Thursday, January 28, 2010

Depressions from evil spirits!!!

I was talking to Pratt again about what that MD was saying about polygamy gals getting mental problams and I just wanted to be saying when your haveing faith your not getting problams like that!  I think its the gals thatre not praying enough and reading the scriptures enough that get problams like it!! Pratt says his first wife Ava had REAL mental problams! When he got his second wife, Ava said it was OK. Nobody was making her say that!! She was knowing THEN, that if she wanted to be living with god some day, then she had to say yes, or be going to heck. But then she spent a heap of time hiding in the closet curled up in ball!!! She didnt like it one BIT when he went off on honeymoon and she just pretty much stopped eating, so she had BUNCHESve mental problams! She didnt keep her faith. Pratt says she was reading bad books about Joseph Smith to and that didnt help. If shed been praying more and reading the scriptures all the time she wouldve stayed and not gone off.

That MD was saying about some more medical stuff showing more bad stuff about polygamy gals and there kids to, but Im not listening to it. I bet Pratt knows how to be showing its all wrong!

I dont beleive in that depression stuff at all!!! When galsre feeling bad about the gospel and polygamy, its on account of them doing something bad. When they do bad stuff, bad spiritsre bothering them!  They wouldnt be feeling bad if they stopped thinking bad stuff about the truth, and being selfish! Some folk in the worldre saying you need medacine when your like that, but all they need to be doing is pray and read the book of mormon, the doctrine and covenenants and pearl of great price and bible, and pray heaps, then theyd be OK!  Ive NEVER had trouble living polygamy!!! When we're testifying in meeting on Sundays, I ALWAYS get up in front of evrybody, and Im saying I love my sisterwives, and I love living the principle cus its whats getting me to the celestial kingdom. When I do that, Pratts REAL proud of me, and the bretheren like it to, cus its a good exampal to the young gals and to all the other polgamy wives. Folk dont want to be hearing about gals with problams. Pratt says Harmonees been shutting herself up in her room and crying and hes thinking its cus shes being critical and not loveing polygamy enough. I think its those bad spirits again, you cant be letting them in like she does!!

We had a big meeting with all us sisterwives and Pratt last night. I was saying about all the smart gals in our group thatre beleiving in polygamy, and that Sarah Leavitt gal getting a vision about polygamy and about it PROVING polygamys right. Harmonee had a bunchve stuff to say about it and she wasnt agreeing again! Its makeing Pratt real worried, and he had a heap to say about it to. Im not haveing the time right now to be writing it all, so Ill be getting to it tomorrow.

Before I forget, Melissa was asking if my Serenity Fawn and Celestial Rainbowre friends? There not - and Serenity Fawn wouldnt be doing the stuff Celestial Rainbow was doing - like dressing up in gentile clothes!!! I was teaching her better stuff!! And anyways its diffrent for Serenity Fawn cus she has some kids already, not like Celestial Rainbow, cus  thisll be her FIRST, and shes needing the practice tending the babies - its a real blessing to her, and I wouldnt want to be taking away her blessings.

1 comment:

  1. When I was saying Celestial Rainbow and Serenity Fawn must have a lot in common I wasn't really referring to the number of children they had, although I am sure a more expreienced but still young mother would be a great support to Celestial Rainbow.

    I was referring more to their experiences as the younger wife in a house of older women and their children, their shared experiences of Pratt as a step-father (it must be so hard for Celestial Rainbow and Pratt to move from father/daughter roles to husband/wife, it could partly explain why she seems immature for her age, if her husband and sister wives are still treating her more like a child of the family than a proper sister wife) and their similar upbringing.

    Was Serenity Fawn already married when you married Pratt?

    Melissa xx


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