Pratt did get home WAY late last night. LiaHona stayed up till he got in an then she said she needed to talk to him about something real important. They went into her room to talk and he didnt come out for about an hour! I would of thought she couldve talked faster than that! When he came to bed with me he was WAY tired and he was asleep as soon as his head was on the pillow. I was sad cos I wanted to talk to.
This morning Pratt told me about was some trouble with one of the community homes. The bretheren want a guy to leave, cos hes not supporting them, and hes not leaving! The guy says he spent ALL his money building his home, so theyve got to BUY the house from him if they want him to leave!
Thats WAY dumb! Everyone knows that all the homes belong to god! We live United Order like Brigham Young said to. If you leave you cant take ANY stuff away! Thatd be stealing from god! The guy says wheres his family going to live??? Maybe the priesthoodll give his wives and kids to a worthy man if hes going to apostatise like that!
That sounds logical to me! I live in a community that lives United Order and if someone doesn't want to live it anymore its only right that we help him get a home somewhere else. Take his family away? I thought you said that stuff doesn't go on? If it does it sounds a little communist to me...and God doesn't live communism! You need to re-read the revelation and everything Brigham Young said about United Order. Read it for yourself and not what people tell you it says! You will find that Bro. Young agreed with giving people compensation if they left their homes. I'm not sure if it's apostatizing if he won't leave his home. What did he do to be asked to leave...Oh wait does some other man want his wifes? sick.