))  Jim Harmston says hes Joseph Smith reincarnayted, so that means he must of got HEAPS of authoritey. When you join that group there telling you who you were before you got born THIS time. Most times its folk from Joseph Smiths time. I knew a gal who was with them for awhile and she got told she was Eliza R Snow or somebody like that, but when she left there group somebody ELSE got to be Eliza reincarnayted (I dont know who the gal who left was THEN?)

WC says she was baptized LDS and shes not liking all the changes the LDS mormons were making so folk in the world would be liking them more. She likes all the lessons shes learning from my blog. Pratt and me hope your reading REAL careful! We get some folk joining our group from the LDS Mormons. There saying if Joseph Smiths a TRUE prophet, then the Mormon Fundamentalists are the REAL mormons. There SO right about it! We're living ALL the stuff that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were teaching, not just SOME stuff!! If folk want to be knowing what the church was like back in the days of Joseph, they just need to be looking at us!

WC youll probally LOVE being a polygamy and united order mormon! If your not minding your husband being with heaps of other gals, and not seeing him much, and your kids not seeing him much, and not having enough money and food and clothes sometimes, and are ready to say what your husband says is the LAW, and dont mind if your kids are calling other gals mom, and dont mind if your kids and you need to be keeping your life a secret, and are liking the idea of your home being the presithoods and can keep going and LOVE polygamy, not just DO it, then itll be GREAT for you. (Dont forget you need to be teaching your kids if they dont do polygamy and all the rest of it there going straight to heck) You need to be REAL special to be doing all of it, but if you do your going to the Celestial Kingdom and being over evrybody else, and having babies forever and having your husband rule you forever to, and thatll be GREAT! WC just keep studying and youll be seeing the truth!


  1. HoneyDawn,

    You scared me with all that stuff I have to do to be a fundamentalist mormon- till I realized you thought I was a gal and that is what the women have to do. I am actually a guy, and I hope this isn't too strange. I hope I can still visit and comment. I am learning alot just by reading the posts.

  2. Hi HoneyDawn.

    I LOVE your description of the life of a fundamentalist Mormon wife, and I wish WC all the best in her search.

    Who are you married to for eternity, Heeleman or Pratt? Will you miss the one you are only sealed to for time when you get to the celestial kingdom? And if Pratt was to give you the children of a runaway bride but then you were with Heeleman in the afterlife how would that work? I take it your twins will be part of Heelemans celestial family, and I guess you would want to be with them, but I know how much you love your Pratt.

    Can you share your and his thoughts on this?

    One more thing- I thought you didn't use the word he*l

    Melissa xx

  3. Melissa - I cant BELEIVE I wrote that word!!! I was feeling kinda tired today. I went back and changed it RIGHT AWAY! Thanks for telling me about it! Your questionsre REAL good and Ill be answering them. WC sorry I thought you were a gal! It makes sense now, cus its more the guys wanting to be in polygamy and then they get there wives to be liking it to. Maybe Ill get Pratt to help me with writing about all the stuff the guysve got to be doing (on topve marying heaps of gals)

  4. Honey Dawn - as usual your blog is very informative, and the question of whose wife you will be for all eternity is an interesting one.

    You know Jesus talked about a similar situation in the Bible, when he was asked a hypothetical question about who would be the true husband of a woman who married more than one man after she became widowed a bunch of times. Actually all these men she married were brothers, kind of reminding me of women from Short Creek who got re-assigned to their husbands' brothers after their husbands got kicked out.

    Anyway, it gets real complicated but Jesus makes it simple in the Gospel of St Mark because he says all this talk about who is married to whom in the afterlife is a moot point, because THERE IS NO MARRIAGE IN HEAVEN.

    Just thought I'd pass that along.


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