Happy Sabbath! Pratt was reading that FLDS Texas blog and he said they were talking about the FLDS getting a new President and it was kinda confusing for some folk cus they were thinking Warrens not the prophet anymore. He said to write some doctrine down about it. The thing is, PRESIDNT and PROPHET are two diffrent things. Joseph Smith was President of the church AND the prophet to. Pratt says there was a time when Josephs brother Hyrum was gonna be President, sos Joseph could be spending more time with the spiritaul prophet stuff. I guess thats what Warrens doing - he needs more time getting his revalations and hes getting Wendell doing the boreing President stuff. Warrens still top guy. I still think Prattd make a GREAT prophet in our group!
Im kinda worried cus theres a gal writing a letter on the "EVERY womans needing a preisthood head." post. I dont know who she is but she put her name at the end and it says "Harmonee's friend" !!!! Im pretty sure its not LiaHona writing in, cus shes not that smart, and Im pretty sure Harmonee hasnt got any friends outside the family. Im hoping Harmonees not reading the blog cus it could be making trouble, even if its all true. Anyways, shes writing a bunchve stupid stuff nobodys gonna beleive, cus folkre getting the REAL truth from me!! I hate it when galsre whineing! She shouldve been counting her blessings and now she wont be makeing it to the CK! Dumb!!!
Have a GREAT day! Im gonna go to meeting and hear the bretheren!
Tony said:
ReplyDelete"I've been studying polygamy for several months and can't find anything wrong with it... "
"it is not accepted.... because it provides a strong family ...and(law makers) don't want strong families..."
Jesus Tony, you've got to be a satire on a satire. There is no other explanation. That one is adequate.