Sunday, November 22, 2009

End of the world

I wanted to get pink flowers but these're still cute!
Happy Sabbath evrybody! I got to go to see the end of the world yesterday at the movies with Pratt and the rest. We went to the afternoon one cos its cheaper and Pratts got a bunch of tickets to pay for. It was a real scarey movie! I was on one side of Pratt and Sariah was on the other. I got WAY scared and I was holding on tight to Pratt all the way through!!!  The whole planet nearly got destroyed, except for Africa!!! That was the part Im thinking was wrong.  It shouldve been America cos thats Zion and the promised land. I heard Africas WAY hot and covered in desert and there're bunches of people who're not like us, so I wouldnt be wanting to go there!!! (and they dont speak English even)

Pratt thinks the world'll probably end in 2012 like the movie says. Thats cos some Mayan guys down in South America put it on there calendar (and those guys ancesters are the Nephites and the Lamanites in the Book of Mormon - so they KNOW!) I sure hope we get to go back to Jackson Hole and  the New jerusalem  before all  that nasty stuff happens cos Im sure not going to Africa.

I forgot to say before - first off youve got to gather to Utah, then when the prophet says, we're going off to the New jerusalem (if the prophet says we're worthy). Its upto us to build it first so its a good thing we've got bunches of guys in construction! It says in the Doctrine and Covenenants some of the construction guys'll be Mexicans helping us, so maybe its a bad idea sending them back to Mexico when they come up here - we're going to need them.

Can you beleive it? Harmonee said the movie was funny!! - I could hear her laughing when she was watching it. I worry about her. Im going to talk to her about us writing a poem together, today, cos she REALLY needs my help.

Got to go - heaps of meetings today!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Honey Dawn,
    I was over on Megan's Polyblog just now and I noticed that her obstetrician can tell the babies gender on the ultrasound at 14 weeks. This is about 4 or 6 weeks earlier than you can determine the babies' gender according to medical textbooks.
    Is this unique to polygamy?
    Can you tell what gender your baby is earlier if you are a polygamist ?
    I just want to know.

  3. Chatelaine - thats a WAY important question and I'll get to it tomorrow, so take a look then. Thanks for asking!

  4. I thought that movie was funny too! What I find funnier is that you watched it thinking there was truth in it. There are so many things in that movie that go directly against scripture and teachings of the prophets. I really worry about how much negative things you say about Harmonee...I know you love her but do you really LOVE who she is? Sounds like you just want to change her and everything she does, everything she says or doesn't say offends you. Just makes me a little worried your looking at the mote in her eye when you can't even see the beam that is in your own! I wonder how she would feel if she read all the things you say about her!

  5. Yay!
    I can't wait to see you answer the polygamy ultrasound question!
    Yay !

  6. Demoiselle, (cute name!) youll be WAY happy I answered on my blog today

  7. Let me get this straight,you talked about place that's "WAY hot and covered in desert and there're bunches of people who're not like us...(and they dont speak English even)"
    Isn't that a perfect description of UTAH?

  8. Anonymous, Im just looking out for Harmonee. Pratt says Ive got to show the other gals how to be cos I've got most experience in the work. AND theres some bad stuff about laughing you probally dont know, so Ill get to that sometime.
    Thanks for writing in.


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