Thursday, February 4, 2010

WAY good! We're getting folk convertid!!!!

Pratt was saying last night about the blog and all the good its doing. Now we've got TWO guys beleiving!!! WC and Tonyre seeing the truth about polygamy now, and there learning all about it from books and OUR blog!  AND Mavis was saying she thinks I need a prize for my writing! Pratt SAID in the beginning I was good at writing stuff down!!! Course, its mostly the spirit making folk see the truth, that and Pratt knowing so much stuff and knowing about answering the hard questions folkre asking.  (its the guys job to be teaching there wives about stuff and I think its WAY important to be letting them do that and not be knowing to much for yourself. NOT like Harmonee - SHES thinking she knows more than some of the guys!!! You cant be expecting them to be liking it - its  not real femanine!

Im real glad some folk're getting to know me better than some of the sisterwives - hhg was saying Im way sensative and needing Pratt more than someve the other sisterwives. Itd be great if they could just be understanding it to! Pratt tries to do more for me and protect me more on account of the post dramatic stress I was getting from Heelamans wives. They need to be understanding that - Pratts being faire to evrybody - he needs to be following the spirit about who he needs to be with and when he's there with them. Thanks for being way understanding hhg! (LaBlessing even got mad the other night - Pratt was sleeping over with her, so I dont know why she was complaning! Just cus I called him and we talked. She says it was HER time and I was stealing it from her!!! Can you beleive it? No wonder Pratts needing to be protecting me!

My crafts going great! Im makeing Pratt a humungus card! Its got a big pink satin heart on it (I stuffed it with old socks - I NEVER waste stuff!) and Im gluing cute little pink bows and rosebuds and lace all round it. Its WAY cute!!!Inside Im writing a specail poem for him. He LOVES my poems! Im still working on it, but this is what I wrote so far.

"Your like the sun in the sky
And your my
Husband Pratt
Just thinkve that!
Your the best
In our little nest!
When your hear
I love being close to you and way near!"

I'm still thinking about getting my poems put in a book like somebody said, but Prattl have to find out how to be doing it.



  1. Honey Dawn,
    It does appear that people used to "join up" about a generation back, but that doesn't seem to be happening in the more conservative groups anymore. Does your group seek conversions? Plus, it seems like each group disrespects every other group. So if a man wants to join up, he'd have to become an independent priesthead of his own polygamous group. If a woman wanted to join up, well she could marry in to an existing family, since women don't count anyway.

  2. Hey Mavis,

    You wrote: "If a woman wanted to join up, well she could marry in to an existing family, since women don't count anyway."

    Whoa! Women don't count? Were you being sarcastic?

  3. "Whoa! Women don't count? Were you being sarcastic?"

    I'd answer your question, but I've quit with people who won't even take a moment to give themselves a handle. It may not bother you to speak your mind out into the abyss, but it bothers me. Sorry.

  4. Anonymous @ 9:50 AM:
    My first response to your query was slightly rude, and I'm not sorry for it, I find it rude when people ask for information, but won't share anything at all of themselves. But I still don't like to be rude.

    Since responding to you, your question to me has continued to get under my skin. You say "whoa...were you being sarcastic?"

    Anonymous, have you read anything by Brigham Young, that thug of the 19th century? Do you think that what is taking place in this culture is not real? Should we all talk nice about it? Would that be more "appropriate"?

    I'm sorry for being in such a bad mood, maybe it's the snow. Your question, and the sense of befuddlement behind it is just such a head scratcher.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!