Friday, November 20, 2009

Where Pratt sleeps

Im still REAL happy about Pratts birthday and him liking my gift best. I heard LaBlessing saying it must of cost a heap of money and wondering how I got it cos I don't have a job. (When I married Pratt he was WAY cute to me!!!! He said stay home -cos he wanted to take care of me, cos he knew I'd be a blessing to the family, and I had to work some when I was married to Heelaman - that was WAY sweet of him!!) Pratt says not to say about my blog and getting money from folk clicking on my ads, cos they could be jealous.

Pratts with me tonight YAY!!! so we can talk about my gift some more. Melissa was asking how Pratt splits up his time and where he sleeps. He pretty much takes it in turns coming to us gals - except when he decides to spend extra time with somebody. Remember I said before a gals times her husbands and a guys times gods. If the spirit says so, he can spend the night wherever he likes. He sleeps over with me extra some, so I can have another baby. He loves being with me cos I understand him best. I make my room WAY cute for him cos I put some blue stuff in so its not ALL pink. So its girly and for boys to!

Your right about being altogether bringing in the spirit. When the 4plexs finished itll be easier. Itll have 4 apartments (bedrooms and a bathroom), and then in the middle upstairs theirs going to be a humongus family room for everyone to be together when there not sleeping. THen downstairs in the middle theirs going to be a big kitchen and eating place. Pratt says the gals can take it in turns cooking for everybody. (He says Im going to be the one working out all the recipes cos I know about wholesome food.) LiaHona, Harmonee, Chastitee and Celestial Rainbow're living their so they just better not make a big fuss about that (remember when they got all that trash food when we went camping?) Anyways, when the 4plex is finished the only ones in a trailer'sll be Sariah and La Blessing.

Now about folk out there in the world living in places like Australia like Melissa. It would of been better to be born right here in Utah, but its not to late! You need to pack up and come here cos youve got to GATHER to ZION (thats here in America and specially in Utah) Thats another thing to do to get in to the Celestial Kingdom.

Im WAY excited cos Pratt says theirs some movie he wants us gals to see! He says its about the end of the world so itll be an OK movie to see.(Not like most movies in the world with all that bad stuff in them) He says we can learn some important stuff. All us gals want to go with him on our own but he says hes not going to watch the same movie seven times! I can see that - so hes going to go two times. Sariah, me, Liahona and Harmonee're going Saturday , so Ill let you know about it.

Oh, and course I LOVE Harmonee!!! (Even if I love her HEAPS though I dont think anybodys going to buy her poems!! It would be nice if she could put more money for the 4plex but thats NEVER going to happen!)) Shes my sisterwife so COURSE I love her! She and the other gasl make it so I can get to the celestial kingdom!!!! I KNOW we'll get WAY close when we do that poem writing together. Im going to ask her about it on the weekend.


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