Thursday, November 12, 2009

Good news!

Good news! Pratt says us gals CAN make that "Poly Pre Teen" mag that I thought up!!!! I am TOTALLY excited to do this cos he says I can be editor!! Im telling all the gals to write poems and find lots of good stuff and recipes and pitchers we can put in. (Im real good at writing poems and Pratt loves to listen to them, so Ill have heaps of stuff.) Pratt says this is just for OUR family for now, but if it works good then he'll show it to the bretheren and see what they think!!!! YAY!

Harmonee say she likes writing poems to - I never knew that, so she wants to put stuff in to. I want stuff from ALL us gals - even if its not real great. It'll be AWESOME for all our young gals.

Somebody left some words on my post "Internet Evil". They said Jessops "not noble". Well, I heard there were SOME noble Jessops - take Joseph Lyman Jessop - I heard he was an AWESOME guy! Maybe she doesnt like the Raymond Jessop guy down in Texas whose going to prison, and thats why she said that. And Moroni - sorry I dont know a Moroni Jessop - maybe hes not in our group. And I need to be saying, Mormon has an M the middle - you forgot to put it in. Im not a good speller but I do know THAT word cos I am one. Don't feel bad about not spelling right though, cos it doesnt mean your not a good person!

Thanks to the guy or gal who looked up that word "nieve" for me. Somebody spelled it wrong so thats why I couldnt find it in my dictionaruy. Their were heaps of words about NAIVE (right spelling) some of it was about mice which was kinda strange. I think the words about me were "trusting" and "youth". I sure do try all the time to be trusting and live a life of faithiness and its soo cool everyone saying how young I sound. Thanks guys!

Oh, and about guys hitting there wives - Prattd NEVER do that!! He was just saying if guys DO hit there wives the wives shouldnt be rebelling - they need to be humble and leave it to god to figure out.

Pratt says theres some mean stuff folk say, but not to worry about it cos its our trials and presecutions. If we're not getting presecution then we're not in the true group! Oh and Pratt says for some of you NOT to keep using SOME words - I said before its OK to say heck but you cant use the H-E-double hockeysticks word! Pratt says hell have to change those words in comments if they keep coming. So try real hard folks. We know your out in the world or in other groups (maybe they use that word in Texas a lot) and dont know the stuff we do, but keep trying!

Somebody asked if I was going to be Heelemans wife or Pratts in the CK, thats hard to answer quick so Ill get back to that another day.




  1. Ok so this is me repenting-If that's what you want to call it.
    I have read your posts and commented on several of them in either rude or cutting comments. At first it was because I thought this whole thing was a sham and then it turned into more hoping you would see the light and see that you are really casting your pearls before swine and stop. If you sincerely believe all you post and are happy then good for you. I still very much disagree with you putting this all out for the world to make fun of but that is not my decision. Honeydawn I do worry about you and your sisters in your work. Not because of the things the world would. I honestly wished at one time that you would be able to see the light so to speak and see that you are a wonderful person in the eyes of God that needs no man to get to heaven. I truly believe God judges us individually and would never deny a woman into the Celestial Kingdom if her husband was not worthy. Your people will not be the only people in the Celestial Kingdom that are alive today. And according to my teachings your leaders will pay a heavy price for all the horrible things they have taught your people to do such as arraigned marriages and denying the right for women to have certain God given rights.

    You sound like you want to do good in everything and I don't think you understand that this blog is actually a dis-service to your group of people. If you want to reach out to people maybe you should make it private so that you can decide who views it.
    Your idea for the magazine is a good one. I really hopes it works out for you. I hope you can find some things to keep your teens entertained.
    I am relived to hear that Pratt does not hit you or your sister wives. That made me happy to read that after you posted what he said earlier.
    I am really sorry if anything I said was hurtful in anyway.
    I will not be reading you blog anymore mostly because the things you post go so against most of my teachings and testimonies. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope and pray for you and your family.

  2. Thanks. Dont worry cos you didnt hurt my feelings.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!