Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I heard one of the Texas Jessop guys got found guilty by the judge down their. Some of the bretheren say not to worry about US getting put in  prison, cos we live in UTAH and there OK with us breaking the law here. I am WAY glad about that!!! Have you seen the ugly stuff they make you wear in prison? Its not feminine at ALL!! and I bet they dont think of wholesome food either!

Somebody was asking if we have to take our baptism certificates to heaven? Course not - thats WAY silly!!! But Pratt says its got to be written down HERE cos it says in the scriptures in D&C 128:8

'whatsoever you record on earth SHALL be recorded in heaven, and whatsoever you do NOT record on earth shall NOT be recorded in heaven;"

 Guess that answers it folks. Thanks for asking. We like to help folk know right doctrine.

Yesterday I forgot to put FAITH, between being born in the right place, and having the right baptising. If you dont get faith you wont get the baptising. Faith is REAL important.!!! When I dont understand stuff then I just have faith. THats  good cos I sure dont understand some comments folk leave - so I just have Pratt do the answering. Theres lots of times for having faith - when theres stuff the bretheren say, or stuff Joseph Smith did that makes no sense - things like that. Some folk get tested over stuff like that but not me!! The bretheren test folk by saying things to test them, to find out how much faith theyve got. SO youve got to have faith BEFORE your baptised and THEN youve got to go on in faithiness to the end of your life if you want to make it to the kingdom.

Pratt is still working real hard on getting the 4 plex finished. A lot got done on Saturday and now their putting on the shingles. Im WAY glad for LiaHona and her kids - they cant wait to move in! I'll be real SAD when they move cos having them heres brought a real different spirit in. Sariah came over today and was talking to LIaHona and told her what a blessing I am to her and her kids, and LiaHona gives this BIG smile and laughs, so I guess she knows it now to!! That makes me REAL happy!


  1. You poor thing you really don't get it do you? Do you honestly think that men are the only ones that can speak doctrine? When you get to the celestial kingdom and you get your rewards what will those rewards be? By the way you talk you will be a part of your husbands kingdom forever. So isn't that kinda like a slave? If that's so when do you get your rewards? When I get to the celestial kingdom I will be there with my husband-side by side. It says in the scriptures a woman is her husbands help meet. Do you have any clue what that is? If you look at the definition and the direct translation it means advisor! oh my this in no way means I am suggesting you be over your husband, but it does mean you have every right to discuss and learn all the laws of the gospel for yourself and you should be free to gain answers on your own without asking for permission from your husband. (And give him loving advise and suggestions with out fearing him.) God wants us to learn all things good and that means it's ok to ask questions, speak to friends, read books if you are seeking truth. If truth is what you desire you will have truth bare witness to you and you will see truth from deception. Maybe you didn't read that--If truth is what you desire you will have truth bare witness to you and you will see truth from deception. That means HoneyDawn if you don't understand something it's ok to ask questions and gain answers to something for yourself because if truth is what you really desire you will not be mislead. Just have faith you say? How are you going to respond to God when he asks you if you know his gospel for yourself. (I don't think he would be very pleased with the answer "I have faith")

    You know there was a time I felt sorry for you because you seem so beat down and to be blunt you have all--ALL the signs of mental abuse. Maybe not by Pratt but maybe your parents? Now I don't know--it's almost like you were the victim and now you are the one that is doing it to those around you. I am so glad I have a testimony that the things you teach and say are dead wrong. I am proud to say I and I alone gained my testimony so that I can be a support to my husband. I would hate it if I was unsure of anything. This doesn't mean my husband doesn't teach me things but I get to go and study it for myself.
    HoneyDawn if you would take the time to read and study for yourself you will find the teachings and principles you speak of are not what Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Abraham, Nephi, Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith taught. You would be shocked at the many many many many many many differences!

    As far as the baptism records. Yes we should record things but at the same time God will not deny you into the celestial kingdom if you say...had it burned or were in a situation that prevented you from doing so. I know for a fact there were hundreds of saints in Kirtland that lost their records to the mobs. I should hope God would look over those kinds of things.

  2. My sister and I thought you sounded 15 not 50 by the way you write. It just sounds like all this religious stuff is all new to you and you really dont understand it. Dont you think your information that you put on here should be by your own studying and learning and not pratt says this or pratt says that. You are able to study into these things yourself arent you? One other thing. You come across really arrogant and self rightous by saying your a blessing to everyone. You should allways be trying to be better, your never perfect and you shouldnt tell people you are. Try not to sound so clueless.

  3. You have Pratt do the answering? How silly you are for thinking that Pratt can bail you out of everything you don't know! If you don't understand something FIND the answers. Find it in scriptures by getting on your knees. I think God would be very displeased with if he asked you a question and you said "Hang on I will ask Pratt" You can not go to Heaven on the coat tales of another person....even if he is your husband. Knowledge is a key ingredient to get to heaven! You have to know for yourself the gospel of Christ! Personally I think the men don't teach it to you because they are afraid of you leaving. If they have nothing but truth to offer they should have nothing to hide from the women and would not be at all timid about letting a woman talk doctrine! If Pratt is upset at a woman knowing more than he does then he should get over his ego.

    Rachel-- And just so you know my husband read what I wrote and he says I am right on with scriptures and the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Musser so maybe Pratt should check into where he got his answers! Also a dream is not necessarily revelation. I had a dream a goat ate my rosebushes...I think it was something I ate. Maybe the dream was meant for the next life!
    Honeydawn you are a smart woman that CAN think for yourself. I would hope you are smart enough to start. If your church is the one true church you would know that God is not a respecter of persons nor genders!

  4. Ha ha that is funny. I would laugh too. But you don't get the joke.


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