Can't write much today! I was up early getting food ready. The guysre doing a work project on the 4plex today so us galsre doing food for them. Im making chili and my favrite herb and honey bran muffins.
Im REAL happy there getting on with it cus LiaHona and her kids need somewhere of there own to be living, and my daughter Serenity Fawn can come and stay again. Shes needing her mother right now cus theres a baby on the way, and theres a new wife in her family to. Her husbands needing to watch Pratt being the AWESOME husband he is, and how hes handling his famly. Duanes saying the ONLY way to be living the principle is when all the galsre living all together in ONE place, and sharing the same kitchen and evrything, and its not celestail marraige if your not doing that!!! Thats not working out so good right now, specailly since Duane's having favrites and thats not right!!!
Got to go.
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