Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Im haveing a quiet day reading stuff.

I had to be staying in bed yesterday on account of feeling bad. I was reading in the Doctrine and Covenenants and marking up the good bits to talk about with Pratt. I got a real headache after a spell though, so I looked at some magazines about Utah getaways (the print was bigger.) I dont like gentile magazines with all the pics of gals with painted faces, but this ones diffrent. Its all about the nice places to go in Utah and the states next to Utah. Theres some REAL nice pictures of the places. I liked the pictures of Lava Hot Springs. Heaps polygamy folk go there on honeymoon. To bad Pratt and me cant be going. We WERE going somewhere for my wedding anniversery till Celestial Rainbow spent all that money on that credit card getting those gentile clothes!!! Some people're only thinking about themselves!

Saraiah came in to see me in the afternoon. She said she heard Celestial Rainbow and Chastitee're whineing about me again! What did I do to be getting this presecution from my own famly! They need to be learning to be sweeter!

I was REAL sad when Pratt came home. I TRIED to hide it but when he found out what was happening AGAIN he said he'd be staying with me tomorrow night as well as tonight. He says the gals need to be learning to be kind and this way theyd learn faster, cus tomorrows Chastitees night. I said not to worry about me cus I could be on my own, but Pratt said he'd made up his mind, so I couldnt be argueing with the preisthood could I?

Cat Whisperer was asking about the kids getting on. Heaps gentilesre thinking theres stuff like jealousy and favrites with the kids. Thats not true at ALL! All the kids are LOVEING me and my kids to! Im not like some poygamy gals who get all mean with the kids of other mothers!! I know one gal who was telling her kids there papa wasnt loveing them cusve another mothers kid he loved best. And theres mothers really mean to other mothers kids cus they dont like shareing money and time. But thats pretty much not in OUR group, cus its the true group!

Oh, and about kids and drugs and drinking. My sister said they caught some kids with drugs, and she says someve the kids go to an out of state community and have drinking partys when its confrence time. But I dont think theres any problams at all in our group. The kidsre minding there parents!

About college. Pratts not likeing it much. He says kids get in trouble there and there loseing there faith. He says the gals need to be getting married not wasteing there time. They need to get all  those waiting spirits to come down in there famlies. If they wait to get married to long there missing out on the babies they could be haveing. Pratt says the guys need to be doing the same to. Brigham Young said young guysre a "menace to sociaty" so they should get married quick. Some folk say college is OK but most are not likeing it.



  1. What jobs do men in your sect usually perform ?
    Construction ?
    What about the women ?
    Anything outside of the home?
    Are some permitted to be nurses or teachers?
    Feel better, sorry that you are sick.

  2. Honey Dawn,
    I would have suggested that instead of reading more D & C, you read _Daughter of the Saints: Growing up in Polygamy_, by Dorothy Allred Solomon. But it may give you more headaches.

  3. Hi HoneyDawn,

    you were writing about the need to have babies to bring spirits to earth.

    I don't want to upset you by touching on a sensetive topic, especially considering the nastiness you are facing within your family at the moment, but I am curious about how you feel about only having been able to have 2 kids.

    Does it not matter too much cause both if your husbands have had other wives to add children to their kingdom or is it something that you feel bad about. And is it something that the other wives are mean to you about, since childbearing seems to be so highly valued within your group ?

    I hope this question hasn't further upset you.

    Melissa xx

  4. Honey Dawn,
    I hope that you are feeling better. I am wondering if it is more post dramatic stress due to how mean and unfeeling your sister wives are. They should know how loving and kind and sensitive you are. Maybe Pratt will cheer you up by spending Valentine's Day with you...


  5. hhg Thanks! Your WAY understanding for a gentile! Its great knowing theres folk understanding me!

    Ill be trying to be answering the other questions tomorrow if Im feeeling OK.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!