Theres a bunchve argueing in the letters right now. Some of its not stuff Im understanding but I guess you guys can be figureing it all out. Theres still stuff about gals getting depressed. Im still not beleiving in it - you just need to be haveing more faith. Harmonee calls sunday meeting "depressives annonymous"! I think thats kinda rude! She says she hates the testifying meetings when anybody can be getting up and saying what they want. She says theres bunchesve misrable folk all saying theyll never make it cus they dont think there good enough to get there! I dont think there misrable - its just keeping humbel. Its not good to be getting all proud and puffed up!! And evrybody needs to be thinking about doing heaps of good stuff so they CAN get to the CK, cus if they dont do evrything, their NOT gonna be makeing it there!
There was a real good talk the other day from one gal. She was crying and saying how her husband was just the kinda guy god was wanting for her, cus he wasnt around to do stuff with her and help her to be happy and he didnt know what she needed to feel loved, but that was GOOD, cus it meant she didnt have anybody but god and cusve that she did a lot of praying. A bunchve the gals listening cried to and we all felt the spirit of polygamy.
I caught Nikelle (one of Harmonees girls) in front of the mirror the other day at my house. She was fluttring her eyelashes and saying "I have no opinyon...I have no opinyon" over and over!!! I asked her what the heck she was doing and she said she was practising, so I said "Practising for what?" and she went " its the only way Ill ever get a guy in our group". I dont know what she was meaning by it, so I told Harmonee and she thought it was funny, and said "Nikelles probally right about that!" she said guys dont like gals knowing more than them and dont like them haveing diffrent opinyons from them. I said women didnt need to be argueing with the preisthood and trying to be telling them whats right - its not there place to be doing it!
I dont know when Harmonees EVER going to be learning to fit in and do the stuff she needs to be doing! Thats what happens when your getting SOME gentiles converting!
Remember about being nice to each other when your writing those letters!
Go Harmonee,
ReplyDeleteMake a run for it!!!!
Drive out of the compound you are in, and hit the accelerator !
Drive on!
Keeping Sweet
Honey Dawn,
ReplyDeleteThank you for letting us know more of what's going on with Harmonee. I imagine that most of the women writing in here identify more with Harmonee, even though they are writing to you (don't take it personal, just repeat "I don't count anyway".) Although the couple of guys writing in are too blissed out at the idea of polygamy, and thinking about what life in the CK will be like, that's why they don't identify so much with Harmonee.
The names of people in your family and group crack me up HoneyDawn. I am particularly aware of it cause of growing up in a community of alternative lifestylers awash with ludicrous names. Hint- Melissa is an alias, my real name involves the words Star Maiden lol.
ReplyDeleteSilly names, multiple partners, communal living, "wholesome" food, a focus on spirituality, a deliberate distancing from mainstream society, homeschooling...... The similarities between religous fundamentalists and hippies are kind of strange.
Melissa xx
I agree Melissa. Not to mention the self absorbed self righteousness.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't have put it better myself Mavis : )
ReplyDeleteMelissa xx
Melissa, do you also have a blog where you share your lifestyle with the world?
ReplyDeleteMavis, "blissed out", LOL.
No, no blog and it wouldn't be too interesting if I did.
ReplyDeleteI left the alternative lifestyle behind as soon as I grew up and am now just your average middle class divorced mother.
I do think my upbringing has given me a keen sense for the ludicrous, which is probably part of why I love this blog so much.
Melissa xx
Sorry, I addressed my last comment to Mavis instead of Tony.
ReplyDeleteMelissa xx
No, I didn't. Must have been having a prolonged blonde moment that night.
ReplyDeleteMelissa xx