Some MD gal was saying folk in polygamy can be getting mental problams!!! Thats kinda dumb, Im not mental at all!! She says you get other stuff wrong with you to, but Im staying healthy mostly (except for the post dramatic stress stuff) and if I get sick its not about polygamy, its on account of the stuff the guverments putting in the air. Did you hear about the chemtrails? You can see them in the sky and its the guverment doing it, and some guysre saying its about stopping gals having more kids. I think there spraying them more over where polygamy folkre living! (theres bunchesve stuff on the internet about it) Its probally why Im not haveing another baby right now!!!! Anyways the MD gals posting a link about it, so you can see its just MORE presecution from the world!!!!
Pratt said today about the ground opening up in San Antonio Texas and houses falling over!!!! He says it obvyous why - its on account of those polygamy folk getting presecuted down there!!! The Texas folk better be watching out for more judgments! I'm WAY glad we're safe here in Utah. We wont be getting judgments like it cus theres not the same presecuting here.
Pratt had a big talk with all the sisterwives last night, downstairs. I stayed in my room (with the door open sos I could hear) I couldnt hear everything but he pretty much told them to stop being mean to me, and not to say ANYTHING unless it was nice. I DID hear Harmonee asking how you could be working out problams with folk if you cant be talking to them about it? Pratt said I was to sensative for that, and to leave me alone, and it wasnt her place to be working out problams with anybody. Pratt is AWESOME!
Pratt says hes calling a specail prayer and testifying meeting tonight, and he's letting all the sisterwives ask him doctrine questions. Harmonees always asking HEAPSve stuff. I just like hearing Pratt talk and testify, but I might be saying about Mavis's letter about clever gals having visions about polygamy being right, and about it being all there is in the CK. Harmonee needs to be hearing it! I don't know why Mavis wants to be hearing what Harmonees thinking about it!
"was saying folk in polygamy can be getting mental problams!!!"
Well, that's not being sweet at all.
Harmonee & Honey Dawn -
ReplyDeleteEver see this research study on polygamy ?
Psychosocial and Familial Functioning of Children From Polygynous and Monogamous Families
Alean Al-Krenawi and Vered Slonim-Nevo
Ben-Gurion University
A sample of 352 children— 174 from monogamous and 178 from polygynous families—participated in this study. The authors used standardized measures to assess the participants’ level of self-esteem, mental health, social functioning, father-child relationships, mother-child relationships, and family functioning. The findings revealed that children from polygynous families reported more mental health and social difficulties as well as poorer school achievement and poorer relationships with their fathers than did their counterparts from monogamous families. In addition, the children from polygynous families rated their families’ functioning and economic status as poorer than did those of monogamous families. Thus, the authors suggest that a polygynous family structure negatively affects the family’s socioeconomic status and interpersonal relationships and impairs the children’s psychological and social functioning. The authors discuss implications for practice and policy.
International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Vol. 52, No. 1, 5-17 (2006)
From the Anonymous MD
What doctrinal questions does Harmonee have ?
ReplyDeleteCatwhisperer, Ill tell you about it soon.
ReplyDeleteHey WC
ReplyDeleteHow goes the practicing, keepin sweet and do ya have lots of patients for it?
"Hey WC
ReplyDeleteHow goes the practicing, keepin sweet and do ya have lots of patients for it?"
Well, when I do, I prefer dos XX. Stay thirsty, my friends.