Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pratts Doctrine answers

Pratt got us all together like usual for prayer early this morning. I dont have much time to write now but I just HAD to write about his teaching. He put Harmonee straight about the Abaraham and Sarah stuff she was saying yesterday. First off he said us gals got to be sure we're not  meddling where we're not supposed too. (He didnt say Harmonee, but I knew he was talking about her.) THEN he said   Abaraham and Sarah got a special promise from god they were having a kid, so it was OK for them to go on being together even if Sarah WAS way old. He said brother Mussers teachings was for US today and we HAD to do what he said unless WE got a special promise from god to.  He said when we get married in polygamy WE DO get a special promise - we're given the blessings of Abaraham - SO that makes it all OK.

I saw Harmonee itching to say something but didnt! Pratt went on to say about polygamy not being a sacrifice for the women - he said it was our BLESSING if we  looked at it RIGHT. Hes SO right!!!! He said if we're not happy in polygamy then theirs some thing wrong about us and we need to be doing some repenting. Pratt finished up saying women living in faithiness LOVE polygamy! That made me WAY happy cos I just LOVE polygamy. I dont know why some gals make all that fuss!!!!

Before I run to get ready for meeting, some gal said their IS bad stuff in green jello! I thought about it so what you could do is use the plain jello and color it green with cabbage put through the blender. That way itd be EXTRA wholesome and still that cute green color!

Got to go!
Blessings, HoneyDawn


  1. HoneyDawn, your green jello recipe is totally amazing! I made it for my family with mashed potatoes and gravy, just like you said, and everyone couldn't believe it - they said they had never tasted anything like it! I can't wait to try it again with the plain jello and cabbage. You're awesome!
    From Celestial Rabbit

  2. So it sounds like to me anyone married into polygamy is exempt from Joseph Mussers teachings. Why then did he give us the revelation then? oh wait you answered that! His teachings were for us in this day. Remember Abraham had God appear to him and tell him his wife was pregnant. This means Abraham had already been with his wife BEFORE God told them they would have a child! (Joseph Musser had not revieled the law yet so Abraham was not bound by it.) Also remember Abraham lived a much longer life than anyone on this planet today and had regular conversations with God. So unless God appeared himself to you and Pratt, you can not even compare yourself to Abraham and Sarah and claim the same blessing they had. As sure as I know Joseph Musser was a prophet I am sure he ment the law you speak of was meant for ALL of us today. (With the exception of a direct revelation from God) This is why I totally understand why Harmonee is questioning you spending nights with Pratt. For all she sees you are going against Bro. Mussers teachings. You also speak very rude about Harmonee. For all you know maybe she was told by God to keep her kids with her and in car seats at all times. You are just as guilty as she is about passing judgment too soon. Now I know you just care about her a great deal and are only looking out for her because you love her. Maybe that's just what she is doing for you as well. Maybe she would hate to see you have to answer to Joseph Musser and tell him you did not honor his teachings because you were to scared to face the truth. Faith is believing you will be in the hands of the Lord no matter what! Even if we don't get what we want-which we all know is a relation ship with your husband. Sorry HoneyDawn if this offends you. Sometimes it's someone away from the action that can see the clearest. I know you want more children with all your heart. However, when and where did you or Pratt get a direct revelation telling you more children were coming? So until that happens you should follow Bro. Mussers teachings because they were meant for us today. Do it--even if it's a little scary to think of not having that kind of relationship with you husband. Hopefully you won't be jealous of your sisterwives then. Praying for you that you will have the strength to follow Gods laws and for Harmonee that she will follow what is in her heart.
    --Rachel Sorry I post as Anonymous I don't know how to post my name.


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