Saturday, November 21, 2009

Names from the spirit

Do you lke the cute pink bow - I think it makes my page more girly = I got it at
I was thinking about what Melissa was saying about not having any guys called Pratt in Australia and Britan. Theres HEAPS of Pratts here in Utah. I LOVE that name. My husbands a PERFECT Pratt!!! I cant think of him being called a different name!

Names are WAY important. In our group we use the spirit to get names for our kids. Names should be special. My Serenity Fawn and CoDene Moroni have REAL special names. Babies get there names when theyre 8 days old. Some guys get the spirit on the spot when they put there hands on there babies heads. LaBelssing was thinking she was getting a Jared when Pratt blessed her last kid, but when he was blessing him he got told by the spirit to call him Isaiah Malachi Mahonri, so that was a real surprise for her. None of the galsre ever sure what there kids're going to be called till its all over.

When names come through the spirit like that I say we should say them right. Sometimes Pratt calls me Hon and thats OK but I dont like what Harmonee and LiaHona call each other. LiaHona calls Harmonee, HAR, and Harmonee calls LiaHona, HO. They laugh when they say it but LiaHona got her name from that compass thingy in the Book of Mormon, so its not right for Harmonee to be be shortening it to HO!

I need to say Pratt has a special name cos hes got the same name as Parley P Pratt who was one of the apostles back in the real early days! He was a REAL brave guy who was presecuted and killed by a bad guy in Arkansas. The bad guy was mad with Parley Pratt for marrying his wife in a polygamy marriage. Parleys cute new wife didnt get a divorce from her bad guy husband before she got her polygamy marriage to Parley, but her husband didnt know it was Ok and got REAL  mad. Parley Pratt didnt even get time to tell the bad guy husband the first marriage didnt count cos the priesthood didnt do it, cos the guy shot him before he could say. That was real MEAN!!! Heaps of Mormon folk didnt much like the folk in Arkansas after that! So Pratt got the name of a REAL good guy who ended up being a marter for the truthiness of the gospel.

Im still working on my cute poem, so got to go!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, HoneyDawn, the original Pratt would have been okay if he hadn't come back for the man's children. He was willing to let the woman go, but he loved his children and wasn't going to let someone steal them from him. I can understand his anger. And I doubt seriously that he would have accepted Pratt's explanation based on the Mormon religion, since it was pretty well ridiculed by the rest of the world. ;)


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