I THOUGHT Harmonee was doing Christmas yesterday with LiaHona, and I was right!! LiaHonas kids came back last night all excited, with gifts!! Women shouldnt be thinking for themselves like this. It makes all kindsa problams in familys. Women are supposed to be obeying the law of there husbands! I was talking to LiaHona saying its wrong and a waste of money, and she said Harmonees been saving from her housekeeping money, and she got everything at DI (the church thrift store) so it WASNT wasting! I STILL think its bad, now ALL the kids will be wanting to be doing Christmas in December and getting lights and trees. You only got to get ONE person wanting to have fun December 25th, and and it spreads!!!
Pratt came in for a bit and he was telling me, now even the JEWISH folkre singing about Joseph Smith being a prophet! That is AWESOME! They were writing a special birthday song for him!!! Here's the first verse -
Oh Joseph Smith, Oh Joseph Smith
The prophet of the Mormons
On Dec. 23 we toast your birth
(Though not with coke or tea or bourbon)
That is WAY cool - there seeing the truth more than most gentile folk! Pratt says theres more at this link. http://www.jewishtimes.com/index.php/jewishtimes/news/jt/national_news/a_jewish_gags_journey_to_the_tonight_show/16237
Hes gonna try and find more verses of the song. (I probally should of written a Joseph Smith poem to, maybe Harmonee wants to do one with me?)
Talk to you tomorrow,

Almost Heaven by HoneyDawn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Hi there. Did Chanukah Harry give you any gifts this year?
From Keeping Sweet
Hi Keeping Sweet. I didnt get any gifts and I dont know anybody called Harry. Is he somebody your knowing?
Chanukah Harry is like the Jewish Santa Claus !
From Keeping Sweet
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