Melissas asking a question and I need to be answering it. This what shes saying,
I shouldve explained stuff better. I forget folk dont know all about us! The bretheren are the top guys in our group. Theres a group of them in charge of most stuff and there all apostles. (Thats the highest priesthood guys can be getting, pretty much.) Weve got one guy at the top of all of them, and he's the one should be getting the revelations for all of us. The ones whove been longest in the council are closest to being the top guy, but if there doing something bad they can get passed over when the prophet dies. Even if Pratt gets to be one of them, itd be a WAY long time before he could get to be prophet, cus theres about ten guys ahead of him. (Unless they all died quick, and bunchesve of them are pretty old.) Sometimes theres been argueing after the prophet dies about whose next prophet, so most times now, the prophet says ahead, whose next."I had assumed when you were talking about the bretheren you were talking about all the priesthood holders in your group.Who are the bretheren and how are they different to other men in your group?"January 20, 2010 6:31 PM
One of the groups had some pretty bad guys on there council and they got dropped after there bretheren found out bad stuff had been happening for years. Pratt says one of thems in prison right now, and some of the others shouldve gone to prison but nobody took it to the police for them! There prophet said he didnt know it was going on, but it made a heap of trouble and upset bunchesve familys!
The rest of the guys in our group are just melchezidik preisthood holders. That means they can do most of the stuff like baptising and blessing and giving the preisthood to other guys and blessing there babies and getting polygamy marriages. Some are elders, some are high preists and some are seventys, and some of the stuff there doing is diffrent, but not much. The seventys are always argueing with high preists about whose the most important! The seventies say there next to the apostles, but the high preists say NO thats US!!! The bretheren say diffrent stuff about it so Im not sure whose top.
I went by Jaroms house and guess what??? Two of his wives DID get earrings put in there ears! It was Truth and Precious Dove!! I cant beleive it!!! Specailly when the bretheren said in meeting NOT to be doing it! It sets a REAL bad example!!! Jarom was doing real well up till now and the bretheren were liking him, but thats to bad now. I dont think hell be getting called on to do much anymore.
That Reality guys still writing letters. I wanted to ask him why hes sounding kinda mad sometimes? Is he in another group and not likeing my group? Is he thinking gals shouldnt be on the interenet? Does he have a great polygamy family that hes thinkings better than ours? He can always be writing a great blog to let people know about it to! Pratt and me are praying for you.
Have an awesome day!
I don't think I'm joining your religion, because men are in charge.