I was cleaning in the kitchen yesterday after school was out and Isabelle and Nikelle came in together. (Isabelles Harmonee's girl and real rude sometimes.) She looked at me and said, what was I making for the famly Valentine day lunch? I mustve looked kinda confused cus then she said "are you makeing your deliscious and nutriscious honey garlic bran muffins?" Then she ran off with Nikelle with the two of them snorting!!! Ive had enoughve that gal with her being rude about my food! But I was wondering if she was making it up about the lunch cus Pratt never told me about it. I called Saraiah and she said we ARE haveing lunch at MY house Sunday! They mightve told me! Saraiah said theres heaps of times shes the last gal to be knowing stuff! I mightve got annoyed but Im pretty sure theres a good reason for Pratt not letting me know about it. Hes ALWAYs way thoughtfull about telling me stuff and Im the first to know most times. I was kinda wishing Pratt and me could be doing something on our own, but I guess he thought it could be making trouble.
Some gentile galsre asking about depression in our group and gals takeing drugs for it. I do know about a coupla gals takeing drugs from the doctor and then there was that gal whose husband got that secret wife. She was in the hospital after she found out and she defnitely was taking pills for it. Harmonee says theres bunchesve gals depressed, but Im not believeing her and nobodys gonna be saying anyways, cus thats showing your not haveing faith and praying and liveing a good life! I think theyd be wanting to be keeping it to themselves till they got righteous again!!!
Im not feeling real good today. I keeping getting these headaches and stumache pains. They come out of nowhere. Im not thinking its stuff Im eating, cus I eat real good food, not all that store bought junk. Im thinking Ill be getting an early night tonight and drinking my herb tea.
Are Isabelle and Nikelle planning on going to college ?
ReplyDeleteWill they be allowed to ? If so,
what would they be permitted to study ?
Honey Dawn, do you perceive that your children feel as close to Harmonee's children as they feel to each other ?
Just Curious
Oh no! HOpe your jealous sister wives are not poisoning you
Speaking of poisonings, how common is domestic violence in your group ?
ReplyDeleteDoes your group have any genetic disorders ?
ReplyDeleteDoes your group routinely screen for genetic disorders ?
I wanted to vote that I thought you were AUB, but the polling counter is not working.