Friday, November 13, 2009

Which polygamy group are Pratt and me in?

I was thinking I was going to get back to all the stuff everybodys  got to do to get in the celestial kingdom, and then tell you family happenings but I guess I better answer some questions first. Its WAY cool your all saying stuff. I LOVE getting your letters!

First off, some guy or gal was asking who Id be married to in the CK - Pratt or Heelaman? Thats a WAY hard question cos I REALLY like them both!!  I got sealed to Heelaman first and hes got more priesthood power (so if I stay with him I might get higher up in the kingdom!) and THAT marriage was for ever. THEN I got sealed to Pratt but only for TIME cos you cant get two forever weddings (unless your a guy - of COURSE!)  But I was thinking that with some of Joseph Smiths gals being married to him AND another guy TO, maybe thatll be OK in the celestial kingdom? SO maybe I could just spend some time with Heelaman, and then some time with Pratt?? Im not sayings thats for SURE. Pratt says dont worry about it cos we can talk to god about it when we get their.

Now, like I said before, Pratt and me, we're not saying what polygamy group we're in. Thats cos we want to share with EVERYBODY and some polygamy groups dont talk to there FAMILY even if there not in the same group! So Im not knowing why some guy or gals saying "YOUR group" believes in this and "YOUR group" doesnt believe in that. Its fun guessing but it might not be a good guess about what group we're in - and we're not saying! (Maybe were in YOUR group even!!)About Joseph Musser - I heard the lawyer guys down in Texas think Joseph Musser was the true prophet when he was saying about the temple being built down on the Beery Knoll farm, and about their being HEAPS of water there for growing and they were saying stuff from Lyman Jessops writing to. They were doing it so the FLDS can keep all the places they want to keep in there United Order. They dont want folk selling there land. So, the FLDS MUST like what those guys said SOMETIMES. Maybe its cos Joseph Musser was the prophet to START and then he had his stroke and then god said he wasnt the prophet any more. Im not saying its right - its just a thought.

Another thing I should be saying is, I think your real nice writing in, so Im not being mean, but I dont say that s*x word like your doing. I just say "spending the night" or "sleeping over". Im real glad your guys're getting "higher relationships" with your older wives. Thats TOTALLY great. (Did you know they cant sleep over with gals who're' having babies to? I just thought Id say, cos you didnt say anything about that)

Guess what - its Pratts birthday next week!! All us galsre doing food for him. Im WAY excited cos Im getting an AWESOME gift!!! Hes going to LOVE it!!! (Ill give you a clue - Joseph Smith had one!!!) Ive been saving some of the money from folk clicking on my ads. Ill tell you about it tomorrow!



  1. Just be married for eternity to Heeleman and "friends with benefits" with Pratt.

  2. Its WAY fun trying to guess! You could be right but then again you could be wrong!! Prat and me are STILL not saying, but thanks for posting Pliggy!

  3. If it wasn't so obvious I could think I could be wrong :)

  4. Pliggy,
    What makes you think Honey Dawn is an AUB?

  5. I added a poll on the page, so you can vote for the group you think I'm in - WAY fun!


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!