Sunday, January 3, 2010

Clingy wivesre NOT OK!

WCs a guy! Your welcome anyways, Guys need to be learning the truth just as much as gals. The gals NEED guys to get them to the CK and there wouldnt be all the cute babies without the guys so there REAL important!

Melissa was asking about my first husband Heelaman. He was the one I got married to forever and I got just the two kids from him. After he died I married Pratt for time. I like them both and Pratt says we'll have to be talking to god about it when we get to the other side. My grown up twinsre Heelamans but Im not sure whod get the apostate sisterwife's kids in the next life if Pratt gives them to me? I guess there Pratts unless god says something about it. I guess itll work out OK in the end.

Im excited cus Celestial Rainbows times nearly up. You remember Pratt was staying with her for a whole MONTH to help her get settled down and to try and make sure she gets a baby to fill up her time? When shes got a baby of her own she wont be looking at guys her age! Nobody knows yet if theres a baby coming, but even if theres not, Pratt gets to sleep over with the rest of us gals soon. He says he'll be coming to me first so Im WAY glad about it. Im fixing a great meal and I might even hang up that deer horn chandeleer I made, in the dining room. LiaHona will just have to watch her kids so they dont play with the candels and burn any thing down!!! (Im hoping maybe LiaHona and her kids might be going to Harmonees that evening so I get to see Pratt on my own, if not I guess we'll all get to eat together and sit around after, till bedtime)

Harmonees been real quiet for a whiles. Its not like her. Shes got plenty to say about EVERYTHING! Maybe shes been missing Pratt? Well she'll just have to DEAL with it, cus being on your OWNs a WAY important part of doing polygamy! I cant stand it when gals get all clingy and wanting there husbands!!! Theyll never make it with that attitued!!!

I guess Ill tell you tomorrow about that gal who wouldnt lie for the lord - and all the trouble it made for her. Its real intresting.


  1. I am a clingy monogamous woman. Will I get to go to heaven ?

  2. Sorry, my blog went up late today!

  3. I was wondering that too CatWhisperer, I love waking up to my daily HoneyDawn fix, it always puts a smile on my face and I missed it this morning. (I get it first thing because of the time differences, I think that's why mine is so often the first comment).

    Thanks for telling us about Martha the Harlot, I love hearing about early Mormon times. I bet she was really suprised when Brigham Young died and she found herself with him in the celestial kingdom anyway, and it was very generous of him to forgive her for not lying for the Lord and to let her be one of his eternal child bearers anyway.

    Do you know much about Brigham Young's 19th wife? I forget her name, but she left him and wrote a nasty book about Mormon polygamy and early Salt Lake City society. Do you think he forgave her and took her to the celestial kingdom, or would she be in the outer darkness cause she was an apostate? It all gets a bit confusing sometimes, especially for someone like me without a priesthood head to explain it all to me. I appreciate you passing my questions onto Pratt so I can get some priesthood opinions.

    Melissa xx

    Melissa xx


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