Monday, November 23, 2009

Hospital babies

Chatelaine asked me something yesterday. I need to answer it cos its important. We can TOTALLY tell when we're having a boy or girl when weve got the spirit with us! I dont know if Megans obstinatrician is a polygamist to, and Im thinking she's not in the right group, so they COULD be wrong. I never bother with all that electric stuff. I just KNOW. I can know just by LOOKING at a gal, and feeling the spirit, what she's having. I dont tell her most times, cos then its not a fun surprise. When she's had it I say - yep, I could of told you that! Pratt says Im way sensitive about stuff to do with the spirit and he says I have a special gift!

We dont go to hospitals much cos the folk their ask to many questions. They want to know WAY to much about everything - like your name, so we stay away from those places. I help out some with delivring babies when our midwifes to busy. Some of our gals only go to hospital if it goes on for a REAL long time and the baby wont come. Then they have to say that they dont have husbands and thats REAL imbarassing AND they have to pay  piles of money! I guess it helps that most gals don't have much money and there marriagesre  not legal - that way they dont pay so much.

Harmonee wont have her babies at home like most everbody else does. Its her gentile ways sticking to her, and her parents came in from the world and they dont have heaps of kids like everybody else so theyve got money to pay for her to go to the hospital.

Its probably best if gals who dont have legal marriages have there babies safe at home. We dont need the goverment finding out about us, even if its OK to break the law in Utah (not like TEXAS!) but its best to be on the safe side, just in case.

I forgot to say Harmonees legal. After Pratts first wife got all dumb and upset cos of his new wives and left, Pratt got  a legal wife for taxes or something, so he had Harmonee be that (that was before I came into the family) He says it could be better moneywise to change that, so he might get a divorce from Harmonee and get another legal marriage with Chastitee cos shes got most kids now. Like I said before, marriages out in the world dont count anyway so it wont make a difference to there priesthood marriages.

Oh, and Harmonee said it would be INTERESTING to do a poem with me, but she wants LiaHona to be their in case she's got ideas to. I think thisll really help her and let her see how much Im happy shes my sisterwife!

One last thing, Ive got to tell you some WAY cool stuff I learned last night - but youll have to wait till tomorrow cos Im still writing MY poem. (It rhyms - of course!)


  1. Honey Dawn, I am your biggest fan !!!
    Thank you, girl, for answering my ultrasound question. You polygamy people are blessed ! You can tell if a baby is a boy or girl earlier when it is a polygamy baby than with any other type of baby.

  2. Honey Dawn,
    The word for sister wife in the Bible is t'zarah, which means enemy, opponent, or adversary. What do you make of this ? Is Harmonee your adversary?
    Thank you for answering.

  3. Chatelaine,
    Just off to bed and saw you sent me another letter. Thanks! Ill probally tell you all about that in the next couple of days cos we're WAY busy with THanksgiving and all.

  4. Hi HoneyDawn,

    Thankyou for addressing some of my questions.

    I am looking forward to hearing more, and also can't wait to read your poetic collaboration with Harmonee. Also looking forward to more of you (and Pratt's of course) views about children and family. I just love hearing about your life!

    And I thought I was your biggest fan!

    Melissa xx

  5. Yay! Honey Dawn, I love it when you answer questions from the readers ! I am your biggest fan too !!!


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!