Monday, January 4, 2010

Martha the harlot and marrying again and again.

I said I was going to be telling you about that gal who was telling some lies, (but not telling them for the lord) and all the trouble it was causing. It was back in the daysve Brigham Young when the bretheren were getting secret polygamy wives and didnt want anybody knowing about it. A gal called Martha Brotherton got asked by Brigham Young to be a secret polygamy wife, but she wasnt liking the idea much. Joseph and Brigham were telling Martha it was OK with god, but she wasnt listening. Then they had her PROMISE not to be telling anybody about it!! Martha said yes to that, but when she got back from the meeting she was telling folk about it (so she lied to Joseph and Brigham about keeping quiet, and that was bad!). Of course, NOBODY was believing her, cus folk werent knowing about secret polygamy wives, and the guys were saying they werent doing it. Even her sister was saying she was a liar (AND William Clayton who did writing for Joseph was saying it to) They said she was REALwicked accusing Joseph and Brigham like that and there was even writing in the church newspaper and the Nauvoo papers about her, saying she was a harlot! Evrybody thought she was a REAL bad gal, and in the end she left the church and her mom and Papa did to! See what happens when your not following the prophets!  She shouldve said she was fibbing the first time (thatd be lying for the lord, and thats OK) but she was sticking to her story. It was only years later folk started knowing about the secret polygamy wives, but they were still thinking pretty much Martha was a liar. (I heard Brigham Young got Martha sealed to him later on after she died anyways, so he got her in the end)

Anon E Mouse was saying you cant be married in heaven. That must be in a bit of the bible that didnt get written down right. Joseph Smith said some of its wrong. You GOT to be married, cus its in section 132 in the Doctrine and Covenenents, and thats scripture!! The brethren are saying the guys NEVER stop getting married, even after they get to the CK. I dont know where the galsre coming from - it could be some of those servant gals in the CK when they get to see things right maybe - or maybe gals in other kingdoms when they get properly converted, or even off other planets the guysre making???  But Pratt says we're not sure about it cus some of the bretheren say your stuck where your put, and your not getting out of the terrestrial and telestial kingdoms, but other guysre saying you can. I dont know about that. One things sure, your NOT getting to the CK if your a clingy monogamy wife - sorry about that CW! Maybe you COULD get to be a servant gal in the CK, if your converting to be a LDS mormon if you want?

1 comment:

  1. No way am I converting - I will remain a clingy Gentile wife!!!


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