Tony was saying theres two watchdogs looking at my blog!! (I wasnt knowing what animalsve got to do with my blog, but Pratt said what that means.) Melissa was asking who they are? Remember that guy a few weeks back saying my blog was being monitered and he knew my IP address (thats computer stuff) It could be the guverment! Its kinda scarey thinking about it, but its all part of the presecution and Pratt says we need to be expecting it. The bretheren were saying just yesterday in meeting - if your not getting presecution, somethings wrong! Pratts wondering about carrying guns for protection?
I need to be writing some stuff about what Melissa was saying, about what we're doing, being like the hippy folk, and to say its NOT the same thing!!! I dont want to be mean Melissa, but its not! First off, you need to be getting a real preisthood marriage, not just takeing up with some guy, Then those hippy folk were tradeing around, they werent sticking with one person. And they were doing it just for fun. We're DEFNITLEY not doing it for fun! And there was all that drug stuff!!! Pratt says theres hardly ANY drug takeing in our group! He says only a coupla guysre takeing stuff to keep them going. He says its called Adarall (Theres a few real energetick kids needing it so there getting it from an MD and there Papas're shareing with them, so thats OK.) He says someve the old guys with bunchesve younger wives need some stuff to be giveing them more energy. Can't think of the name right now, but the name made me think of those big waterfalls up by Canada. What was it? Anyways, its legal. And another thing about NOT being like the hippy folk, Pratt says about there clothes and hair to - the hippys looked REAL wierd!!
Theres still a bunchve argueing on that one post! Im not understanding it much, but its real nice to see someve the guysre on OUR side! Pratt and me're hopeing theyll be makeing polygamy legal up in Canada so it gets legal here to! Thatd be great! Then bunchsve gals could be getting to see what a blessing it is to be liveing this way!!!! It could be WAY fun for them waiting to see if there husbands will be wanting to get another wife! Theyll be all on there own one day, and then the next day - surprise!- theres another gal in the famly!!! And like I said before - for the gals, polygamys like a boxve choclates - you never know what your getting!
Honey Dawn,
ReplyDeleteI've having a moment that I'm sure you can relate too. I signed in, both at Blogger, and at your website, and tried to vote in your poll, but my vote was rejected!
Anyway, I think you are either AUB, or from Centennial Park, but both attempts to vote failed. There you have it....
I really didn't mean to offend you HoneyDawn. I just find the similarities in sub cultures who feel superior to and disdain for the mainstream fascinating.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to ask more about the drug issue. I have heard that antidepressant medication is widely used among polygamous women, and that it has even been nicknamed Keep Sweet pills. I know your views on depression, but have you known women to be medicated for it? And if they were, is it something they would be open about, or would it be considered shameful?
Was also wondering if you have problems with alcohol abuse among your young people.
Thanks, and I didn't mean to offend. I know my family would be offended too, if they knew I had been comparing their lifestyle to that of Mormon (or any Christian ) fundamentalists.
Melissa xx
Mavis said...
ReplyDeleteHoney Dawn,
I've having a moment that I'm sure you can relate too. I signed in, both at Blogger, and at your website, and tried to vote in your poll, but my vote was rejected!
See what I mean!!! Somethings going on!!!! It could be the guverment or that guy finding out my address!!!!! Im gonna need Pratt around more now!
No watchdogs here... just a friendly "watch - cat!"
ReplyDeleteI am curious regarding the frequency of use of antidepressant medication in your group too, just like Melissa...any estimates ?
Utah has the highest rate of antidepressant use in the country.