Somebody said do I think when we get there its only OUR group people? NO WAY!!! Our group is the only true group today, but its a LAST DAYS group. ALL the true groups from the bible and book of Mormons going to be their to! Theres the Abaraham true group, the Moses true group, the jesus true group, the Nephi true group - theres WAY to many groups to talk about! You just have to be in the TRUE group and do heaps of other stuff to get in. And if you dont want to be in the true group Joseph Smith said theirs other places to go.- (the terrestrial kingdoms not to bad.)
I just need to back up some. The main thing is to be BORN into our group - thats WAY the best place to be born. If you cant be born there, then I guess in the LDS Mormons would be next best cos at least they have the scriptures, even if they dont DO all the stuff. After that I guess you could go somewhere in the USA, cos then you would be in the right country. It would be WAY sad not to be born here but if you cant do that then somewhere like London would be OK (Pratt says they speak English there like we do)
The worst places to be born would be in some of those places where the folk are different colors. Its going to be WAY hard to hear what you need to do there.
OK - so after your born you have to wait till your eight to be baptised. Before eights NOT ok. You have to know whats right and whats wrong and the Doctrine and Covenenants says eight year olds know which is the true group.
Now about being baptised. Youve got to have the RIGHT priesthood do it! Its no good trying just any old baptising cos youve got to be baptised into the TRUE group. Some folk try the baptising into the Great and Abominable church they talk about in the book of Mormon (Pratt says to let you know thats the Catholic church) Some of the top guys wear cute clothes in that church but there baptising wont work, so dont bother with that.
When the kids that're eight get baptised - all the bad stuff - all those nasty sins those eight year oldsve been doing for years, get washed away in the water. Its WAY COOL!!! And the little gals get to wear the CUTEST white dresses!
Oh, and I need to say you HAVE to write it down when you get baptised. If you dont, when you get to the celestial kingdom itll be WAY BAD!!! Youll be waiting outside and theyll be looking and looking for your name and they wont find it and then theyll come out and say - theres NOTHING about you getting baptised .. so you have to go somewhere ELSE! Thats cos the scriptures say if somebody down HERE doesnt write it down, then they wont write it down up THERE either. Can you IMAGINE what thatd be like? You did all that work and made heaps of sacrifices (maybe you were one of those martyr guys in the bible who got KILLED even) and then you cant go in cos somebody here forgot to write it down! BUMMER!
Some of the bretheren even say to the kids they HAVE to REMEMBER there baptising date, cos theyll get asked what it is before Joseph Smith lets them in to the celestial kingdom, and if they cant say the date itll be just to bad!
(I found this pitcher of Joseph Smith. He is WAY cute!!! No WONDER all those gals said YES when he asked them to marry him - even those married gals!)
Thats why writing stuff downs WAY important and our groups got heaps of books with everything in. The folk down in Texas know about writing stuff down to, and they had a special room in one the prophets home for there books, just till they got there temple built and then they kept there stuff in there. I heard it made some trouble with the law though when THEY read what the folk had been writing down - so if you dont want to get presecuted youve got to hide your writing GOOD.
Im only just getting STARTED on all the HEAPS of stuff you got to do to get in to the celestial kingdom so be sure to keep checking back!
Before I forget, I saw Harmonee when I was walking home after meeting yesterday. I gave her a sweet smile to show how much I love her, but she started up AGAIN - can you believe it!!!???? She went - if what Pratt says is TRUE, that EVERYBODY that gets a polygamy marriage gets a special promise to have kids, just like Abaraham and Sarah did, then WHY did Joseph Musser say all that stuff about men not sleeping with the older wives who cant have kids!! THEN she went - didnt Brother Musser KNOW that when he gave the revelation to the guys? She went - if he was a prophet then he would of known! ( You need to read my post on the Works of Abaraham to see all the stuff she was saying before!)
That is WAY bad for her to say! Shes saying she doesnt BELIEVE what Pratt is teaching! It sounds like shes not living in faithiness and shes not believing our PROPHETS even. She needs to listen to her family head cos thats the ONLY way she can learn stuff, cos god speaks to the HEADS of the homes about doctrines and stuff like that (NOT to the women and kids!) and then our head Pratt tells us ALL the stuff we need to do. We dont need to be worrying about what the guysre doing cos god is leading them and we dont argue with god!!
I got a real nice letter from Rachel. I forgot to say before, even if with having a polygamy marriage, I got a dream to, with me and Pratt and some little kids of our own. Pratt says that counts as a special message from god, so however your looking at it he can still sleep over with me.
Pratt says for Rachel to talk to her priesthood head about doctrine cos she got some stuff not right. Pratt says if Abaraham didnt have the law of Joseph Musser about marriage, like she says, then we must be living HIGHER LAWS THAN ABARAHAM and that CANT be right!! That would mean Joseph Musser knew more than Abaraham??? Didnt god tell Abaraham what was right when he was doing all that talking with him?? Pratt says if he didnt have the same law as us itd mean we got better blessings than Abaraham cos we live MORE laws than he did.
I dont really get all this doctrine stuff - I just have faith. Pratt says women shouldnt get involved in doctrine. He says rules for getting into the celestial kingdom are the same for EVERYBODY, even if they lived a WAY long time ago cos god doesnt keep changing his mind about what we need to do.
Hope that makes it all clear to all you guys out there. Its AWESOME Pratt knows so much!
HoneyDawn - I am SO excited. One of my children has been in bed with swine flue and I have been feeding your green jello salad to him for the last 3 days for every meal, and guess what? He's out of bed and all better now! I think it must cause immunity! Thank you SO much!
ReplyDeleteCelestial Rabbit
UMMMMM. Question. So when the scriptures say that we will take nothing earthly with us to the other side, does that exclude the paper with our baptismal record? ha ha. That makes less sense than my five year old's babblings on religion. Sorry, but that makes NO sense. God knows our thoughts, feelings, ect. But he doesn't have our records. We are commanded to keep records for our posterity. NOT for the Angels in heaven.
ReplyDeleteGinger makes me puke! Can't even smell it without getting deathly ill.
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm a little concerned about how little you know. Like the simple fact that they speak English in Great Brittan. And to think that you have to speak English to be anything, even something small in this world. Who teaches your kids? You say you home school. But this is crazy. I hope you don't represent every woman there!
ReplyDeleteI was actually relieved to read what your sisterwife, Harmonee was saying to you. It shows that you're not all dumb cattle. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be offensive, but this is crazy. I knew about the Britt's since as long as I can remember. And did you know that English is such a popular language thoughout the world that nearly every country that has schools teaches it. American's speak less foreign languages than most other nations percentage wise. God does not speak just English. You are not SOMETHING if you speak English. Being born where you are does not make you something either. LIVING makes you something.
As far as speaking of doctrine, you should speak of it. Learn, and teach your children. How can your children grow to be something great for God if they only know how to survive in their own sphere? God commands us to testify of Him. How can we do that if we have not been taught well in what Satan has to counterfeit. If the fathers are the only ones who are able to speak it and yet the fathers are rarely around. And in plural marriage even less. I know! Your families are living in spiritual famine. God needs you to be just as smart, if not more so than your husband. He doesn't ask us to follow Him without learning. Yes he may test us on our faithfulness, but he doesn't expect us to just ask him either. We must study it out in our own minds then ask him if it is not true. Mother's should be very knowledgable. They should know what is going on in the world around them and all about it. They should teach that to their children. SO THEIR CHILDREN CAN BE STRONG. What will they do when faced with the things of the "world" besides be scared they might get their families taken away if they learn. God gave men a natural desire to learn and they will try. Mother's will be accountable if their son's grow and don't know enough to carry them off triumphant. Not just keep them in good standing with other so called good men. Triumphant for God! In all things and all places. We are all God's children regardless of where we are born, or what language we speak.
God asks us to learn, to study, to ponder, and then to come to Him and ask. Should not a wife do the same? Don't just ask your husband. The brother of Jared asked God what he should do and God asked him "What do you think I should do?" I know God very much dislikes us to be mindless.
I am absolutely blown away by how much you apparently do not know! You cannot live by faith alone. No matter how great a thing faith is. Study. Study. Study. Feast on God's words! Not on Pratt's. Sharing doctrine and testimonies gives me strength.
One more thing off the subject. I think that we should record things, but if records are lost, that does not mean we live in vain. Only God decides who will be in the celestial kingdom. Who do you think that God will choose? The one who has devoted his life to him in service and love, giving all. Or the one who has been petty and silly in all things but at least they have things recorded?
One more thing. I think it is wise for your sister wife to keep her children with her. She is her babies keeper. Children keep things rolling forth. If you don't like children around you are in the WRONG way of life. I don't get your reasoning with the kingdom on that one. Did you give a reason? Accept those little ones. Don't just shoo them away!