I was gonna to tell you about that guy with the runaway bride and how it all worked out OK for him, even when she went to the law.!
Pratt was saying he knew this guy in our group (not living here) One of his wives lost the spirit and went apostate and ran off with his kids. She hid out somewhere and got some help, then she went to the law to try and get her kids not to come back to the community. She was one of those legal wives so she wanted a divorce! Pratt says THAT doesnt amount to much!! Gals can get all the divorces they want out in the world, but with a preisthood sealing theres nothing they can do to get away, cus there sealed to the guy forever!
Anyways, they went to the court and she was saying she didnt want her kids being in a polygamy family! She was saying she ran off to keep her kids AWAY from it! But the JUDGE was saying he didnt want to be hearing ANY polygamy stuff and it was nothing to do with who gets the kids, and the GUY was saying it was religous presecution to be bringing polygamy up!! The judge DID make the guy pay her some money for the kids, but he gets to have them bunchesve times at weekends and holidays and one night a week to! Its GREAT cus another one of this guys polygamy wives was kinda like me and didnt have many kids and and didnt have any at home. She was wanting more kids for EVER, so now shes got the runaway wifes kids for her OWN, pretty much, when they come to stay, and thats what she was wanting for a WAY long time!
The runaway bride was wanting to fight it but she didnt have the money for the lawyer and her husband did, so that was good to.
Thats great, cus it means the guy can teach his kids all about how to live polygamy, cus now the runaway wifes not around to say anything about it, and shes not ALLOWED to say bad stuff about his religion to the kids!! He takes them to meeting ALL the time with all there other mothers. Its WAY good for the wife who gets them all the time cus she teaches them whats right about clothes and marriage, and all the important stuff!! (She can even pretend to be there mom if they have to go to the hospital or anything.)
We're WAY glad we're living here in Utah where its safe for us, and the judges are not wanting to bring polygamy up if wives are running away! Pratt was saying Canadas probally on our side to, so it could stop brides running off, if they know the judges dont care about there kids learning polygamy (even if it IS against the law.) So the wives are maybe thinking its better to be STAYING than giving up there kids to another mother to teach them the true way to be living. Maybe theyll see its just better, cus then at least they can be the mom all the time.
Pratt says if any of his wives run off, then he'll give there kids to me, which is WAY sweet of him! I just LOVE kids!!!
Brigham Young SAID Utah was the gathring place till we go to the New Jerusalem. I guess he knew it was the BEST place for us to be. I dont know why some of the FLDS folk were running off to Texas! Look at all the trouble there getting there. Pratt says there judgesre not HALF as nice as Utahs.
If yours and your groups lives centered more around God instead of it always being centered around polygamy and Joseph smith then you all might be okay.
ReplyDeleteJoseph smith MAY have been a prophet but he was NOT god and he doesn't deserve more attention and praise than God.
Polygamy MAY be something directed by God but it takes more to get to heaven than just having a bunch of wives. You should be preaching about ALL the things that God wants from us instead stressing so much about one. Because if people just choose to center themselves around one teaching of God but neglects the others then its not going to amount to hill of beans.
I mean someone may be practicing polygamy but if they sin and back bite their sister wives or others, or tell lies, then what good is polygamy going to do for you when your sinning else where?
Where do you get the idea that polygamy was commanded by God?
ReplyDeleteIt is commanded NOWHERE in the Bible, polygamy is permitted and regulated in the Bible, just like slavery was.