I know some folkre wanting to see some pics of our outfits for the pajeant, so I found these pitchers to put up. This is pretty much what Prattll be wearing for being Joseph Smith. La Blessings making it. (but hes not wearing just white underwear with it, like in the pic) I told LaBlessing to do blue like this cus then it matches Pratts and Josephs eyes. Shes not making the shirt cus Pratt can wear one of his work shirts under the vest. Itll match, cus its blue plad.
The bonnets KINDA look like the next coupla pics (but mixed together)
Im thinking theres not enough color in the flowers in the pic, Im doing pinks and yellows and oranges and purples pretty much. Mine is ALL pink!
Im way glad Im doing this but 33 bonnetsre a BIG job to be doing!!!!! Its good Pratt wont let me work outside the home, on account of him wanting to take good care of me. (I HAD to work when I was married to Heelaman.) Pratts WAY thoughtful to me! He just wants me to be at home and be a blessing to the rest of the family, like stopping any trouble for the kids teaching homeschool to the little kids, and writing up wholesome recipes for the other sisterwives. He likes the way I beutify OUR home (he LOVED the pink deer horn chandeleer I made!)
Thanks for worrying about the hot glue burn and for the idea about making it better. Itll be OK now with the blessing Pratt gave me.
PS I was talking to Pratt on the phone last night for hours about the guy in our group with the runaway bride. It was REAL interesting about polygamy not being a problam for him with the law! (so dont worry, polygamy guys, if your in Utah, your OK like us!!) When I get time Ill be writing about it!
Hope your hand is feeling better HoneyDawn.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting a bit confused keeping up with your family. I don't want to be intrusive, but could you possibly write out a list of the wives and the number of kids they have and when they entered your family? It seems from what you have written that some of the kids aren't Pratt's. Do they have contact with their natural fathers? And do their fathers pay child support?
Also curious about the home schooling situation. Are the older kids who are teaching still studying as well? Do you have to stick to the Utah curriculum? And is there one wife who has responsibility for and oversight of the home school? It seems to be falling to you at the moment, do you have experience from home schooling your twins?
Sorry about all the questions, I just love getting a more rounded picture of your life.
Melissa xx
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ReplyDeleteHi Melissa,
ReplyDeleteI think Ill probally make out a list and put it in the sidebar sometime to help people know our family. Ill try and answer your questions but maybe not till after the 23rd cus we're WAy busy right now. Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeletedont you worry about havings to answer to others about your children or stepchilds. It is nobody elses business, any child custody disputes should be between you, pratt and the biological father...if there is one.
bestest friend
BTW, those pajeant clothes are so adorable. I may be agnostic but IMO...freedom of conscience and choice of reproductive partners is a crucial foundation of our fair republic. Folks like Osama bin laden would like nothing more than to slit my throat, along with Mormons and other Christians merely cuz we won't convert to Islam. Scary world out there.
ReplyDeletebest friends
Annonymous Duane(h)(1)/ Anon E Mouse, Glad your liking the pajeant clothes. Maybe you could be making some for your wife/husband to? The bonnets are WAY cute! Your SO right about taking kids away just cos there in homes where there doing child brides! This is the USA!!! Not sure about Pratt and me arguing over kids though?? Mine are all grown up and in our group.
ReplyDeleteHoneydawn, I thoughts you said you guys weren't doing no child brides?
ReplyDeleteWe was talking about polygamy families, not "child brides".
But I do agree it is best for anyone polygamist or not, to be respecting the age of consent regarding marriages even if we disagree with the punishments.
I sure hopes no monagimists gets caught marrying child brides as I'ms a monigmst and don't want to worry abouts the govt. coming to take my chillun cuz some other monig in another state was havings sex with a girl who was too young.
I feel sorry for polygamists such as yourself having to worry about what other polygmists are doing since it seems all polygamists seem to get punished for what a few others of them is accused of doing.
bestest buddies
ReplyDeleteHoneyDawn has always encouraged questions questions about her family so we can all better understand the heavenly lifestyle she is leading.
I hope you know that my questions aren't malicious HoneyDawn.
Melissa xx
Melissa, we're always liking folk who really want to know about stuff.
ReplyDeleteHoney Dawn,
ReplyDeleteYour bonnets are lovely.
Perhaps you should consider entering into a business to market them.
Thanks Chatelaine! I WOULD try selling them, but the most folk in Utahre doing bunchesve crafts for themself. There REAL thrifty, so they probally wont be buying them