I sure wish the guys running this blog site would fix the comments!! They take way long to fix stuff! Pratt tried to put another comment box on, but he couldnt get it to work right either. Sorry folks, but dont stop sending in letters!
Keeping sweet, Ill answer the DNA question tomorrow cos that sounds kinda hard, and was it Melissa asking the indian guys and white gals question? and theres Cat whisperer asking if I can be a priest? It could take awhile.
Im WAY busy today but Ive got time to write some.
Duane (cute made up name!) was saying FLDS Utah and Arizona didnt want to GO to the Texas ranch even, cos they like the mountains and winter sport and theres none of that in Texas. (Pratt says, not much in southern Utah and Arizona either) Duane knows BUNCHES of stuff for a gentile - he sounds more like a polygamy guy than a gentile,(specially when hes saying its nobodies business what the FLDS and the other groups are doing! - cos thats what most of OUR folk are saying all the time) but I dont know hes right about the winter sport. Once upon a time FLDS folk did dances and holidays and basketball, and fun stuff, but then the prophet said NO holidays,NO dancing and take down all the basketball hoops - you need to be with your families! ( I think it was probally to stop drugs and teenage guys and gals hanging out with each other when they were supposed to be waiting for the prophet to tell them who they were going to be with) Anyways Im not thinking skiing and sledding can be OK and anyways skiings WAY hard in a long dress.
Talking of families, Duane was saying its great to be in humongus familes and Melissa was asking if theres time for all the kids? HAVING heaps of kids is WAY more important than giving bunches of TIME to kids. They learn not to be selfish about having bunches of stuff for themselves, and not being selfish about wanting there mother or papa. Most times they dont see there papas much, except on sundays when they have family meeting maybe, but thats OK cos there mothers can teach them when there papas not around. My friends papa had about 50 kids. He had so many, sometimes he didnt remember there NAMES even and he'd say "hey you". But that didnt matter cos its a blessing to be born into the truth and not out in Babylon.
One of the early bretheren said not to let ONE year go by without a kid being born in polygamy. Some guys think that means EVERY wife needs to be having a baby EVERY year, other guys think at least ONE of there wives needs to be having a baby every year and other guys say its OK as long as SOME gal is having a polygamy baby that year.
Kids grow up quick to, when there taking care of the other kids. Wives need to earn money to help out, so most times they go out to work to, so the kids help out home schooling and babysitting and doing chores. Most ALL kids learn to cook ramen noodles and macaroni when there small, so they can feed themselves when there mothers not around. When they get bigger the kids in our family learn REAL cooking with me (unless there Harmonees, cos she makes her kids go to public school. Pratts REAL unhappy about it!)
And one more thing Duane, I know your trying to be real nice, but polygamists are NOT just like gentiles like your saying. If we're like gentlies we're not living right!
Got to go. Im writing out wholesome recipes for Celestial Rainbow sos she can take care of Pratt better when hes there with her. I dont want him looking all wore out all the time. Im still working on Pratts little red book to. Talk to you tomorrow.
It's amazing how one can get HEAPS of info about a particular group merely by taking the time to talk to individuals of said group and getting their perspective on thangs as opposed to relying on reports by bigots who make a living fomenting hatred, abuse, and scorn upon them just because they are different. I really hates those kinds of people and wish we can all just get along, but I guess that's just the way I am.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it may be tricky skiing or snowboardin' in a prairie skirt but nonetheless they do hit the slopes at brian head so obviously it can be done.
You were right about the FLDS leaders wanting the kids to be home with their families so as to discourage teens from engagng in drug, alcohol use, and premarital sex. Hasn't been too effective as they continue to have these issues just like in my community. Teens always find away to skirt the rules, many of the teens in my extended familie have had to deal with these very same issues. So did I back when I was a young'un. But ya can't blame thems FLDS folk for trying to keep their kids away from those vices. Heck my flds plig buddie's little sister got popped for a DUI while she and her cousin was out partying one night, about the same time my stepson got in trouble for alcohol and weed. He even told her she's supposed to be brainwashed and not do that stuff, she got really really mad at him for saying that. Teenagers can be a real pain. I wuz contemplating sendin' my son up there so them flds could brainwash him into "keeping sweet" but now changed my mind as they obviously do a sorry job in that dept.
Honeypie, if yous google "Jack Kurtz photoshelter" and enter "jessop" in the search bar you will see lots of photos of a large flds family. Lots of people sez them flds folks don't realize how terrible their lives really are but it makes me mad that flds girls get their own little ponies to ride and my sister and niece wanted their little ponies but the parents said no. So perhaps their lives aren't so terrible and horrible after all. But maybe their ponys' are really stinky or something and their parents abuse them by forcing them to ride little horseys.
keep sweet honeydawn
bestest friends forever
can't wait till you answer the DNA question
ReplyDeleteHi HoneyDawn,
ReplyDeletethanks for telling us more about your family. What sort of work do the wives do? And what industry is Pratt in?
It sounds like Harmonee really isn't being an obedient wife and respecting Pratt's preisthood authority, especially going against his wishes in how she raises their children. Will your prophet intervene if it continues, or is it up to Pratt to assert his authority?
I hope Celestial Rainbow doesn't tire Pratt out too much. They must be really trying for this years polygamy baby.... How old is Celestial Rainbow? Does she hang out with the older kids in the family, or with the other wives?
Melissa xx
Hi again Annonymous Duane. You are SO right. I think we should all be loving each other to. I was WAY glad to see the little gals with their ponies - can they still ride there little ponies when they get married? Do you know?
ReplyDeleteIts amazing how there having all the problems your families having to. Im real glad youve got a FLDS best buddy cos msost time they dont like buddy outsiders. You are WAY lucky about that.
Hi again Melissa and Catwhisperer. Thanks for looking out for me (Rebeckah to). Dont be worrying about me cos the spirit tells me HEAPS about folks, even the annonymous ones! Give me some time and Ill be getting to all your WAY important questions.
Thanks Honey Dawn !
ReplyDeleteYou're the best !!!
Honey Dawn,
ReplyDeleteI just googled for an FLDS picture, and this creepy photo of a 50 yr old man kissing a 12 yr old girl appeared.
His name was Warren. Do you or Pratt know him ?
Keeping Sweet, I saw those pics to and I put some in my early blog (Camping October 19). That cute looking guys the FLDS prophet. I met his Papa (Rulon Jeffs) once a long time ago but I cant remember if Warren was around. Theres a few other pics just like that one, of other little girls who just got married to the prophet to. But its OK, cos Duane says theyre all REAL happy little kids, and there smiling in the pics, so they MUST be OK. I wonder if they got a pony for a wedding present?
ReplyDeleteThankyou HoneyDawn. I always love reading your opinions, but that last post was priceless.
ReplyDeleteMelissa xx
I heard Warren took some wives on honeymoons to Lagoon but the problem was they weren't tall enough for any of the rides.
ReplyDeleteSo then Warren took them to the fair, they have kiddie cars there!