Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What we get in the CK

Somebody was asking about what we get when we get to the celestial kingdom. I was going to cover it later when I got through all the other stuff you need to do to get in, but its a REAL good reward!!! She says shes going to be right there alongside her priesthood head. Thats GREAT! All his other gals'll be there to and youll all be WAY happy. You can get to keep having babies for EVER! Theirs nothing beats that! Another reward is having servants, which is great to! Im not sure but maybe theyll be the LDS Mormon folk who didnt get a polygamy marriage??

One gal said
"By the way you talk you will be a part of your husbands kingdom forever..."
You are SO right!! You must of read the stuff apostle Orson Pratt said. (he lived WAY back when Joseph Smith was here)
 "But if we have a heavenly Mother as well as a heavenly Father, is it not right that we should worship the Mother of our spirits as well as the Father? No; for the Father of our spirits is at the head of His household, and his wives and children are required to yield the most perfect obedience to their great Head. It is lawful for the children to worship the King of Heaven, but not the 'Queen of heaven.'... we are nowhere taught that Jesus prayed to His heavenly Mother..." (The Seer, p. 159).
So the guys get to ALWAYS be the boss -  even when we get to the celestial kingdom.  Thats why Pratts so special to all us gals. We cant get there without him!

Some gal said Im "nieve"  Im still not sure what that means cos I couldnt find it when I looked it up, so maybe its a forign word?? Im guessing its something real nice to. Thanks!!!


  1. Since you couldn't find the word NAIVE (that's the way it's spelled) I looked it up for you in a handy dandy dictionary. Maybe you have heard of one?


    1. extremely simple and trusting: having or showing an excessively simple and trusting view of the world and human nature, often as a result of youth and inexperience

    2. not shrewd or sophisticated: showing a lack of sophistication and subtlety or of critical judgment and analysis
    a politically naive statement

    3. arts rejecting sophisticated techniques in art: not using the conventional styles and techniques of trained artists, e.g. in the treatment of perspective or light and shade

    4. science not previously experimented on: not previously used in any scientific tests or experiments or not having previously used a particular drug
    naive laboratory mice

    I Wouldn't go around thanking someone for calling me naive. It's really not a nice thing to say. It did make me laugh--hard to see your comeback for some of the responses and comments people left. You have a very nice way to take things completely out of context!

    You look forward to having servants in heaven? Is that it? I can think of a lot better things to hope for than have some LDS servants. Which by the way I'm positive there will be some in the celestial kingdom.

    In now way do I disagree with you that a man should be head of his house and family. However I do disagree with you HOW a man is head of his family and house. We are told through teachings of Joseph Smith Brigham Young and Joseph Musser that wives will have the choice to be in their husbands kingdom and men who mistreat, abuse, or neglect their wives forfeit the right to lead their family to the celestial kingdom and ANOTHER will fill his place. Incase you didn't know-If you husband hits you AT ALL!!!! it is abuse!!!!! I don't care if the woman deserved it or not! I am shocked at how belittled Pratt has made you to make you praise him when he says its ok if your husband hits you. I really wish you would stop taking comments and twisting them and taking things out of context so you can use it to make you sound ---well actually on second though keep it up! it makes for some really entertaining mockery!

  2. who's kingdom will you be in? Pratt's or your first husband's?

  3. I find it curious that you use Joseph Lyman Jessop as an example of a good man and yet he never belonged to your group. In fact he spoke against the teachings of your work including arranged marriages! His own daughter was taken from him with out his permission and married off to a complete stranger. (all done by your leaders!) Luckily he went and got her before she had anything happen to her. If you would read his journals you would find many times where he very much speaks of his heart ache for the women in your group. As far as Joseph Musser don't you believe he was a fallen prophet? Because the men who started your group of people would not support him after he had his stroke. Then Why can I ask would you follow things that he said like men should not stay with older women. Actually if you read what he said about that it is more about sexual relations not about staying the night. He talked about men learning to control their desire for intimacy and reaching for a higher relationship with their wife that goes beyond sex. (meaning pratt can stay the night with you but control his desire to be intimate and learn to love with out sex) Sounds like your people have twisted that one!


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!