Tuesday, January 26, 2010

HoneyDawn Continues (for now).Im haveing Post Dramatic Stress!!!!

This weekend was real bad for me. Ive been staying in bed yesterday and today and Sariahs been bringing me her chicken and garlic soup (mothers recipe)

I told you the guys were working on the 4plex, and I was WAY happy about it - for LiaHona and her kids to be getting there own place, and me getting the space so Serenity Fawn can come and stay, and bring my grankids. Shes real sick right now with a new baby coming, and its not right cus her sisterwivesre making her do stuff when she should be resting!!

Anyways, all us gals got together at my house to put out the food for the guys. It started off with Harmonees gal Isabelle whispering about my honey and garlic herb bran muffins. I got up real close behind the kitchen door to be listening, and she was saying they were enough to poison anybody, and the 4plex would never get finished if the guys dropped dead, so maybe they should be giving them to the RATS!!!!! RUDE!! There specail, and from mothers recipes to!  Well, I wasnt going to be taking that from her, so I told her to be stopping being rude and didnt her mother teach her better than that? Then I told her she had to go home. But then LiaHona said she COULD stay, cus it was her place to, and it was better to be letting Harmonee be dealing with it.

After that things got real bad and EVRYBODY was being mean to me!!! They were saying I was taking there time with Pratt, and being selfish, and telling tails, and not helping Celestial Rainbow, and why wasnt I haveing a job like evrybody else? It was REAL nasty! It was just like before when I was married to Heelaman!!! The sisterwives then were real mean TO! Heelaman had to be protecting me from them.

Anyways I just went upstairs to my room and left them to put out the food, and did some crafts instead. But when Pratt came up to see me I was crying real hard, and he wanted to know about what was going on. Course, I didnt want to be saying cus I didnt want anybody to be looking bad, but he kept on asking so I HAD to say. Pratt looked upset about it and said thats not a sweet way for them to be, and he says he thinks Ive got that post dramatic stress thing like soldiers get, and I got it from the other sisterwives when I was married to Heelaman. He said for me to just be taking it easy for a while and hed get some meals sent in for me.

Pratts gonna be talking to all the sisterwives. I dont know what hes gonna be saying, but he told me Im a real tresure to him, and he wishes evrybody was as sweet and sensative like me! I might be getting up tomorrow maybe if things get sorted out.

One things good about it - Pratts staying over with me all week!


  1. "Post dramatic stress" . . . I love it!

  2. HoneyDawn,
    A lot of people, gentiles, think that polygamist women are not very well educated, and not very bright, and that they are, frankly, just like you. (I love you a lot, we all do.) But the other day I stumbled upon the well written 19th century journal of Sarah Leavitt, who had a vision that that polygyny was in fact true, and that in paradise all would be polygyny. Sarah Leavitt was intelligent, articulate, and as well educated as anyone. What about her vision? How could she have it, if it weren't true? And what about independent Mormon polygamist women like Anne Wilde? She is also intelligent, articulate, and well read. She said in an online video that she knew that there would be no monogamous marriages in heaven. I can understand that God would speak to men, and tell them to have multiple wives, (what better way?) But intelligent women like these 2, (and there must be more,) what about these brilliant women? Why do they support polygamy? If you don't know the answer to my question, ask Harmonee.

  3. HoneyDawn
    I am sorry your sister wives don't understand how sensitive your are. You are lucky that Pratt does.

  4. I've never treated someone with post dramatic stress disorder.

    Let me look up a few reference articles on Medline, and I will get back to you....

    Anonymous MD

  5. Great to hear from you again HoneyDawn, I have missed you.

    I'm sorry your unique contributions to family dynamics aren't being appreciated. At least it will give you some empathy for Serenity Fawn and her situation though.

    Is Serenity Fawn friends with Celestial
    Rainbow? It sounds like they would have a lot in common.

    Melissa xx

  6. "I can understand that God would speak to men, and tell them to have multiple wives, (what better way?) But intelligent women like these 2, (and there must be more,) what about these brilliant women? Why do they support polygamy?"

    I cannot speak from the point of view of a religious person, but as someone who has studied the effects of abuse and who has lived through abuse myself, I can testify that many people rationalize the pain in their lives to make sense of it. That is why there is a tendency for children who were abused to grow up to abuse their children. It's something of a "See, it wasn't so bad. It's just the way you punish children."

    I firmly believe the majority of women who endorse polgyny do so because they are trying to convince THEMSELVES it is right, not because they truly believe it.

    Of course, this is just my opinion.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!