Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pratts Late

Its Pratt's night with me and he's going to be late. LiaHona answered the phone and I didnt know it was him. She talked for a spell, then put the phone down and then she said he was going to be late. I told her it would of been nice if shed let him tell me himself, but then she said she didnt see me there, and Pratt was in a hurry so she told him shed let me know.

I guess if he got home on time we'd just all sit around together like we did last night. Liahonas cooking supper. I hope she makes something wholesome for me and Pratt.

I didnt finish the chandeleer yet. Not sure where to put it now. I was going to put it over the table so me and Pratt could have romantic suppers together. LiaHona saw what I was making and said it'd be stupid to have any more candels after what happened with her kids and the trailer fire. Shes right about me not wanting her kids to burn down MY house!

Harmonee came over after LiaHona got home from work. They both went into Harmonees bedroom to talk. The kids were making a racket so I went upstairs to change the sheets on my bed. I was right next door. I could hear them talking for a long time  but I dont know what they were talking about -  I wasnt trying to hear - its just the walls are WAY thin!

I worry about LiaHona cos Harmonees still got some gentile ways - her being born out in the world and not being born into the truth. When I tell Pratt about it he says its a real blessing to have me show the others how to live, in the way I speak and dress and keep house and the way Im obedient to him and the bretheren. He says only the women who "endure to the end" are the ones who get the blessings and get resurrected by there husbands. I dont know what happens to the other women - I think they get dumped out with the devil, or else if there husbands WAY kind to them, they can be servants to all the other wives. I sure dont want to be with the devil, or be serving other wives and there kids! So its a real blessing to live polygamy so we can get all the good stuff in the next life and dont have all the bad stuff like the apostates do! I feel WAY unworthy of my blessings!


  1. You live in a trailor that has an upstairs? Wow that is some trailor. lol When did they start making those? Now I have heard of Modular homes having an upstairs but not a trailor.

  2. I think I am beginning to see things for what they really are... You are the spoiled wife that lives in a house with an upstairs and only has three extra rooms while your sisterwives live in dumpy trailors and have to answer to you for everything including the mail they recieve. Holy amaze me with your selfish ways. Don't worry I won't tell Pratt your not an angel! Not jealous my @$%#! You have nothing to be jealous of. Of course your not jealous of the sisterwives that are treated as less than you.

    Just so you know the pink chandeler sounds super corny. Maybe I would have to see it to understand, but it sounds really wierd. I wonder what other crafts you do?


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