Thanks to evrybody whose been saying real nice stuff about my missionry work! I was saying to Pratt I cant be takeing all the credit cus its mostly him and the spirit thatve been touching peoples lives. But he was saying Ive been doing an AWESOME job!!!!! Pratts WAY sweet to me all the time. He says its cus Im ALWAYS supporting him and not argueing with him. I wish all the gals could be learning life is WAY better when your doing that! (He even took me out to dinner the other night and it was real romantic)
There some problems with Celestial Rainbow again! I dont want to be saying shes rebellyous, but Pratt gave her the job taking care of the babies to be helping her and shes not being sweet about it one bit and now Chastitees on her side to! She says its to much for Celestial Rainbow to be doing on her own! Im thinking if Chastiteed done a better job raising Celestial Rainbow then there wouldnt be all this complaining. Theres ten years olds knowing how to do the job, cus they got taught from when they were young! Not that Im being critical or anything like that, cus its Pratts job to be leading the family and saying when stuffs a problem. NOW Celestial Rainbows saying why is it IM not doing the job,? Shes saying I don’t have kids at home and Im not going out to work? That’s not for her to be saying about cus shes not the head. Pratt told her Ive got stuff to do that HE want me to be doing! I got this trouble before, from LiaHona and Harmonee. They were saying its not fair for them having to go out to work when theyve got kids at home and Im not working. The thing is, there not seeing the important work I AM doing!!! There not knowing about the blog and there not knowing that Pratt wants me around to be teaching the family how to behave and letting him know whats going on – that’s WAY more important than just going out to make money! Its a good thing Pratt has heaps of the spirit with him and isnt listening to his wives to tell him what to do like some famlies!!
LaBlessing came over yesterday to borrow a glue gun and she said about something pretty shocking - LaBlessing says a coupla Jaroms wives went out and got there ears peirced yesterday!! La Blessing gets stuff wrong a lot, but Im thinking it could be true cus there wearing makeup to sometimes! Well, they cant be expecting to get very far in the group cus the bretheren already preached about peirced ears not being right and being like the gentiles!! Jaroms not going to be getting high up in the preisthood if he cant be keeping his wives in order! I’ll probally take a walk by there house today sometime to see if LaBlessings right.
Im WAY glad Pratt doesn’t let his wives just go and do what they want like some. He preaches and testifies to us every Sunday to let us know what his law is in our family and that keeps the spirit there and lets the bretheren know hes a faithful preisthood holder and following what there saying. Maybe one day he'll even be one of the bretheren? Its just needs ALL us gals to be supporting him ALL the time!
I never listen to my husband.
ReplyDeleteHe listens to me.
Things are exactly as they should be, as far as I am concerned.
I had assumed when you were talking about the bretheren you were talking about all the priesthood holders in your group.
ReplyDeleteWho are the bretheren and how are they different to other men in your group?