Pratt wants me to answer a coupla questions today. Anonymous was saying its not right to be marrying a mother and daughter to. Pratt says its OK. First off, hes not related to them, and second it happened all the time back in Josephs and Brighams day so it MUST be OK. And even if its saying in the bible not to be doing it thats OK cus Pratt says its not that "cognative dissonence" stuff - its on account of it was probally translated wrong.
Then theres the stuff Mavis and the MD and Rebeckah and the rest were saying about Emma Smith and her not getting destroyed. Pratt says she made all kindsa trouble for the prophet cus she wasnt wanting to be living polygamy. Brigham Young said she was throwing the revelation in the fire, and she was saying NO WAY, to start. It was a good thing she said OK to some wives. Joseph said she could choose some for him, and she went and chose the Partridge sisters. Pratt says its kinda funny cus she wasnt knowing they already WERE marrried to Joseph!!! They didnt let on to Emma though and he married them again with Emma around. Trouble is Emma made a lot of trouble AGAIN and Joseph had to get them move out of the house to keep Emma happy. (They didnt see much of Joseph after that) Emma kept on telling women not to let there husbands get more wives, and then sometimes she got sorry about it, so she didnt make up her mind. After Joseph got killed she didnt follow the church leaders out west and she went and got married to a gentile and started up her own church cus Joseph said one of his sons might be leader. She told her sons there papa never lived polygamy, so I guess she didnt like it much and wanted to forget about it. She told them it was Brigham Young doing it. Pratt says she probally didnt get destroyed cus she let Joseph have SOME polygamy wives, and anyways, maybe those anti polygamy wives get destroyed AFTER they die. THat MUST be it, cus Patt knew a guy and his wife said no to polygamy and god wasnt destroying her right THEN, so itll be happening after shes dead I guess.
LiaHonas asking Harmonee and her kids over tonight for dinner. Im thinking when galsre getting problems like that you need to be letting them know there wrong, not being all nice to them - how can they learn like that? LiaHona sure needs help making good food. I bet theyll be haveing stuff like hot dogs!!! Ill probally cook some wholesome food for me so its a good exampel for them. I was going over to Sariah's tonight cus LaBlessing was coming over and shes got intresting stuff to say about the community, but I think I better stick around sos I can hear whats going on at home, and I can tell Pratt about it. Pratt said NOT to be telling about that new gals church to anybody! Cat Whisperers wanting to be joining it and she says I should to, but sorry Im not doing it!! Im not thinking your prophets the true prophet!!! Its just the kinda thing Harmonee would be doing!
Thanks for the posts, HD. Even though we are at odds on certain things, I still like reading your stories.
ReplyDeleteThank you for responding to my comment and I am considering your reply further. How do the mother and daughter feel regarding both being a wife of Pratt?
ReplyDeleteAlso it seems like there is a lot of changes of wives? Is that true? Why? I don't understand.
Yes, there is some cognitive dissonance! :)