Friday, November 6, 2009


Somebody said they didnt know trailers have upstairs! Course they dont! Pratts other gals're in trailers but Ive got a cute little home Pratt built for me. He said he could afford to do it cos it was going to be small. All the other galsve got heaps of kids so there homes will be bigger.

Pratt does construction as well as setting bones here for everybody. Hes got the foundations in for a fourplex and some of the framing, so now LiaHonas trailer burnt down hes going to be working real hard to get that going again. Hes got enough money now to finish the framing and get the roof on so this Saturday some of the guysre going to work with him on that. They can get a home framed REAL fast! LiaHonas WAY excited cos Pratt says he'll finish her sleeping apartment first. That will be such a BLESSING for LiaHona to move out of here as soon as she can.
While we're talking about homes, I should say about the guy that the bretheren want to leave. The trouble about asking for money for his home is there just isnt enough to pay for it anyway AND he got help putting up the home. Lots of guys here helped him do it, so he cant expect the bretheren to pay him for that can he? Pratt says that in the early days folk could leave the Orders easier and the bretheren then took it easy while folk were learning about it - now its a real important covenant to come into the Order and once poeple are in the bretheren say they should stay in, or there breaking there promise to god - and thats REAL bad!
No WAY the bretheren just give wives away if a guy is in faithiness!!! Pratt didnt say if the women're apostatising to and sticking by there husband. If they are they have to leave with him. If they stay they need a husband who can take them to the celestial kingdom and they can only find a guy to do that in OUR group. Letting them get married to a good man is a real blessing to them. Not sure what the guy did. I'll try to find out.
One person writing to me gave me a GREAT idea. She said it takes more than being sweet to get in the celestial kingdom. Shes SO right!!!! I need to tell you all the stuff you need to do, and starting tomorrow I'm going to do that - so dont miss it!!!!!!  
Oh, before I forget, someone left a message on my Green Jello recipe page that that they felt like puking. Im real sorry your feeling sick but Im WAY glad youve been reading the blog to see I know bunches of stuff about staying healthy and using natural stuff to get better, so heres my grandmas recipe -
Smash up one root of ginger and put it in a pot of potato water. Let it stand overnight. In the morning stir well and sip it in small doses during the day.

Youll soon stop that puking!


  1. Do you honestly believe people in your group will be the only people in the celestial kingdom? If that's so there is more wrong with you than I thought. I read the recipe for your green jello and I think it would make me puke if I ate it. Is that how you stomach it by drinking your grandmothers brew after. There is a price to pay for being healthy I guess. However I wonder how you can look past all the sugar and msg in jello and make up for it with tofo and veggies and say it's healthy/ Hello! It's still jello. Jello is gross period.

  2. Actually jello has some very good properties. It strengthens hair, nails and joints. I don't particularly like jello myself, but it is especially beneficial to people with arthritis. Of course it's better to eat it unsweetened and MSG is certainly not good for you either.

  3. Try the organic gelatin desserts you can buy at Whole Foods - they don't have artificial flavorings and colorings, and taste even better than jello.
    Keep Sweet!


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