Saturday, December 5, 2009

DNA - Lehi's jeans got lost! and FLDS happy pics.

Keeping Sweet and Catwhisperer, Im talking first about DNA. THats not such a hard question cos the bretheren say not to worry about it cos you dont need to be proving the truth. Pratt says some guysre not finding the right DNA in the indians, cos they should be having Israel DNA cos Lehi and Nephi in the book of mormon came from Israel, but he says its dumb cos its WAY to long to be showing there DNA now anway! The LDS Mormon guys are saying NOW, that the book of mormon folk were only living down in south america, not up here in the USA like they said before, - so thats why we're not finding all there DNA. I think its kinda confusing cos the early prophets used to say the Nephites and the Lamanites were having a humongus battle in New York by the hill Cumorah where Joseph Smith was finding the book of mormon gold plates later. Thats when Nephi's white grankids got wiped out and the brown guys (lamanites/red indians) took over. What Im wondering is how come they went out to new York to fight it out when they were living WAY down in south America? Anyways, in some place Pratt was reading, it says Lehis jeans vanished without a trace! I think what the bretheren say is best - not to worry about DNA. That goes for the australian red indians to.

Catwhisperer, women DONT get to be priests cos only MEN get the priesthood! Some guys say we KIND of get the priesthood when we get a polygamy marriage thats forever, but we cant do anything with it, like giving the priesthood and blessing the sacarment and baptising and being presidents and stuff like the guys do. But the bretheren say its OK, guys get the preisthood and we're WAY important cos gals get the babies. They say to we SHARE our husbands priesthood so thats real nice of them to be sharing with us - we cant really USE it, but thats OK.

Melissa, Pratt found out about white gals marrying red indian guys. He says thats a NO, cos Joseph Smith said to take WIVES from the red indians, not husbands.

Thats all about questions pretty much. I got the recipes for Celestial Rainbow and took them over when she got home from work. She didnt seem real glad to get them cos she says she has her mothers recipe book. (I guess shes just not using it right) I told her Pratts looking bad specially after hes been with her. She said she feeds him great so thats not the problem. She really needs a baby to settle down. Right now she hangs out with Liahona some, but shes always fooling around with the older kids to.

Celestial Rainbows 19 almost 20. We dont do those REAL young marriages in our group. One of our prophets DID marry a gal when she was 15, but folk said he didnt live with her for a while,(but I dont know about that) Anyways thats not happening now. I knew a guy who was in Short Creek way back when and he said there was little girls playing in the dirt making mud pies, and they were married already. Some folk got mad about it. I know one old lady who got married off when was just a young gal when she was visiting Short Creek, without her parents saying it was OK. They had to go down and get her back. The folk who got mad about it split and made there own AUB group and the FLDS are saying there apostates. Some AUB folk have family who stayed with the FLDS and theyre not talking to the AUB folk which is kinda sad. AUB have there own prophet.

About our work - we've got gals working in stores in town. Pratts in construction (but he did some doctor training so he could set bones.) We dont much like doctors but its good to have somebody around for broken bones - we can do pretty much the rest for ourself with herbs and prayer.

Harmonees been real quiet these last few days. Your right about her not being obedient to Pratt. She says I cause trouble between her and Pratt, but she makes things bad for herself. Pratt needs to put his foot down. Its not something the bretheren get into - the husbands rule over there own wives and kids here.

Well, nice to talk to you all again. Im still hoping theyll fix the comments box soon or Pratt can find one somewhere that works so you can all see whats being said. Some of its REAL interesting!

Before I go I found some more pics. Duane didnt say about these but Melissa was finding some like them, I posted some back in October in my Camping post (october 19th)

This is a wedding anniversary of this gal. She was around 12 when they got married. Duane should like this cos it shows how happy the FLDS little gals are. Like Duane says, everybody needs to be minding there own business. 
Levi's®chLevisiFLDS child abuse, child rape polygamy Warren Jeffs Rulon Jeffs Loretta and Warren


  1. I still don't understand the DNA story. It doesn't make sense. Is Pratt sure?
    Did the girl in the picture you show choose her husband - or was he chosen for her ? If her marriage is arranged, who makes the arrangements, and how do they decide on who marries whom ?
    Sorry to be asking so many questions .... and thanks for answering them so thoroughly and quickly.

  2. Hi Keeping Sweet. I KNOW, the DNA stuffs WAY hard! Pratts pretty sure about it and we think its best not to worry about it not making sense cos its more important to be having FAITH.
    Marryings a WAY big subject to. If I get time Ill start on it tomorrow or Monday. Thanks for asking the GREAT questions!

  3. Why is it that only men get the priesthood ? Is that because men wrote the Book of Mormon ?

  4. HoneyDawn you think those pictures are from a Jr. High Father & Daughter dance and not an anniversary picture?

  5. Thats not an anniversary photo.

    Thats a picture of Uncle Warren with one of his little nieces!

    He treats them very well I'm sure, like a good Uncle would!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Congratulations Honey Dawn, you have amassed quite a following

  8. I just saw all the letters! Ive still got WAY to much cleaning to get done before the sabbath,(and its my night with Pratt tomorrow) but I just wanted to say Hi, specially to all the new folk. WELCOME! Ill talk some tomorrow and try to get to some of your great questions.

  9. honeydawn buddy, don't have much time to chat but I don't see anyone other than Warren jeffs and his bride in that photo. Sounds like this is his problem, not the other 10,000 flds members.

    So hypocritical that bigots go on and on about mean ol warren jeffs breaking up families on a whim and claim "sympathy" for those families who were allegedly broken up according to Jeff's whims. They cry foul and claim a big injustice has been done to the "unfortunate" membes of this "evil" religion. Yet they cheer on Wisan, Lindberg, and others in their quest to bust up short creek, sell off all the real estate, and atttempts to break up the hundreds of flds families who continue to call it home. If they had their way, the hundreds of flds famlies will end up destitue and to them, that would be most wonderful. That seems rather hypocritical for them to cry foul when Warren allegedly does it, but when they do the exact same thing, it is good and holy and in the "best interest" of flds families.

    I've heard stories that heaps of flds are moving in to schliecher county. If true, I really hope they exercise their rights and vote as a solid bloc. Thems doing that would be a great test to see if our country is really a democracy and not merely a sham "democracy" where only those of the "correct" religion are allowed to vote and hold office.
    The best test of a true republic is when even unpopular and despised groups are afforded the same rights and priveleges as normal people.

    It must be really hard for you Honeydawn, in that being a polygamist, so many people hate and despise you merely for your religion and personal relationship choices.

    Bestest buddies forever


  10. "So hypocritical that bigots go on and on about mean ol warren jeffs breaking up families on a whim and claim "sympathy" for those families who were allegedly broken up according to Jeff's whims. They cry foul and claim a big injustice has been done to the "unfortunate" membes of this "evil" religion. Yet they cheer on Wisan, Lindberg, and others in their quest to bust up short creek, sell off all the real estate, and atttempts to break up the hundreds of flds families who continue to call it home. If they had their way, the hundreds of flds famlies will end up destitue and to them, that would be most wonderful. That seems rather hypocritical for them to cry foul when Warren allegedly does it, but when they do the exact same thing, it is good and holy and in the "best interest" of flds families."

    See what I mean, HoneyDawn? Here Duane is tattletelling about what other people on other blogs say and it doesn't even have to do with Lehi's jeans or anything! I don't understand why he wants to talk about such negative stuff on your blog when it's so happy and positive! I wonder, do SOME people actually post stuff like Duane is talking about here but you and Pratt remove those posts? I could surely understand if you did.

    By the way, you want to know something funny? Duane has actually been caught trying to post hateful and bigoted stuff about polygamists under OTHER names! I sometimes wonder if he even knows what he believes because he complains about people being mean to the FLDS and then he does it himself while pretending to be someone else.

  11. Rebeckah, we need to be praying for Annonymous he can decide what hes wanting to be. Pratt and me like hearing what EVERYBODYS saying. Pratt only took off about two letters and that was cos he said they were using bad words and talking dirty and he didnt want me and other folk seeing that bad stuff.
    Thanks for being our friend!

  12. Keeping sweet,maybe your right? Guys were writing all the scriptures!


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!