What a bunch of nice folk out there sending me PILES of letters! (Pratt DID have to dump ONE of them though - he said theyd stop my blog if it got posted, so I guess it had some more bad words.)
One person must REALLY like crafts like I do! They liked the Muslin girls pic and told me just how to make EVERYTHING!! Fer cuuute! They even told me all the stores to get the stuff. Pratt might like us doing that cos I know one of the apostles back when the church was still living polygamy, wanted his wives to wear Vails with there long dresses, but it didnt catch on. AND the prophet Brigham Young made up his own style for for women. he wanted them to wear REAL loose dresses so no one could see there shape. I guess hed LOVE the muslin girls pic to! Im going to ask Pratt what he thinks.
In case you dont know how to click on the COMMENTS at the end of my writings, heres some of the letter for how to make the cute Muslin outfits. You can read all the letter in RECENT COMENTs on the left of my blog and its at the end of yesterdays post.
"Honey Dawn the best source for Afghan burqas is the Hospital supply stores. Just ask them for disposable surgical dropcloths. You can get plastic screen mesh at the HomeDepot and it is really important to add a face screen mask to see where your going. You just cut out a slit and duck tape the window screen over the hole... remember you can wear your burgas to WalMart on 31 October and no Gentiles will bother you, except they keep trying to hand you candy. "
Thanks for the GREAT idea. I would of never of thought of all that.
I was asking for ideas for the deer horns, and somebody else gave me a WAY cute idea- to make chandeleers!! (Pratt said there was another idea to but it was the one he had to dump) I dont know about making all those wires work for electrics, but I got a better idea. I could use candels to make it more romantic for Pratt and me. AND, guess what???? I got that pink paint at DI on Saturday, so I can paint the horns first!! - WAy cuter than that ugly browney color. I can hot glue tea lights and silk flowers and bows on and hang it all from ribbons! Im TOTALLY excited to get this done!! I DO need some mony for tea lights though, so itd be great if you could remember to please CLICK ON MY ADS cos I get paid when you do! THANKS!
Somebody said I need to be careful with the color pink cos its half red. I never thought of that. Maybe purples bad too? The bretheren never said anything, so I guess it must be OK. Thanks for the warning though!
Mavis, MY Pratt didnt go to Alta View Acadamy, so it mustve been another Pratt you knew. Somebody said the guy in prison - Warren Jeffs- was a teacher there. Did he teach you anything? I heard hes a REAL nice guy and its just the government persecuting him.
Back to the Muslins. Some gal(?) said they got religious police to beat muslin gals who go out not all covered up. Im WAY glad we dont have guys doing that kind of stuff but gals SHOULD be modest though. Pratt says Muslins really look out for there gals. They dont let them go out in the world for schooling - they keep them safe at home. I think thats GREAT. Did you know they follow a prophet to! (dont know his name though - maybe its one of ours? - thatd be WAY COOL!)
Honey Dawn, I was wondering how many children you have and from how many reassignments? I have had only three reassignments and five boys and my grandpa was Marion Allred Ketchup. I am looking forward to my next reassignment and my Bishop says he'll grip me if no other Melkezidek man is willing. My mother says I shouldn't take another reassignment unless it is to one of the Steed or Jeffs men. None of my sisters are happy with all of our troubles and none of their husbands want me with my five young boys. My second husband is still worshiping from afar, so maybe he'll get called back soon, he's a crackejack tither. You seem to be so blessed with Pratt has he ever been tested by the Prophet?
Merianne, sounds like you should have had girls then your sisters husbands would take you.
ReplyDeleteHoneyDawn, I have a question. Do you and Pratt have any children together or are all your from your first husband? If you don't are you two trying for some together?
ReplyDeleteHey Merianne, watch out if it is one of the Steed boys, I here their girls are real stuck up and are mean to new mothers.