Friday, January 22, 2010

Gods not liking peirced ears!!!

Ill be REAL glad when the 4 plex gets finished and LiaHona gets her own place. Im happy my sacrificings blessing her and her kids, but it means Im not getting much peace cus SOME folk keep coming in to visit with LiaHona.

I was talking to LiaHona about Jarom's wives getting there ears peirced and Harmonee came in and started listening to what we were saying. I just kept going and didnt take any notice cus I knew what I was saying was right - the bretheren were saying the same stuff about it. I was saying to LiaHona about Jarom and his wives not getting asked to go to specail meetings anymore. Harmonee didnt like it much. She was saying it was THERE business not ours, and we shouldnt be talking about them. I told her she was wrong about it cus it was the business of EVERYBODY living here!!! What there doing is a bad example to evrybody, specialy the young girls who might be thinking its looking cute. Harmonee said they DID look cute! But I said thats not the point its STILL wrong cus the bretheren say so.

I thought that was going to be the end of it, but it got worse!!! Harmonee said itd be better if the brethren were worrying more about important stuff than silly stuff like earings!!! She said she didnt think god was caring to much about earings. She thought god was caring more about folk saying nasty stuff about other folk, and guys being mean in there famlies and not treating wives and kids right!

I think small stuffs important like the preisthood say. If your not watching all the small stuff it gets easy to be doing big sins! Thats why you need to be watching what your wearing, what your eating and what your reading. Its right to be doing what the bretheren say! If we dont we can be losing the spirit and being apostate!


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