Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Sisterwife sisters, aunts, nieces and cousins

First off, Pratt said we couldnt do the Muslin clothes right now. He said the bretheren need a revelation for a change like that and they dont like the women giving them ideas. He said he'd talk to them about it and I could pray for the bretheren.

I guess I should say some more about all us sisterwives cos someone was asking if we're related and if Im the First Wife?

Sariah and me're sisters from the same mother - its WAY cool  having a sister sisterwife! Then theirs Harmonee - shes nothing to do with me.  Her parents came in from the World. I bet thats where she gets some of her ideas! Then  theres Chastitee - shes my aunt on my Papas side and Pratt married Celestial Rainbow to - shes Chastitees daughter and my cousin, so Im a  sisterwife and another mother to my aunt, nieces and cousins!!! LiaHonas Pratts brother Ondis girl. In case anybodys wondering, Celestial Rainbows NOT Pratts daughter - Chastitee was married before but her husband apostatised and she was given to Pratt. The guys DONT marry there daughters here and brothers DONT marry sisters -well brothers DO marry sisters, but not related ones. I heard its the Kingston group does that stuff. Dont know why they do but I heard its cos Adam and Eves kids married each other so they say it must be OK. I guess it IS in the bible. I think its really becuse they dont get any new folk join there group and everybodys related to everybody else!

Oops, almost forgot LaBlessing - shes real quiet. Shes one of Pratts other mothers daughters by another  guy who left our religion (not Pratts Papa - hes strong in the work.)

Im not Pratts first wife but I sure feel like one. LiaHonas Pratts second wife. Pratts first wife left. (I never knew her.) First wives dont make it to often cos they learn to be selfish like women in the world. When a new gal comes along they get all upset and dont want to share. Pratt says she was bawling all the time and stopped eating. That was real DUMB of her. They left her to get on with it, but she never did learn. Pratt married me last cos I was married to Heelaman before I was married to him but its like we knew each other for EVER!!! He says Im the one who REALLY understands him. 

I only had two kids when I was married to Heelaman -  Serenity Fawn and CoDene Moroni. Heelaman was old, but Pratts not, so we're hoping for kids. Joseph Musser said (when he was  prophet) it was BAD for men to spend the night with women if they cant have babies, cos thats the only reason for spending the night. Women my age dont have kids USUALLY, but I said to Pratt we need to have FAITH cos Sarah in the bible had a baby when she was over 90!!!! (and Im nowhere NEAR that old!!!) 

Pratt says I can have his first wifes kids when we get to the celestial kingdom, cos she wont be there, but the kids are part of his kingdom.

Yes Merianne (she wrote me) I am WAY blessed and WAY unworthy to have my Pratt.  Sorry those guys are being MEAN. Dont they want another 6 spirits for there kingdom! Prattd NEVER turn anybody down! And what about your prophet? He should tell the men what to do! I should go with the bishop guy if I were you. If your husband repents and comes back, you never know, you could be be reassigned back again.

You asked if the prophet ever tested Pratt? You mean like Joseph Smith tested some guys, asking for there wives? I never asked Pratt, but hes got all his wives so I guess not (unless he just got ASKED and then the prophet said JUST KIDDING!! and didnt REALLY want them?) Of course SOME of the married gals Joseph asked for got married to him and stayed with there husbands to. Thatd  be kind of confusing. It never happened to me.


  1. You sound very fervent and you must circle pray a lot. Someday your prophet will send Pratt a message to test his loyalty and state of grace. Prophets do tests like that all the time and he'll receive the message and be taken away to worship,"From Afar". Then you'll find out about reassignments and the Bishop will let you know which new Priesthood you've been assigned to remarry. When it's your first reassignment it comes as quite a shock but Heavenly Father knows whats the best way to reach 'Celestial Heaven'.
    If Pratt tries to reach you or talk to you he's probably in league with the Devil and EVIL has taken ahold of him like Eve in the Garden of Eden. Some day you'll look upon reassignments as a beautiful aspect of compound living and you'll have a chance to hit it big if the Prophet or your compound Bishop takes an interest in your soul. I think as soon as a few of my boys are shunned my prospects for reassignment will improve. Just remember that to marry and marry and marry can be merry! Merrianne Allred Ketchup Barlow Broadbent Musser.

  2. HoneyDawn, I have some questions, (again, LOL), does you sect let outsiders join? Would your Pratt ever take on a woman from the outside that ever wanted to join? I kinda been thinking about it and your Pratt sounds like such a nice guy and the guys I have alway met aren't always nice. I'm only 36 but never even dated, I know it is because I have alway been on the chubby side and I can't help it if my parents couldn't afford braces when I was a little girl. I sure would like to be able to bring lots of children into the world and if I had one about every year and a half I should still be able to have 10 or so, and you sound so nice I bet you would help me with them. Do you think your prophet would let me come visit?

  3. Oh and I forgot to mention, I can cook real good! My Sweet Potato Pies always win awards at the county fairs, thats how I got my name!


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