Pratt was saying I should try and get the blog printed up and sell it to get money for the 4plex, but I got to get folk being my followers first so the printers can see they SHOULD get it printed up. SO if anybody wants to be following me, then click on Follow down on the left side of my blog somewhere. Heaps of folk send me letters but so far theirs only one follower. Itd be AWESOME if I got money and Im hoping Prattll say for me to keep most of it for crafts and some nice drapes!!!!!! The other galsre working so they can put their money in to the 4 plex to.
We had a GREAT meeting at my place sunday night! Pratt asked some guys over and we sat outside on chairs on the grass. It was kinda cold but weve got a firepit and blankets so it wasnt bad. Harmonee, Celestial Rainbow, LaBlessing, Sariah and Chastitee came over to. All us gals let the kids play around while we listened to Pratt and some of the guys talking. It was REAL interesting!!
One of the guys was saying about Reptyle people. It was kinda scarey cos he said theres some living under the mountains in Utah!!! A guy called Icke knows all about them and HE says a lot of the world leaders are FAMILY to them!!! That explains HEAPS of stuff. George Bush is one AND the Queen of England!! I never KNEW that!!! They LOOK like real people but there part Lizard and the Lizards make them do what they want!!!! Probably Obamas one to! He gave us where to find more stuff about it -
That explains about Joseph Smith saying OUR guys will be the leaders one day when the
"constituition hangs by a thread".
Theres not gonna be ANYONE in goverment you can trust, so our guys will be the leaders of the world and there going to save the United States and the constituition of the United States!!! WAY COOL!!!! I dont think theyll be having presidents then but if they did Pratt would be AWESOME. (itd be kinda cool to be living in that White House to!)
Guess who said they didnt believe it? Yep! You know who. Again! (LiaHonas
Before I forget, Pratts been REAL busy working on the 4plex so he didnt look over the blog for a coupla days. He says it should have been Jackson County, not Jackson Hole, for where the New jerusalems going to be. He says its in Missouri,not Wyoming. I meant to put that! Pratt says the ranchers and the big movie stars up in Jackson Hole'd would be mad if we started construction up there!
Got to go. Im baking already for Thanksgiving! (cant wait to talk about Cat whisperers new question next time. Pratt says its AWESOME that I can teach the truth to bunches of folk out in the world!)
PS sorry about the crossing out - my delete buttons not working right. I think its got honey sticking it.
Honey Dawn,
ReplyDeleteYay ! Thanks for answering my questions. How are Christian polygamists different than LDS polygamists ?
Will Christian polygamists make it to the Celestial Kingdom?
If they don't, where will they go ??
Would you ever go over to a Christian polygamy website and introduce yourself to them to try to convert them to your true path ?
Here is an example of a Christian polygamy website :
Take care, Girl! Talk to you tomorrow!
Honey Dawn,
ReplyDeleteI am damned to eternal hellfire if I am not a polygamist ?
Thanks for asking, I am scared.