Mavis was asking about gentiles joining our group. Sure they join! Sometimes its famlies, sometimes just gals and sometimes just guys. Mostve them come in from the LDS church cus there seeing we're doing the same stuff the prophet Joseph and the prophet Brigham were doing. Sometimes the first wife galsre not making it and there leaving. Even some of the gals who got told all the truth growing up dont like it all much , cus there loseing the spirit and wanting to be like the gentiles with there husband all to themselves. (I never can understand it!) Thats why your needing to be keeping the kids home when you can so their not picking up gentile ways!
Im not thinking folkre joining the FLDS much now on account of the FLDS thinking there not needing outsiders coming in - they can be building the kingdom on there own. That could be makeing some problams in there group. Even in our group theres gals not haveing to many guys they can be marrying cus there related to most evry guy! Thats not mattering to much to the FLDS and the Kingstons. Maybe thirty years back gentiles could be joining the FLDS but not now.
Pratt says we got a letter from WC but hes not putting it ALL up cus he says WC CANT be saying real nasty stuff about the gals in the new church of the holy matrearch. Pratt says he'll put SOME of the letter here, cus that parts good-
WC said
"All them medical studies saying polygamy is negative toward women and children are kinda confusin me cuz it doesn't sound like any are written by polygamists. It's kinda like askin Randy Mankin if his study of the flds shows a negative impact on his town. ya think he's gonna say no? them researchers just ain't bein sweet- AT ALL."
Pratt says WCs WAY right about it!! - if your wanting to know the truth you need to be asking somebody living it!!! Wheres the stuff in the medical books by polygamy folk? Theres not ONE!!! That PROVES its the guverment turning folk against us! If folk were only asking ME what its like I could tell them all about it! And IM not haveing ANY mental problems AT ALL! I bet I could write stuff in the medical books just as good as all those science guys. There thinking there so great, just cus they went to school all those years and their knowing about makeing it look good in books!! When youve got the spirit your not needing all that going to school! Mostve the bretheren didnt do that and their knowing WAY more than the science guys!
Pratts watching Harmonee real close nowdays. Hes wondering what shes up to, and hes not liking her being so close with LiaHona. Hes asked me to watch them both and whats going on. It makes me feel great about Pratt asking me to be doing stuff for him! He's AWESOME! (And Im NOT thinking its true about folk just wanting to know about Harmonee! AND Pratt says Im WAY important!!!)
And Melissa I think Star Maidens a WAY cute name!!!! I LOVE it and I think you should be sticking with it!
I meant to ask you a while ago - do you get to choose your husband?
also - I am a scientist and I think you are half right and half wrong.
Lots of times the guys can't tell that my work is really really good so that means that you are right those science guys don't know what they are talking about.
But sometimes they publish my work so that's when those science guys do know what they are talking about
ReplyDeleteThe last 2 paragraphs of your post comprise the funniest thing I've read since I began following these blogs. IMO, what you said is sort of the bible for how we evaluate right and wrong in the world. WORD. (It was my neighbor's son who taught me the hip language.)
And Honey Dawn, you see, it is your outlook and writing style which has brought this all out.
Honey Dawn,
ReplyDeleteI am not surprised that the first wives are dissatisfied with polygamy and are leaving your group. They have reported the same finding in Israel among Arab Muslims :
Alean Al-Krenawi, Ph.D,
Ben Gurion University
ABSTRACT: Clinical implications for working with polygamous families are discussed following a report of research among a sample of 126 women from polygamous marriages who were being seen in primary health care centers. Of these, 94 were senior wives who were followed by another wife in the marriage, and 32 were junior wives, the most recent wife joining the marriage. Data revealed that senior wives reported lower self-esteem as compared to junior wives. Findings also showed that senior wives reported poorer relationships with their husbands compared to their junior counterparts.
These factors also contribute to the senior wife’s low self-esteem and marital dissatisfaction.
Contemporary Family Therapy, 21(3), September 1999, Human Sciences Press, Inc.
Susan the MD
ReplyDeleteI do hope you know that was "tongue in cheek?"
ReplyDeleteYes I knew it was tongue in cheek. I move in academic circles myself, and there is nothing I like better than making fun of academics.