Monday, February 22, 2010

Pratts starting the divorce.

I dont think Im gonna be writing to much more. Pratt says what with his two new gals coming in the famly, and Harmonee running off and the 4plex needing finishing hes not sure he can be checking over my blog to be seeing the doctrins right and evrything.

Pratt went to the lawyer today to get the divorce going. Somebody asked if Harmonee had any "dirt" on Pratt!!!!!!!!!!! Pratts practicly perfect, so theres no dirt! Anyways I dont think its mattering if there was any, cus his cousin was takeing some adarrall drugs and other stuff and it didnt matter for custody any more than the polygamy stuff did, so we're pretty sure Pratts gonna be fine. The other thing is, Harmonees gonna find it hard paying a lawyer and Pratts got help, so she'll probally give up prettty soon cus she cant pay. All the trailers and 4 plex and my home belong to the Preisthood, not to Pratt, so she cant be getting anything there. Pratts not using banks much either (he keeps to cash pretty much) so she cant get any money that way. It should all be OK.

We're NOT being to hard on Harmonee!. She shouldnt be saying she'll live the principel and then run off. Its REAL bad to be doing that. And its not mattering that she hasnt got any friends out in the world cus those folk who like helping gals run off're sure to be takeing care of her! I think its BAD, cus they shouldnt be makeing it so easy for them.

Pratt says if Harmonees not coming back, then LiaHona can have Harmonees trailer and the new gals can be living with me. I guess it means I'll be seeing Pratt more that way.


Helene said...

Honey Dawn,
I've gotten a lot out of reading your blog, thank you. I know you said sometime ago that you had a little more left in you to say, before you gave up the voice of Honey Dawn. I hope you've been able to say it. Let us know what the next step is, if you decide this one is concluded.
"Mavis", aka Judith

Harmonee's Friend said...

Thank you for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed HoneyDawn's/my blog. I think I've pretty much gone over all that I wanted to cover. Both Harmonee and I have moved on in our lives and I probably shouldn't go into too much more detail about the divorce etc. as I don't want to be sued by Pratt or HoneyDawn!!
I really have enjoyed writing this. It has helped me proces things, and I hope it has been informative in a light-hearted way.

Anonymous said...

Harmonee's Friend,
I have very much enjoyed your blog. One of the hardest things for me to understand is how some women "buy into it". By creating a blog in the voice of Honey Dawn I feel that I have a better sense of the possible rewards if one is willing to play the game.

I hope that you and your children are well and that your children are adjusting. One of the things that pops up in other blogs from the occasional apostate woman poster is how very very difficult it is for individuals raised in these cults to make the transition to the outside world. This is aside from the logistics of escape, housing, work etc. Just in terms of becoming "real" people of worth in and of themselves.

I shall miss the HoneyDawn character. I truly wanted to see how she adapted to having two young sister wives.

Thank you for sharing with us.


Harmonee's Friend said...

hhg I completely understand your question of how anyone would "buy into" the lifestyle. Faith in Mormonism as truth is a good starting point - following that to its logical conclusion may lead into Mormon Fundamentalism.

We are doing quite well, thank you. I believe it is an easier transition to make for someone who was once an "outsider" than for those who have never known anything else, and for whom the outside world may seem very threatening.

HoneyDawn and the new wives? I think she will be quite put out for a while. Her status as newest wife will be taken from her, and I think Pratt will be pretty besotted with the new "gals" for a while. HoneyDawn may experience a range of psychosomatic disorders. However, as master manipulator, I think she will be able to work some things to her advantage, and will continue in some way with the "victim and rescuer" scenario she plays out with Pratt. A big plus for her will be taking over Harmonee's children while they have visitation with Pratt. This will give her a real sense of power and status.

Perhaps in time LiaHona will also have the courage to make a break for it?

Rebeckah said...

I'll miss both HoneyDawn and Harmonee too but I certainly understand why you think it's time to end this blog. I really enjoyed both the blog and the chance to peek into the dynamics of what appears to be a fairly typical plural family.

A book that folks might find interesting about a fictional case of poygyny is called Brother's Keeper. In it men have become extremely rare due to some genetic disease or something like that so sisters form family groups with one man. The men aren't entirely powerless, but their power base is limited as they are "protected" by the women from the hazards of daily life and kept protected and generally kept indoors. So if you want to take a trip to another side of polygyny I can recommend it. I found it really interesting. (I can't remember the author but it was a scifi/fantasy book. :)

Helene said...

Hello Harmonee's Friend,
I'm glad you haven't taken your blog down yet.

One of the things I would like to understand better, is delusion, especially religious delusion.

Delusions, once the God concept has been introduced, become almost impossible to be altered, no matter what the destruction. I've noticed that many of the stories of people who have "escaped" destructive situations have something in common; the capacity for reason has not been completely destroyed. The person asked her or himself a simple question, and their inability to find a satisfactory answer within the religious framework they espoused triggered a move forward to a different way of seeing things. But a "new way" of course does not become possible without discrete outward changes, and that is what is so painful and difficult.

Most people are affected by destructive beliefs, whether they are associated with recognizable social groups or not. That is why people like you, who have made such changes, have so much to offer others.

Judith, formerly signed in using the handle "Mavis"

Harmonee's Friend said...

Judith, Thanks for the interesting observations. Encouraging the capacity to reason and use critical thinking, is a vital part of education. When education is perceived as fairly unimportant apart from learning basic skills, often the ability to think rationally is undeveloped. Add to that the admonition that I heard a few times from authority figures - not to use logic, but just to have faith - you have a very constricting and dangerous set of circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for continuing your story to the end.

I have loved your blog on so many levels.

Many people here have been wondering how you have made it through your ordeals and come out the other side a happy well adjusted woman. In my opinion a keen sense of satire and eye for the ridiculous has probably been one of your most powerful weapons.

I wish you, Harmonee and, of course, HoneyDawn all the best. It must be very difficult for Harnonee to accept HoneyDawn's ongoing involvement with and influence upon her children, and I really hope they have inherited her talent for choosing to laugh instead of cry.

Thankyou for many laughs and a deeper understanding of the culture from which you come.

Melissa xx

Harmonee's Friend said...

Hi Melissa,
Although I have never met you, and the many others who have posted on this blog, I feel as though I have found a few friends out there. Writing has really helped me, and I am glad if it has informed and amused too. “Harmonee “and I have come a long way since leaving. I am more than happy about making that choice, although it has been quite difficult for me to start all over again later in life. ‘Harmonee” has endured intense stress fighting for her children, with comparatively much fewer financial assets than her husband has had at his disposal. The custody arrangements are less than satisfactory, but they have to be dealt with somehow. I still think that the law in Utah is insane- not that fathers should be barred from contact with their children, but why on earth should they be allowed to model and directly teach their children to live an illegal practice! We are both hoping and praying that “Harmonee’s” influence upon her children will be stronger than "Pratt's", “HoneyDawn's” and their community. The children are forging friendships outside that should help them in their comparisons as they get older.
Anyone out there who would still like to "talk", please feel free to email me at
Very best wishes to you all.

Anonymous said...

Strength and courage to you, Harmonee.
God Bless,

Harmonee's Friend said...

Susan, Thank you. Your contributions have been excellent. I would love to meet you some day and talk.

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Almost Heaven by HoneyDawn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.