Thanks to all the folk hoping Im getting better. The thing is, Im still feeling bad and whats bad to, is Saraiah came in with some chicken and garlic soup for me, and she says the sisterwivesre complaineing about me getting extra nights. They should KNOW its up to Pratt to get told by the spirit where hes needing to be!
I took it easy all day doing some more reading in the scriptures and in Utah Getaways. When Pratt got in after work (a heap of our guysre working in construction, so its been real hard lately getting enough work) he came straight up to see me. I said I needed a blessing cus I was still bad in my stomache, and reading the book of mormon was makeing my head hurt. (And by the way I dont think I should be reading that book by Dorothy Solomon cus I think somebody said shes apostate AUB!) He gave me a GREAT blessing! When he took his hands off my head I think I could see bunchesve light around and I told him I was feeling the spirit real strong! Then I told him about Lava Hot Springs and the red indians (who came from the nephites and probally had heaps of the spirit once.) I was telling him about them going to the Lava Hot Springs after theyd been having fights and getting hurt, and how they got better - all without doctors. (those Nephites knew a few things!) I said it made me think about that story in the bible about that guy who got put in some bubbling water and he got better straight away! I said it was to bad we dont have one of those in our community, cus I just felt by the spirit it could be makeing me better.
Pratt said he wished he could be takeing me up to the Springs, but he didnt have any money for motels right now. Then I said about his cousin whose got a cabin near there, and hed probally let us borrow it for a coupla nights. Pratt said he hadnt remembered that, and his cousin probablly would, and he'd really like me to be feeling better. Then I said that was real sweet of him, but I needed to be staying home and not going up there to be getting better, on account of me wanting to be thinking of the other gals before what I needed. But Pratt said "whose in charge of this family, me or them?" I said "its you, but dont be worrying about me."
Anyways, he got on the phone to his cousin and its all set!!!! Im WAY happy!!!! We're driving up late tomorrow night and staying over, then coming back real early on Sunday morning, cus I said to Pratt how its real important to the other gals for us to get back for the famly Valentines lunch on Sunday!
Theres still questions to be answering, and Im not forgetting them, so maybe I can do that tomorrow and be putting up the answers while Im gone. I need to move quick though, cus I need to be makeing some cover up swim clothes. ( I got it cut out already, just in case we ever went)
Wow, what do those cover up swim clothes look like ?
ReplyDeleteShouldn't you take all the wives with you on the trip to the Lava Springs to avoid jealousy?
ReplyDeleteDemoiselle. Its OK. Pratt says sisterwives need polygamy to be overcoming that kindve thing. Anyways we're all getting Valentines together sunday. (Pratt says folk could be noticing to if evrybody went. With just the 2 of us he says we'll fit in up there at Lava.)
ReplyDeleteCat Whisperer- Ill tell you more about the swim clothes tomorrow,