I was in the dining room hot gluing silk flowers on my chandeleer (its almost finished!!!) and Harmonee and LiaHona were sitting in the family room talking. I heard some of what they were saying and it was doctrine stuff. (I dont think Harmonee ought too be talking doctrine with LiaHona cos thats Pratts job). Some of the talk was about polygamy and having kids, so I went in to make sure what Harmonee was saying to LiaHona was true stuff. (I have to watch out for my dear sisterwives cos I love them SO much!!!)
I said I couldnt wait for Pratt and me to have kids and then Harmonee gives that little SMILE of hers! I said whats that for and then she said did I really think I was going to have kids at my age? RUDE!! So then I told her the story about Abaraham and Sarah in the bible having a kid when Sarah was WAY older than me, and I asked her didnt she have FAITH! The Doctrine and Covenenants says weve got to do the WORKS OF ABARAHAM. So THEN Harmonee says, so why dont YOU go and live in a TENT then like ABARAHAM, and while your at it take Codene Moroni up in the mountains and try and SACRIFICE him and see if god stops you!!!!
I was WAY SHOCKED at her saying that stuff!!! I told her the bretheren said womens sacrifice is living polygamy - that why we get glory in the next life. I couldnt BELIEVE what she said next. She went - well Abaraham got out of sacrificing cos an angel stopped him from doing it - all god wanted was to see if Abaraham was wanting to go through with it - so why didnt an angel step in to stop us doing our polygamy sacrifice? WELL I could see she was just trying to make me look stupid and anyway Pratt never told me the answer to that so I just said she needed to have more faith.
I thought that was the end of it but oh-my-heck, she just keeps on going! THEN she went - why dont you have faith in Joseph Musser? When I asked her what she meant by THAT she said - well you dont listen to his revelation about men not spending the night with women who are to old to have babies. I said I KNEW with every fiber of my bean that Joseph Musser was a true prophet!! So THEN she says - I guess Joseph Musser wouldntve liked Sarah and Abaraham much if they were around today! Well I couldnt think what she was meaning by that so I went - SURE he'd like them! Then she went - Well Sarah was to OLD to have kids - it says so in the Bible- but her and Abaraham didnt have there kid Isaac by magic, did they? I went - what do you mean by THAT? So she goes - Abaraham mustve been still sleeping with a woman who was to old to have kids, and Joseph Musser said men shouldnt do that, they should only sleep with the younger women - so THATS why he wouldnt of liked Sarah and Abaraham!!!!!!!
I didnt know WHAT to say!! That was a REAL bad thing for her to say. we wives shouldnt be thinking of that stuff!
I just went up to my room and cried cos I think Harmonee was being WAY mean to me again, and she gets me all confused with all that smart alec talk of hers.
I was WAY glad Pratt called me later. He asked me why I sounded like I was crying on the phone so I said to to him how much I love Harmonee, and I didnt want to cause any trouble. I wasnt going to say any more about it but he KEPT asking me what was going on so I HAD to tell him she was saying wrong doctrine stuff to LiaHona and she was trying to make me cry again.
Pratt was real mad about it, but he was WAY sweet cos he was on the phone for two hours at bedtime comforting me. Hes a WAY righteaous husband and hes such and ANGEL to me.
(I thought this pitcher looks like Pratt some. He doesnt have the wings though and he wears clothes OF COURSE!)
Sorry I didnt have time to start writing about all the stuff youve got to do to get to the celestial kingdom. Ill see if I can start tomorrow. The sabbaths REAL busy so im not sure about that.
Theres a lot of interest in my green jello recipe - and its OK folks I dont think its got MSG in it. Ill try and put up some more of my delicous recipes soon to!
Bravo Harmonee! You go girl!!
ReplyDeleteCheck the ingredients to jello! Anything that says Natural and Artificial ingredients most of the time is MSG. And in the case of jello it is!