Monday, February 1, 2010

Pratt needs the sisterwives to be helping him.

Theres some questions about Celestial Rainbow and her mother Chastitee marrying Pratt. Pratts Celestial Rainbows papa in the priesthood, cus he married her mother after her father joined another group, but he married Celestial Rainbow pretty quick so its not like he was ever like her papa, so her mothers her mother and her sisterwife to!

I think Melissas right about Harmonee being mean about me being in the family. Just cus Pratt made her legal wife after his first wife left doesnt make her specail! And she was saying Id be making trouble in the family like I did in Heelamans family and thats not true at ALL!!  They were just jealous and mean and needed to be learning not to do that, so I was a blessing in the family then and Pratt says Im a real blessing now!

Pratt did get together with Harmonee, but she said she wouldnt be doing much talking if I was there, so Pratt said hed tell me about it later. He said Harmonees not haveing faith much. She said she didnt get into polygamy cus she was afraid of getting punished if she didnt, and she didnt do it cus she wanted the nice stuff from god for doing it- she said she did it cus she loved god and she thought that was what he wanted her to do. Of COURSE thats what god wants! She needs to be sticking with it. But Pratt says she went on and said it didnt turn out like she was thinking it would, cus she wasnt seeing it like she should. She was saying it didnt seem like it was from god, and it didnt make anybodys life better from living it and shes not likeing what it does to the kids with moms haveing to work and leave them, and haveing to keep secrets, and not seeing there papa much. AND she said there was heaps of gals struggling about haveing bunchesve of kids and there real depressed, and how can they go and get help from doctors when they cant be saying its on account of being in polygamy?? (they shouldnt be seeing doctors anyways - like I said before its about praying and reading the scriptures more and not doing bad stuff to make you FEEL bad in the first place!)

Pratts kinda mad about it. He told Harmonee she needs to be keeping her promises to god, and to be remembering if your breaking them, your in the devils power. He told her not to be thinking its any better out in the world, cus theres  no one much going to be helping her out there, shes hasnt got any friends out there, and shes NEVER going to be finding anybody whose going to be loving her like her polygamy family does. But she just said, then if thats love I can be doing without it!

Im thinking Pratts needing all us gals to be supporting him right now. Theres nothing worse than a rebellyous wife!


  1. He married a mom and her daughter? That doesn't sound right HoneyDawn. He should have married one or the other, not both.

  2. I don't understand this.
    Mormons claim to believe in the Bible as well as the Book of Mormon.
    The Bible forbids a man from marrying a woman and her daughter, but it seems to be rather commonplace for Mormon fundamentalists to marry mothers and their daughters.
    How can Pratt claim to be a Bible observing Christian man when he is violating a very important tenet of the Christian religion ?
    It seems there is a substantial amount of cognitive dissonance in your faith.

    Keeping Sweet


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