I dont think Im gonna be writing to much more. Pratt says what with his two new gals coming in the famly, and Harmonee running off and the 4plex needing finishing hes not sure he can be checking over my blog to be seeing the doctrins right and evrything.
Pratt went to the lawyer today to get the divorce going. Somebody asked if Harmonee had any "dirt" on Pratt!!!!!!!!!!! Pratts practicly perfect, so theres no dirt! Anyways I dont think its mattering if there was any, cus his cousin was takeing some adarrall drugs and other stuff and it didnt matter for custody any more than the polygamy stuff did, so we're pretty sure Pratts gonna be fine. The other thing is, Harmonees gonna find it hard paying a lawyer and Pratts got help, so she'll probally give up prettty soon cus she cant pay. All the trailers and 4 plex and my home belong to the Preisthood, not to Pratt, so she cant be getting anything there. Pratts not using banks much either (he keeps to cash pretty much) so she cant get any money that way. It should all be OK.
We're NOT being to hard on Harmonee!. She shouldnt be saying she'll live the principel and then run off. Its REAL bad to be doing that. And its not mattering that she hasnt got any friends out in the world cus those folk who like helping gals run off're sure to be takeing care of her! I think its BAD, cus they shouldnt be makeing it so easy for them.
Pratt says if Harmonees not coming back, then LiaHona can have Harmonees trailer and the new gals can be living with me. I guess it means I'll be seeing Pratt more that way.
HoneyDawn's polygamy blog about her WAY heavenly life as a plural wife in a Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamist family. HoneyDawn shares her daily life and her insights into her religion and beliefs.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Pratt says I can be Harmonees kids Mother!!!!!!
Its all been real upsetting so I havent been wanting to write much today, but I thought I better let you know whats happening. Pratt didnt find much out yesterday, except somebody where she works said a couple of gals in a van came and got Harmonee from work and she put all those garbage sacks in the van and drove off with them. We're guessing they all went to the school and picked up the kids and then went off somewhere, but we dont know where. Pratts tried calling her phone but she's not answering.
Somebody was saying why did she run off instead of sitting down and talking and then haveing us help her pack!!! You dont sit down and talk about breaking your promises to god! Was Pratt supposed to say - go ahead and go to heck and while your at it take the kids with you!!! Theres no way he was letting her go off with the kids.
We all had a big talk today. Pratts thinking one of those groups out there thatre helping women leaving polygamy, are helping Harmonee, cus she couldnt do it without money and somewhere to be living. He's probally gonna call them all up and see if he can tell whose got her. Its not right for them getting between a guy and his wives!!
LaBlessing was worried about Harmonee going to the newspapers and it makeing trouble for us, but LIaHona said she wouldnt be doing that cus she knows Harmonees tries to things quiet for the sake of her kids. Pratts not worried to much anyways cus it wont make any diffrence here in Utah. His cousin had a gal run off and get a divorce and he still got joint custody cus the judge said polygamys got nothing to do with custody of the kids. His cousin gets the kids evry other weekend and holidays and he takes them to meetings on Sundays and teaches them all the truth about polygamy and theres nothing his ex can do about it. She even got told she cant be saying bad stuff about polygamy to her kids, cus thats part of her husbands religon, so thats OK, they wont be going to heck to.
One good thing, Pratts cousin lets one of his gals be mother for the kids when there with him, and Pratt says he'll be letting me do the same with Harmonees kids! Im WAY happy about it! I always wanted more kids, and now I get Harmonees! Pratt says maybe thats gods way of blessing me. Harmonee wont be getting her kids in the next life anyways, so I get them instead. I can have them wear more appropryate clothes and hairstyles now to and teach them the truth and haveing faith in there Papa and the bretheren. When Harmonee finds out about that maybe she'll be wishing she stayed! Theres nothing she can be doing about whats happeining when the kidsre with Pratt and me!
Cus Harmonees legal wife, Pratts going to the lawyers Monday and getting a divorce going. That way he'll soon be finding out whats going on cus Harmonees gonna have to be getting a lawyer to. Pratts not worried about the money cus theres a guy in our group whose got money, and he says he'll be helping Pratt out. He says Harmonees bound to be talking to her parents soon and hes gonna find out where she is.
Somebody was saying why did she run off instead of sitting down and talking and then haveing us help her pack!!! You dont sit down and talk about breaking your promises to god! Was Pratt supposed to say - go ahead and go to heck and while your at it take the kids with you!!! Theres no way he was letting her go off with the kids.
We all had a big talk today. Pratts thinking one of those groups out there thatre helping women leaving polygamy, are helping Harmonee, cus she couldnt do it without money and somewhere to be living. He's probally gonna call them all up and see if he can tell whose got her. Its not right for them getting between a guy and his wives!!
LaBlessing was worried about Harmonee going to the newspapers and it makeing trouble for us, but LIaHona said she wouldnt be doing that cus she knows Harmonees tries to things quiet for the sake of her kids. Pratts not worried to much anyways cus it wont make any diffrence here in Utah. His cousin had a gal run off and get a divorce and he still got joint custody cus the judge said polygamys got nothing to do with custody of the kids. His cousin gets the kids evry other weekend and holidays and he takes them to meetings on Sundays and teaches them all the truth about polygamy and theres nothing his ex can do about it. She even got told she cant be saying bad stuff about polygamy to her kids, cus thats part of her husbands religon, so thats OK, they wont be going to heck to.
One good thing, Pratts cousin lets one of his gals be mother for the kids when there with him, and Pratt says he'll be letting me do the same with Harmonees kids! Im WAY happy about it! I always wanted more kids, and now I get Harmonees! Pratt says maybe thats gods way of blessing me. Harmonee wont be getting her kids in the next life anyways, so I get them instead. I can have them wear more appropryate clothes and hairstyles now to and teach them the truth and haveing faith in there Papa and the bretheren. When Harmonee finds out about that maybe she'll be wishing she stayed! Theres nothing she can be doing about whats happeining when the kidsre with Pratt and me!
Cus Harmonees legal wife, Pratts going to the lawyers Monday and getting a divorce going. That way he'll soon be finding out whats going on cus Harmonees gonna have to be getting a lawyer to. Pratts not worried about the money cus theres a guy in our group whose got money, and he says he'll be helping Pratt out. He says Harmonees bound to be talking to her parents soon and hes gonna find out where she is.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Shes Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im writing real late today! Evrythings a real mess today and evrybodys running around crazy. Pratts mad and LiaHona and her kidsre crying so I cant be writing to much today. Were all going out searching soon.
Harmonees kids didnt come home from school yesterday afternoon. They get on the bus and I was thinking they missed it. I called up the school to see, but they said Harmonee picked them up around lunch time. That was real strange cus Harmonee hasnt got a car. Then Saraiah went to pick up all the gals from work and Harmonee wasnt there! Saraiah went in and asked, but they said Harmonee left early!!!
I was wondering what was going on and maybe she was coming home later, but she didnt turn up. I called Pratt for him to know but he didnt answer and he wasnt with any of the gals last evening. He mustve got back way late to Chastitees and she was asleep and didnt tell him what was going on till this morning. He went over to Harmonees trailer right away - and all her clothes are gone and all the kids stuff!!!!!! Then Pratt came over to talk to LiaHona and shes been in tears. Saraiahs been over to, and Pratt was asking her how Harmonee managed to sneak off with all that stuff. Saraiah says Harmonees been takeing garbage bags of stuff to work for weeks and she said it she was cleaning out, and it was junk someone was dropping off to DI for her! I guess it was her own stuff and she was hideing it somewhere at work!!!! Pratt was asking LiaHona what SHE was knowing about it and why she wasnt telling HIM. LiaHona said she knew Harmonee was WAY unhappy and she was talking about leaving but she didnt know she was REALLY gonna do it!
What we DONT know is HOW Harmonee ran off without a car, and she doesnt have any money, so hows she gonna live with all the kids? Somebody must know something! Pratts going into town to ask her boss whats going on and just to drive around and see if he can see anything We're all going with him, and we need to go now, so Ill write some more tomorrow - maybe she'll be back then, when she thinks about it all some more and thinks about her covenenants.
Pratt says if she thinks she can just run off with HIS kids she'd better be thinking again!!
This is whats happening when galsre not listening to there preisthood heads, and reading all that bad stuff and thinking there smarter than the bretheren, and loseing the spirit!!!!!!
Harmonees kids didnt come home from school yesterday afternoon. They get on the bus and I was thinking they missed it. I called up the school to see, but they said Harmonee picked them up around lunch time. That was real strange cus Harmonee hasnt got a car. Then Saraiah went to pick up all the gals from work and Harmonee wasnt there! Saraiah went in and asked, but they said Harmonee left early!!!
I was wondering what was going on and maybe she was coming home later, but she didnt turn up. I called Pratt for him to know but he didnt answer and he wasnt with any of the gals last evening. He mustve got back way late to Chastitees and she was asleep and didnt tell him what was going on till this morning. He went over to Harmonees trailer right away - and all her clothes are gone and all the kids stuff!!!!!! Then Pratt came over to talk to LiaHona and shes been in tears. Saraiahs been over to, and Pratt was asking her how Harmonee managed to sneak off with all that stuff. Saraiah says Harmonees been takeing garbage bags of stuff to work for weeks and she said it she was cleaning out, and it was junk someone was dropping off to DI for her! I guess it was her own stuff and she was hideing it somewhere at work!!!! Pratt was asking LiaHona what SHE was knowing about it and why she wasnt telling HIM. LiaHona said she knew Harmonee was WAY unhappy and she was talking about leaving but she didnt know she was REALLY gonna do it!
What we DONT know is HOW Harmonee ran off without a car, and she doesnt have any money, so hows she gonna live with all the kids? Somebody must know something! Pratts going into town to ask her boss whats going on and just to drive around and see if he can see anything We're all going with him, and we need to go now, so Ill write some more tomorrow - maybe she'll be back then, when she thinks about it all some more and thinks about her covenenants.
Pratt says if she thinks she can just run off with HIS kids she'd better be thinking again!!
This is whats happening when galsre not listening to there preisthood heads, and reading all that bad stuff and thinking there smarter than the bretheren, and loseing the spirit!!!!!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Wedding plans.
I thought Pratt was going to be telling evrybody today, about the new sisterwives, but he got evrybody together last night and told them. Mostve the gals said its great . Harmonee and LiaHona were real quiet but I saw them giveing each other a look. LiaHona whispered to me after, that it was WAY cool for me to have this new exsperiance, cus up till now Ive always been the newest wife (I was the last in Heelamans famly to, and he wasnt taking another wife after he got me.)
LaBlessing was asking Pratt where the new wives are gonna be living, cus theres still stuff to do on the 4plex and Pratts not haveing so much time to be working on it. Pratt said his brother Nephi's got an old trailer that they can live in and then when someve the gals move in to the 4plex, then they can have there trailers. He said itd be great if us gals could clean and paint up the old trailer to make it better before the wedding. Harmonee was asking if they should be makeing new drapes and bed covers to? (I dont think she wants to be doing any of that so I dont know why she was asking!)
Pratt says he wants us all in the line for the wedding reseption, and he wants us to be singing a song to the new brides to, to make them welcome in our famly. Chastitees gonna be picking the song.
Thats gonna be 9 sisterwives in the family!! Thats gonna be makeing the sckedule diffrent. We'll be seeing Pratt evry 9 days, unless the spirits telling him something diffrent. LiaHona was saying there real young gals, but LaBlessing says theres no point in takeing wives unless they can be haveing kids.
Im WAY thankful for all the blessings we're getting. Theres no better way to be liveing!
LaBlessing was asking Pratt where the new wives are gonna be living, cus theres still stuff to do on the 4plex and Pratts not haveing so much time to be working on it. Pratt said his brother Nephi's got an old trailer that they can live in and then when someve the gals move in to the 4plex, then they can have there trailers. He said itd be great if us gals could clean and paint up the old trailer to make it better before the wedding. Harmonee was asking if they should be makeing new drapes and bed covers to? (I dont think she wants to be doing any of that so I dont know why she was asking!)
Pratt says he wants us all in the line for the wedding reseption, and he wants us to be singing a song to the new brides to, to make them welcome in our famly. Chastitees gonna be picking the song.
Thats gonna be 9 sisterwives in the family!! Thats gonna be makeing the sckedule diffrent. We'll be seeing Pratt evry 9 days, unless the spirits telling him something diffrent. LiaHona was saying there real young gals, but LaBlessing says theres no point in takeing wives unless they can be haveing kids.
Im WAY thankful for all the blessings we're getting. Theres no better way to be liveing!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I found out whats going on.
I called that gal yesterday and asked her what she was meaning about "congratulations" and all she said was "you need to be talking to your husband". So I made up my mind I WAS going to be talking to him. Nobody knew where he was going to be last night, so I sat in my car near the road coming in and waited to see him come in. It was hours! But around 10 I saw him coming , so I flashed the carlights and made him stop. He got out of his truck and came over and got in. He was WAY surprised to see me and asked what I was doing? I said I missed him and why wasnt he answering the phone? Pratt said hed been WAY busy, but he was missing me to. Then I said about what that gal told me to ask him. He looked kinda surprised and then said he was waiting for the right time to talk to me, so I said "how about now?"
Pratt told me hed been to the bretheren about Harmonee and LiaHona and what to be doing about them, and the bretheren told him itd be good for us gals, if he made the famly bigger, cus itd give us all something else to be thinking about. So I said, the famly IS getting bigger - what with LiaHona and Chastitee haveing there babies, and who knows I might be getting a baby sometime to! But he said "not bigger like that" so I went "whatdyou mean?." He said he was kinda worried about telling me, what with me being real sensative and the other wives not being real sweet to me, but he said he knew I knew heaps about liveing the Principel, and all about spiritaul stuff, so he knew Id be understanding that it was time to be takeing more wives!!! Then he said hed been out to see a COUPLA gals in one of our other communitys - there sisters. He said he saw them at the dance last time, and when the bretheren told him about takeing more wives, he asked there Papa about them and he said to go ahead. There 19 and 20. Pratt thinks Ill be showing them how to live the Principel right and he says maybe theyll be nicer to me than the rest.
Pratt says he needs to be spending time getting to know them, but hes pretty sure he'll be takeing them as wives - maybe next month, and he said Im REAL good at finding great places to go, so maybe I can be finding a place for there honeymoon? He says he'll be marrying them both on the same day, and then taking one off on honeymoon and then coming back and takeing the other off after. He wants me to be thinking about the refreshmants for the reseption to. He's telling the rest of the gals tomorrow.
After Pratt went, I drove home and prayed for a WAY long time. Im REAL happy about it all, its a great blessing for allve us!!! Itll make Pratts kingdom grow real fast and thatll mean more glory in the CK and all us wives will be learning more great stuff about being heavanly wives!! I am WAY happy about it!!!! The bretheren KNOW whats best for the famly. Im REAL happy - I couldnt be any happyer !!!!!- I cant wait to say that the next time we have testifying at meeting.
I guess I know where the roses went.
Im getting that stomache trouble again - its probally just a test from god. Itll be OK if I drink plentyve herb tea. I might stay in bed today.
Pratt told me hed been to the bretheren about Harmonee and LiaHona and what to be doing about them, and the bretheren told him itd be good for us gals, if he made the famly bigger, cus itd give us all something else to be thinking about. So I said, the famly IS getting bigger - what with LiaHona and Chastitee haveing there babies, and who knows I might be getting a baby sometime to! But he said "not bigger like that" so I went "whatdyou mean?." He said he was kinda worried about telling me, what with me being real sensative and the other wives not being real sweet to me, but he said he knew I knew heaps about liveing the Principel, and all about spiritaul stuff, so he knew Id be understanding that it was time to be takeing more wives!!! Then he said hed been out to see a COUPLA gals in one of our other communitys - there sisters. He said he saw them at the dance last time, and when the bretheren told him about takeing more wives, he asked there Papa about them and he said to go ahead. There 19 and 20. Pratt thinks Ill be showing them how to live the Principel right and he says maybe theyll be nicer to me than the rest.
Pratt says he needs to be spending time getting to know them, but hes pretty sure he'll be takeing them as wives - maybe next month, and he said Im REAL good at finding great places to go, so maybe I can be finding a place for there honeymoon? He says he'll be marrying them both on the same day, and then taking one off on honeymoon and then coming back and takeing the other off after. He wants me to be thinking about the refreshmants for the reseption to. He's telling the rest of the gals tomorrow.
After Pratt went, I drove home and prayed for a WAY long time. Im REAL happy about it all, its a great blessing for allve us!!! Itll make Pratts kingdom grow real fast and thatll mean more glory in the CK and all us wives will be learning more great stuff about being heavanly wives!! I am WAY happy about it!!!! The bretheren KNOW whats best for the famly. Im REAL happy - I couldnt be any happyer !!!!!- I cant wait to say that the next time we have testifying at meeting.
I guess I know where the roses went.
Im getting that stomache trouble again - its probally just a test from god. Itll be OK if I drink plentyve herb tea. I might stay in bed today.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Wheres Pratt and whats he doing?
I asked LiaHona why Pratt got in so late last night, and she said he said he was "in a meeting" but he didnt say any more about it. I asked her if she knew what kind of a meeting and who it was with, but she didnt know, but she was thinking it was a date!!!!!! That cant be right!!!! Pratts ALWAYS telling me stuff and Im always calling him last thing at night, but I wasnt getting through and he didnt call me. And about the roses. Somebody said they were probally for me, but they didnt come yet!!!! LiaHona CANT be right!!! I asked her about it and she said she heard a rumur about it from somebody else!!!
And another thing, Im still wondering what that gal whose married to one of the bretheren meant about the congratulations. I called Saraiah late last night and asked if anybodys getting a baby in the famly and she said not as far as she knows, except for Celestial Rainbow and Chastitee - and evrybody alredy knows about THEM. Saraiah didnt know anything about any dates, and she couldnt beleive Prattd be doing that before telling us!
Then I called LaBlessing and asked her, cus she's knowing evrything going on (Pratts not telling her but she still knows pretty much evrything - I dont know how shes doing it) She said theres no babies, but Ill probally get a BIG surprize pretty soon. She wouldnt say anything more about it, but she knows SOMETHING and the way she was saying it didnt sound much like a nice surprize!
Im calling that gal later (the one married to one of the bretheren and Im asking her what she was talking about. AND Ill watch for Pratts truck tonight and try and find out which of us gals hes with tonight. I dont think Pratts doing stuff without telling me about it. He wouldnt be going on dates without telling me!!!
And another thing, Im still wondering what that gal whose married to one of the bretheren meant about the congratulations. I called Saraiah late last night and asked if anybodys getting a baby in the famly and she said not as far as she knows, except for Celestial Rainbow and Chastitee - and evrybody alredy knows about THEM. Saraiah didnt know anything about any dates, and she couldnt beleive Prattd be doing that before telling us!
Then I called LaBlessing and asked her, cus she's knowing evrything going on (Pratts not telling her but she still knows pretty much evrything - I dont know how shes doing it) She said theres no babies, but Ill probally get a BIG surprize pretty soon. She wouldnt say anything more about it, but she knows SOMETHING and the way she was saying it didnt sound much like a nice surprize!
Im calling that gal later (the one married to one of the bretheren and Im asking her what she was talking about. AND Ill watch for Pratts truck tonight and try and find out which of us gals hes with tonight. I dont think Pratts doing stuff without telling me about it. He wouldnt be going on dates without telling me!!!
Whose roses??
Well, I didnt get to talk to Pratt last night after all, and he went out real early this morning before I could see him. I was awake for hours last night wondering where he was. LiaHona cooked for him and evrything, but he didnt come. I think I heard the door around one in the morning, so Im wondring if he had a specail meeting with the bretheren or something? I DID want to talk to him. I'll ask LiaHona about it later on.
I was trying to get caught up on the wash yesterday and I was putting someve Pratts pants in the washer and I thought Id just be checking the pockets first and I found a reseipt from a flower store in town. It was for 2 dozin red roses. I asked LiaHona if Pratt gave her roses but she said no. I asked her if ANY of the gals got roses, but she didnt know, but she said she didnt think Prattd be buying roses unless he did stuff for evrybody. I guess maybe shes right, but I didnt get any, so who did?
I was calling Pratt all day, but I think there must be something wrong with his phone. Harmonee came in for a spell after work. Im not sure about Pratts sckedule this week so I was asking her where he was going to be on what night, but she was saying she didnt care WHERE he was, and it didnt matter anymore to her if he got a HUNDRED wives!!! I dont know why she went on like that - I just asked a question! Then Harmonee went "Anyways - I expect hes letting the SPIRIT tell him where to be, so go ask the SPIRIT what the sckedule is!!!!" She didnt need to be talking like that - Pratt wouldnt be likeing his gals talking that way!
Harmonee and LiaHonare always saying the last wifes not really knowing what polygamys like till the husband gets a NEW wife - then she gets to feel what it was like for the other wives when she came in. I think there just haveing some jealousy cus I was last, and Pratt tells me about evrything and hes ALWAYS showing how much hes protecting me. Im just a damson in distress, and Pratts my brave knight! I think its WAY important for all us gals not to get upset about it when Pratts showing his love to one wife in front of another wife. Thats part of growing in the Principel.
ps That rat guy was saying Pratt could be marrying my Serenity Fawn - thats dumb - shes already in a polygamy marrige!
pss Thanks Mavis for saying nice stuff about me!
psss Rebeckah - Im defnitely not a slave - Im not going out to work even!!!
I was trying to get caught up on the wash yesterday and I was putting someve Pratts pants in the washer and I thought Id just be checking the pockets first and I found a reseipt from a flower store in town. It was for 2 dozin red roses. I asked LiaHona if Pratt gave her roses but she said no. I asked her if ANY of the gals got roses, but she didnt know, but she said she didnt think Prattd be buying roses unless he did stuff for evrybody. I guess maybe shes right, but I didnt get any, so who did?
I was calling Pratt all day, but I think there must be something wrong with his phone. Harmonee came in for a spell after work. Im not sure about Pratts sckedule this week so I was asking her where he was going to be on what night, but she was saying she didnt care WHERE he was, and it didnt matter anymore to her if he got a HUNDRED wives!!! I dont know why she went on like that - I just asked a question! Then Harmonee went "Anyways - I expect hes letting the SPIRIT tell him where to be, so go ask the SPIRIT what the sckedule is!!!!" She didnt need to be talking like that - Pratt wouldnt be likeing his gals talking that way!
Harmonee and LiaHonare always saying the last wifes not really knowing what polygamys like till the husband gets a NEW wife - then she gets to feel what it was like for the other wives when she came in. I think there just haveing some jealousy cus I was last, and Pratt tells me about evrything and hes ALWAYS showing how much hes protecting me. Im just a damson in distress, and Pratts my brave knight! I think its WAY important for all us gals not to get upset about it when Pratts showing his love to one wife in front of another wife. Thats part of growing in the Principel.
ps That rat guy was saying Pratt could be marrying my Serenity Fawn - thats dumb - shes already in a polygamy marrige!
pss Thanks Mavis for saying nice stuff about me!
psss Rebeckah - Im defnitely not a slave - Im not going out to work even!!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Dont be makeing polygamy legal!!!!
It was Presidents day yesterday so someve the gals stayed home from work, and Pratt was off to. Dont know where he was all day. I tried calling but there was no answer. (Maybe his phones still dead?) LiaHona didnt know where he was (or she wasnt saying) She was real quiet all morning and then she took her kids and went over to Harmonees in the afternoon. After that I didnt see anybody all day. (I wish I was back at Lava Hot Springs with Pratt.)
I was thinking about what Pratt was telling me when we were away, and its WAY important for polgamy folk. Remember I was saying about Canada and them probally makeing polygamy legal and we were thinking thats GOOD for us and maybe theyd be doing the same here? Well, Pratt was saying maybe its NOT good, cus if they make polygamy legal then theyll proballly be makeing other stuff legal to, and it could get complicatid. Ferinstance, if gals can marry gals, and guys can be marrying guys - what if a gal married a polygamy guy and then she wanted to marry a gal to, and then what if the polygamy guy wanted to be married to gals AND guys to?!!!!!! Pratt was saying the bretheren wont let it happen with US, but it could be happening outside!! SO the gals outside who might be finding out what polygamys like when there husband gets another gal, and loveing it, might get a big surprize when hes marrying a guy to, and then itd be all mixed up!!!!! Pratt says for polygamy folk to just say NO to makeing polygamy legal!
I was just going to bed last night and I got this call from one of the bretherens wives. She said, did I have a nice time away? And then she went, "congratulations" and wasnt it exciting for our famly? I went "congratulations for what, and whats exciting?" Then she she went, didnt I know? So I went "know what?" and then she went "never mind, its late, I need to go now" and then she rang off. Whats all THAT about??
I hope thingsre better today and I can call Pratt. Hes with LiaHona tonight so I can see him then.
Oh, and one thing - its not nice talking behind my back - that "Harmonees friend" gal was putting up stuff when I was away. Just remember she's apostate, so you cant be takeing ANYTHING shes saying as true! It looks like some gals or guysre listening to her! Im WAY glad Melissas on my side! (she knows I real thoughtfull and kind.)
I was thinking about what Pratt was telling me when we were away, and its WAY important for polgamy folk. Remember I was saying about Canada and them probally makeing polygamy legal and we were thinking thats GOOD for us and maybe theyd be doing the same here? Well, Pratt was saying maybe its NOT good, cus if they make polygamy legal then theyll proballly be makeing other stuff legal to, and it could get complicatid. Ferinstance, if gals can marry gals, and guys can be marrying guys - what if a gal married a polygamy guy and then she wanted to marry a gal to, and then what if the polygamy guy wanted to be married to gals AND guys to?!!!!!! Pratt was saying the bretheren wont let it happen with US, but it could be happening outside!! SO the gals outside who might be finding out what polygamys like when there husband gets another gal, and loveing it, might get a big surprize when hes marrying a guy to, and then itd be all mixed up!!!!! Pratt says for polygamy folk to just say NO to makeing polygamy legal!
I was just going to bed last night and I got this call from one of the bretherens wives. She said, did I have a nice time away? And then she went, "congratulations" and wasnt it exciting for our famly? I went "congratulations for what, and whats exciting?" Then she she went, didnt I know? So I went "know what?" and then she went "never mind, its late, I need to go now" and then she rang off. Whats all THAT about??
I hope thingsre better today and I can call Pratt. Hes with LiaHona tonight so I can see him then.
Oh, and one thing - its not nice talking behind my back - that "Harmonees friend" gal was putting up stuff when I was away. Just remember she's apostate, so you cant be takeing ANYTHING shes saying as true! It looks like some gals or guysre listening to her! Im WAY glad Melissas on my side! (she knows I real thoughtfull and kind.)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Back from Lava Hot Springs - new trials!!!
I'm back evrybody! I bet you all missed me! Lava Hot Springs was AWESOME! Pratts AWESOME! I was feeling way better till I got home and found evrybody was real mad. Pratt doesnt know what all the fuss is about - he says we didnt get back late on purpose!!!! I need to be telling you what happened. We had a wonderful time at the Springs and it did me good to be there. All my headaches and stomache pains went away!! I just KNEW that was going to happen! Pratt LOVED the modest swim suits. Saturday night at the cabin was great - Pratt brought logs and we had a big fire - it was WAY romantic! We planned on getting up and driving back real early yesterday for the famly valentine pot luck lunch. Trouble was, we went to bed real late, and there was a problam with the alarm clock not going off, and the cabins in trees so its real dark, and then theres thick drapes, so we didnt wake up till late - only I didnt know it cus I read the clock wrong - it mustve been upside down, so I didnt tell Pratt to get up and I spent a real long time praying. By the time Pratt did get up and we realised the time, it was REAL late, and he couldnt call and tell anybody cus he forgot his phone charger. We got back at 3 in the afternoon. By then evrybody went home. LiaHona and her kids were there waiting and there were valentine decorations but none of the food cus evrybody took it home with them. They mightve left us some lunch!! LiaHona didnt say much but she said evrybody waited for 2 hours before they went home and someve the kids were crying cus they were looking forward to seeing there Papa and having a party. (They left there valentines cards for there Papa with LiaHona.) Well, its not MY fault! They need to have a sweeter attitude. Things just happen sometimes and its nobodies fault!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines!
(Heres a message I wrote Friday)
Happy Valentines day evrybody! I'm still away, but Ill be back later today and Ill tell you all about the Lava Hot springs trip tomorrow!
I wish all you gals out there could be haveing a wonderful husband like me!! The good thing about polygamy - if the guy you want is marrried - it doesnt matter! You can still get him! For all you gals out there wishing for a guy, just try polygamy! You can have a great marrige like me and the rest of the sisterwives in our famly!!!
Happy Valentines day evrybody! I'm still away, but Ill be back later today and Ill tell you all about the Lava Hot springs trip tomorrow!
I wish all you gals out there could be haveing a wonderful husband like me!! The good thing about polygamy - if the guy you want is marrried - it doesnt matter! You can still get him! For all you gals out there wishing for a guy, just try polygamy! You can have a great marrige like me and the rest of the sisterwives in our famly!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Away in Idaho.
Sorry Im away till tomorrow, but I answered these questions before I went yesterday.
1."What jobs do men in your sect usually perform ?"
First off I dont think its a sect we're in - its the only true group! the guys do diffrent jobs but theres a lot in construction.
2." What about the women ?Anything outside of the home?Are some permitted to be nurses or teachers?"
Some gals stay home, but some go out to work to make money for there famlies. Theres a few nurses and a coupla teachers, some work in Walmart and places like that. Most gals dont go to college, cus they get married - its more important. Hramonee wants HER girls going to college like her!
3"... I am curious about how you feel about only having been able to have 2 kids.Does it not matter too much cause both if your husbands have had other wives to add children to their kingdom or is it something that you feel bad about ?"
Some gals show off about all there kids!! Some wives see if they can have more kids than the other sisterwives to build up there husbands kingdoms. I dont worry to much cus I know can have heapsve kids in the next life and Ill probally get the kids of the some gals who got to be apostates anyways.
Theres some folk saying mean stuff like they think Im not here!! (Well Im not here today, but they shouldnt be saying it to me, Pratt wont be likeing it!)
See you soon!!!
1."What jobs do men in your sect usually perform ?"
First off I dont think its a sect we're in - its the only true group! the guys do diffrent jobs but theres a lot in construction.
2." What about the women ?Anything outside of the home?Are some permitted to be nurses or teachers?"
Some gals stay home, but some go out to work to make money for there famlies. Theres a few nurses and a coupla teachers, some work in Walmart and places like that. Most gals dont go to college, cus they get married - its more important. Hramonee wants HER girls going to college like her!
3"... I am curious about how you feel about only having been able to have 2 kids.Does it not matter too much cause both if your husbands have had other wives to add children to their kingdom or is it something that you feel bad about ?"
Some gals show off about all there kids!! Some wives see if they can have more kids than the other sisterwives to build up there husbands kingdoms. I dont worry to much cus I know can have heapsve kids in the next life and Ill probally get the kids of the some gals who got to be apostates anyways.
Theres some folk saying mean stuff like they think Im not here!! (Well Im not here today, but they shouldnt be saying it to me, Pratt wont be likeing it!)
See you soon!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Just getting ready for Lava Hot Springs!
Sorry I was putting the blog up late yesterday. I was so busy reading I didnt check it went up OK.
Im still WAY excited about the trip!!!! (even if Im still feeling bad.) Im starting on the cover up swim clothes straight away! I got some stretch fabric to make them already and its cut out, so I just need to be sewing now. Mines pink and Pratts is black. Their gonna be like those wet suits things, but there not rubber. There down to the wrists and ankles and up round the neck, so theyll cover real good. Their kinda tight so I can be wearing a loose dress over and Pratt can wear long shorts and a shirt. I think theyll look great! And there modest to!
I just KNOW its gonna be a specail trip for Pratt and me. Its WAY romantic how Pratts always looking out for me! I got his valentine card finished, but Ill keep it for Sunday when we're back.
I think I better make some food to take up to. That way we can take it up to the cabin. Prattll like it cus itll save some money. I might make my garlic tuna casserole, or my fish sanwhiches with onions. I better ask Pratt which he likes best.
What Ill do about the questions is try and answer them this afternoon and put up the answers for tomorrow and maybe Sunday, when Im away, cus we dont get internet at the cabin, and Im thinking there wont be time to be writing then anyways, cus Ill need all my time for Pratt.
Dont miss me to much!
Sorry I was putting the blog up late yesterday. I was so busy reading I didnt check it went up OK.
Im still WAY excited about the trip!!!! (even if Im still feeling bad.) Im starting on the cover up swim clothes straight away! I got some stretch fabric to make them already and its cut out, so I just need to be sewing now. Mines pink and Pratts is black. Their gonna be like those wet suits things, but there not rubber. There down to the wrists and ankles and up round the neck, so theyll cover real good. Their kinda tight so I can be wearing a loose dress over and Pratt can wear long shorts and a shirt. I think theyll look great! And there modest to!
I just KNOW its gonna be a specail trip for Pratt and me. Its WAY romantic how Pratts always looking out for me! I got his valentine card finished, but Ill keep it for Sunday when we're back.
I think I better make some food to take up to. That way we can take it up to the cabin. Prattll like it cus itll save some money. I might make my garlic tuna casserole, or my fish sanwhiches with onions. I better ask Pratt which he likes best.
What Ill do about the questions is try and answer them this afternoon and put up the answers for tomorrow and maybe Sunday, when Im away, cus we dont get internet at the cabin, and Im thinking there wont be time to be writing then anyways, cus Ill need all my time for Pratt.
Dont miss me to much!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Great news!
Thanks to all the folk hoping Im getting better. The thing is, Im still feeling bad and whats bad to, is Saraiah came in with some chicken and garlic soup for me, and she says the sisterwivesre complaineing about me getting extra nights. They should KNOW its up to Pratt to get told by the spirit where hes needing to be!
I took it easy all day doing some more reading in the scriptures and in Utah Getaways. When Pratt got in after work (a heap of our guysre working in construction, so its been real hard lately getting enough work) he came straight up to see me. I said I needed a blessing cus I was still bad in my stomache, and reading the book of mormon was makeing my head hurt. (And by the way I dont think I should be reading that book by Dorothy Solomon cus I think somebody said shes apostate AUB!) He gave me a GREAT blessing! When he took his hands off my head I think I could see bunchesve light around and I told him I was feeling the spirit real strong! Then I told him about Lava Hot Springs and the red indians (who came from the nephites and probally had heaps of the spirit once.) I was telling him about them going to the Lava Hot Springs after theyd been having fights and getting hurt, and how they got better - all without doctors. (those Nephites knew a few things!) I said it made me think about that story in the bible about that guy who got put in some bubbling water and he got better straight away! I said it was to bad we dont have one of those in our community, cus I just felt by the spirit it could be makeing me better.
Pratt said he wished he could be takeing me up to the Springs, but he didnt have any money for motels right now. Then I said about his cousin whose got a cabin near there, and hed probally let us borrow it for a coupla nights. Pratt said he hadnt remembered that, and his cousin probablly would, and he'd really like me to be feeling better. Then I said that was real sweet of him, but I needed to be staying home and not going up there to be getting better, on account of me wanting to be thinking of the other gals before what I needed. But Pratt said "whose in charge of this family, me or them?" I said "its you, but dont be worrying about me."
Anyways, he got on the phone to his cousin and its all set!!!! Im WAY happy!!!! We're driving up late tomorrow night and staying over, then coming back real early on Sunday morning, cus I said to Pratt how its real important to the other gals for us to get back for the famly Valentines lunch on Sunday!
Theres still questions to be answering, and Im not forgetting them, so maybe I can do that tomorrow and be putting up the answers while Im gone. I need to move quick though, cus I need to be makeing some cover up swim clothes. ( I got it cut out already, just in case we ever went)
I took it easy all day doing some more reading in the scriptures and in Utah Getaways. When Pratt got in after work (a heap of our guysre working in construction, so its been real hard lately getting enough work) he came straight up to see me. I said I needed a blessing cus I was still bad in my stomache, and reading the book of mormon was makeing my head hurt. (And by the way I dont think I should be reading that book by Dorothy Solomon cus I think somebody said shes apostate AUB!) He gave me a GREAT blessing! When he took his hands off my head I think I could see bunchesve light around and I told him I was feeling the spirit real strong! Then I told him about Lava Hot Springs and the red indians (who came from the nephites and probally had heaps of the spirit once.) I was telling him about them going to the Lava Hot Springs after theyd been having fights and getting hurt, and how they got better - all without doctors. (those Nephites knew a few things!) I said it made me think about that story in the bible about that guy who got put in some bubbling water and he got better straight away! I said it was to bad we dont have one of those in our community, cus I just felt by the spirit it could be makeing me better.
Pratt said he wished he could be takeing me up to the Springs, but he didnt have any money for motels right now. Then I said about his cousin whose got a cabin near there, and hed probally let us borrow it for a coupla nights. Pratt said he hadnt remembered that, and his cousin probablly would, and he'd really like me to be feeling better. Then I said that was real sweet of him, but I needed to be staying home and not going up there to be getting better, on account of me wanting to be thinking of the other gals before what I needed. But Pratt said "whose in charge of this family, me or them?" I said "its you, but dont be worrying about me."
Anyways, he got on the phone to his cousin and its all set!!!! Im WAY happy!!!! We're driving up late tomorrow night and staying over, then coming back real early on Sunday morning, cus I said to Pratt how its real important to the other gals for us to get back for the famly Valentines lunch on Sunday!
Theres still questions to be answering, and Im not forgetting them, so maybe I can do that tomorrow and be putting up the answers while Im gone. I need to move quick though, cus I need to be makeing some cover up swim clothes. ( I got it cut out already, just in case we ever went)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Im haveing a quiet day reading stuff.
I had to be staying in bed yesterday on account of feeling bad. I was reading in the Doctrine and Covenenants and marking up the good bits to talk about with Pratt. I got a real headache after a spell though, so I looked at some magazines about Utah getaways (the print was bigger.) I dont like gentile magazines with all the pics of gals with painted faces, but this ones diffrent. Its all about the nice places to go in Utah and the states next to Utah. Theres some REAL nice pictures of the places. I liked the pictures of Lava Hot Springs. Heaps polygamy folk go there on honeymoon. To bad Pratt and me cant be going. We WERE going somewhere for my wedding anniversery till Celestial Rainbow spent all that money on that credit card getting those gentile clothes!!! Some people're only thinking about themselves!
Saraiah came in to see me in the afternoon. She said she heard Celestial Rainbow and Chastitee're whineing about me again! What did I do to be getting this presecution from my own famly! They need to be learning to be sweeter!
I was REAL sad when Pratt came home. I TRIED to hide it but when he found out what was happening AGAIN he said he'd be staying with me tomorrow night as well as tonight. He says the gals need to be learning to be kind and this way theyd learn faster, cus tomorrows Chastitees night. I said not to worry about me cus I could be on my own, but Pratt said he'd made up his mind, so I couldnt be argueing with the preisthood could I?
Cat Whisperer was asking about the kids getting on. Heaps gentilesre thinking theres stuff like jealousy and favrites with the kids. Thats not true at ALL! All the kids are LOVEING me and my kids to! Im not like some poygamy gals who get all mean with the kids of other mothers!! I know one gal who was telling her kids there papa wasnt loveing them cusve another mothers kid he loved best. And theres mothers really mean to other mothers kids cus they dont like shareing money and time. But thats pretty much not in OUR group, cus its the true group!
Oh, and about kids and drugs and drinking. My sister said they caught some kids with drugs, and she says someve the kids go to an out of state community and have drinking partys when its confrence time. But I dont think theres any problams at all in our group. The kidsre minding there parents!
About college. Pratts not likeing it much. He says kids get in trouble there and there loseing there faith. He says the gals need to be getting married not wasteing there time. They need to get all those waiting spirits to come down in there famlies. If they wait to get married to long there missing out on the babies they could be haveing. Pratt says the guys need to be doing the same to. Brigham Young said young guysre a "menace to sociaty" so they should get married quick. Some folk say college is OK but most are not likeing it.
Saraiah came in to see me in the afternoon. She said she heard Celestial Rainbow and Chastitee're whineing about me again! What did I do to be getting this presecution from my own famly! They need to be learning to be sweeter!
I was REAL sad when Pratt came home. I TRIED to hide it but when he found out what was happening AGAIN he said he'd be staying with me tomorrow night as well as tonight. He says the gals need to be learning to be kind and this way theyd learn faster, cus tomorrows Chastitees night. I said not to worry about me cus I could be on my own, but Pratt said he'd made up his mind, so I couldnt be argueing with the preisthood could I?
Cat Whisperer was asking about the kids getting on. Heaps gentilesre thinking theres stuff like jealousy and favrites with the kids. Thats not true at ALL! All the kids are LOVEING me and my kids to! Im not like some poygamy gals who get all mean with the kids of other mothers!! I know one gal who was telling her kids there papa wasnt loveing them cusve another mothers kid he loved best. And theres mothers really mean to other mothers kids cus they dont like shareing money and time. But thats pretty much not in OUR group, cus its the true group!
Oh, and about kids and drugs and drinking. My sister said they caught some kids with drugs, and she says someve the kids go to an out of state community and have drinking partys when its confrence time. But I dont think theres any problams at all in our group. The kidsre minding there parents!
About college. Pratts not likeing it much. He says kids get in trouble there and there loseing there faith. He says the gals need to be getting married not wasteing there time. They need to get all those waiting spirits to come down in there famlies. If they wait to get married to long there missing out on the babies they could be haveing. Pratt says the guys need to be doing the same to. Brigham Young said young guysre a "menace to sociaty" so they should get married quick. Some folk say college is OK but most are not likeing it.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Famly Valentines plans.
I was cleaning in the kitchen yesterday after school was out and Isabelle and Nikelle came in together. (Isabelles Harmonee's girl and real rude sometimes.) She looked at me and said, what was I making for the famly Valentine day lunch? I mustve looked kinda confused cus then she said "are you makeing your deliscious and nutriscious honey garlic bran muffins?" Then she ran off with Nikelle with the two of them snorting!!! Ive had enoughve that gal with her being rude about my food! But I was wondering if she was making it up about the lunch cus Pratt never told me about it. I called Saraiah and she said we ARE haveing lunch at MY house Sunday! They mightve told me! Saraiah said theres heaps of times shes the last gal to be knowing stuff! I mightve got annoyed but Im pretty sure theres a good reason for Pratt not letting me know about it. Hes ALWAYs way thoughtfull about telling me stuff and Im the first to know most times. I was kinda wishing Pratt and me could be doing something on our own, but I guess he thought it could be making trouble.
Some gentile galsre asking about depression in our group and gals takeing drugs for it. I do know about a coupla gals takeing drugs from the doctor and then there was that gal whose husband got that secret wife. She was in the hospital after she found out and she defnitely was taking pills for it. Harmonee says theres bunchesve gals depressed, but Im not believeing her and nobodys gonna be saying anyways, cus thats showing your not haveing faith and praying and liveing a good life! I think theyd be wanting to be keeping it to themselves till they got righteous again!!!
Im not feeling real good today. I keeping getting these headaches and stumache pains. They come out of nowhere. Im not thinking its stuff Im eating, cus I eat real good food, not all that store bought junk. Im thinking Ill be getting an early night tonight and drinking my herb tea.
Some gentile galsre asking about depression in our group and gals takeing drugs for it. I do know about a coupla gals takeing drugs from the doctor and then there was that gal whose husband got that secret wife. She was in the hospital after she found out and she defnitely was taking pills for it. Harmonee says theres bunchesve gals depressed, but Im not believeing her and nobodys gonna be saying anyways, cus thats showing your not haveing faith and praying and liveing a good life! I think theyd be wanting to be keeping it to themselves till they got righteous again!!!
Im not feeling real good today. I keeping getting these headaches and stumache pains. They come out of nowhere. Im not thinking its stuff Im eating, cus I eat real good food, not all that store bought junk. Im thinking Ill be getting an early night tonight and drinking my herb tea.
Monday, February 8, 2010
I'm being watched!! AND we're NOT hippys!!!!
Tony was saying theres two watchdogs looking at my blog!! (I wasnt knowing what animalsve got to do with my blog, but Pratt said what that means.) Melissa was asking who they are? Remember that guy a few weeks back saying my blog was being monitered and he knew my IP address (thats computer stuff) It could be the guverment! Its kinda scarey thinking about it, but its all part of the presecution and Pratt says we need to be expecting it. The bretheren were saying just yesterday in meeting - if your not getting presecution, somethings wrong! Pratts wondering about carrying guns for protection?
I need to be writing some stuff about what Melissa was saying, about what we're doing, being like the hippy folk, and to say its NOT the same thing!!! I dont want to be mean Melissa, but its not! First off, you need to be getting a real preisthood marriage, not just takeing up with some guy, Then those hippy folk were tradeing around, they werent sticking with one person. And they were doing it just for fun. We're DEFNITLEY not doing it for fun! And there was all that drug stuff!!! Pratt says theres hardly ANY drug takeing in our group! He says only a coupla guysre takeing stuff to keep them going. He says its called Adarall (Theres a few real energetick kids needing it so there getting it from an MD and there Papas're shareing with them, so thats OK.) He says someve the old guys with bunchesve younger wives need some stuff to be giveing them more energy. Can't think of the name right now, but the name made me think of those big waterfalls up by Canada. What was it? Anyways, its legal. And another thing about NOT being like the hippy folk, Pratt says about there clothes and hair to - the hippys looked REAL wierd!!
Theres still a bunchve argueing on that one post! Im not understanding it much, but its real nice to see someve the guysre on OUR side! Pratt and me're hopeing theyll be makeing polygamy legal up in Canada so it gets legal here to! Thatd be great! Then bunchsve gals could be getting to see what a blessing it is to be liveing this way!!!! It could be WAY fun for them waiting to see if there husbands will be wanting to get another wife! Theyll be all on there own one day, and then the next day - surprise!- theres another gal in the famly!!! And like I said before - for the gals, polygamys like a boxve choclates - you never know what your getting!
I need to be writing some stuff about what Melissa was saying, about what we're doing, being like the hippy folk, and to say its NOT the same thing!!! I dont want to be mean Melissa, but its not! First off, you need to be getting a real preisthood marriage, not just takeing up with some guy, Then those hippy folk were tradeing around, they werent sticking with one person. And they were doing it just for fun. We're DEFNITLEY not doing it for fun! And there was all that drug stuff!!! Pratt says theres hardly ANY drug takeing in our group! He says only a coupla guysre takeing stuff to keep them going. He says its called Adarall (Theres a few real energetick kids needing it so there getting it from an MD and there Papas're shareing with them, so thats OK.) He says someve the old guys with bunchesve younger wives need some stuff to be giveing them more energy. Can't think of the name right now, but the name made me think of those big waterfalls up by Canada. What was it? Anyways, its legal. And another thing about NOT being like the hippy folk, Pratt says about there clothes and hair to - the hippys looked REAL wierd!!
Theres still a bunchve argueing on that one post! Im not understanding it much, but its real nice to see someve the guysre on OUR side! Pratt and me're hopeing theyll be makeing polygamy legal up in Canada so it gets legal here to! Thatd be great! Then bunchsve gals could be getting to see what a blessing it is to be liveing this way!!!! It could be WAY fun for them waiting to see if there husbands will be wanting to get another wife! Theyll be all on there own one day, and then the next day - surprise!- theres another gal in the famly!!! And like I said before - for the gals, polygamys like a boxve choclates - you never know what your getting!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Prophet Warren and President Wendell. Whose top?
Happy Sabbath! Pratt was reading that FLDS Texas blog and he said they were talking about the FLDS getting a new President and it was kinda confusing for some folk cus they were thinking Warrens not the prophet anymore. He said to write some doctrine down about it. The thing is, PRESIDNT and PROPHET are two diffrent things. Joseph Smith was President of the church AND the prophet to. Pratt says there was a time when Josephs brother Hyrum was gonna be President, sos Joseph could be spending more time with the spiritaul prophet stuff. I guess thats what Warrens doing - he needs more time getting his revalations and hes getting Wendell doing the boreing President stuff. Warrens still top guy. I still think Prattd make a GREAT prophet in our group!
Im kinda worried cus theres a gal writing a letter on the "EVERY womans needing a preisthood head." post. I dont know who she is but she put her name at the end and it says "Harmonee's friend" !!!! Im pretty sure its not LiaHona writing in, cus shes not that smart, and Im pretty sure Harmonee hasnt got any friends outside the family. Im hoping Harmonees not reading the blog cus it could be making trouble, even if its all true. Anyways, shes writing a bunchve stupid stuff nobodys gonna beleive, cus folkre getting the REAL truth from me!! I hate it when galsre whineing! She shouldve been counting her blessings and now she wont be makeing it to the CK! Dumb!!!
Have a GREAT day! Im gonna go to meeting and hear the bretheren!
Im kinda worried cus theres a gal writing a letter on the "EVERY womans needing a preisthood head." post. I dont know who she is but she put her name at the end and it says "Harmonee's friend" !!!! Im pretty sure its not LiaHona writing in, cus shes not that smart, and Im pretty sure Harmonee hasnt got any friends outside the family. Im hoping Harmonees not reading the blog cus it could be making trouble, even if its all true. Anyways, shes writing a bunchve stupid stuff nobodys gonna beleive, cus folkre getting the REAL truth from me!! I hate it when galsre whineing! She shouldve been counting her blessings and now she wont be makeing it to the CK! Dumb!!!
Have a GREAT day! Im gonna go to meeting and hear the bretheren!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Science guysre ALL wrong about polygamy!
Mavis was asking about gentiles joining our group. Sure they join! Sometimes its famlies, sometimes just gals and sometimes just guys. Mostve them come in from the LDS church cus there seeing we're doing the same stuff the prophet Joseph and the prophet Brigham were doing. Sometimes the first wife galsre not making it and there leaving. Even some of the gals who got told all the truth growing up dont like it all much , cus there loseing the spirit and wanting to be like the gentiles with there husband all to themselves. (I never can understand it!) Thats why your needing to be keeping the kids home when you can so their not picking up gentile ways!
Im not thinking folkre joining the FLDS much now on account of the FLDS thinking there not needing outsiders coming in - they can be building the kingdom on there own. That could be makeing some problams in there group. Even in our group theres gals not haveing to many guys they can be marrying cus there related to most evry guy! Thats not mattering to much to the FLDS and the Kingstons. Maybe thirty years back gentiles could be joining the FLDS but not now.
Pratt says we got a letter from WC but hes not putting it ALL up cus he says WC CANT be saying real nasty stuff about the gals in the new church of the holy matrearch. Pratt says he'll put SOME of the letter here, cus that parts good-
WC said
"All them medical studies saying polygamy is negative toward women and children are kinda confusin me cuz it doesn't sound like any are written by polygamists. It's kinda like askin Randy Mankin if his study of the flds shows a negative impact on his town. ya think he's gonna say no? them researchers just ain't bein sweet- AT ALL."
Pratt says WCs WAY right about it!! - if your wanting to know the truth you need to be asking somebody living it!!! Wheres the stuff in the medical books by polygamy folk? Theres not ONE!!! That PROVES its the guverment turning folk against us! If folk were only asking ME what its like I could tell them all about it! And IM not haveing ANY mental problems AT ALL! I bet I could write stuff in the medical books just as good as all those science guys. There thinking there so great, just cus they went to school all those years and their knowing about makeing it look good in books!! When youve got the spirit your not needing all that going to school! Mostve the bretheren didnt do that and their knowing WAY more than the science guys!
Pratts watching Harmonee real close nowdays. Hes wondering what shes up to, and hes not liking her being so close with LiaHona. Hes asked me to watch them both and whats going on. It makes me feel great about Pratt asking me to be doing stuff for him! He's AWESOME! (And Im NOT thinking its true about folk just wanting to know about Harmonee! AND Pratt says Im WAY important!!!)
And Melissa I think Star Maidens a WAY cute name!!!! I LOVE it and I think you should be sticking with it!
Im not thinking folkre joining the FLDS much now on account of the FLDS thinking there not needing outsiders coming in - they can be building the kingdom on there own. That could be makeing some problams in there group. Even in our group theres gals not haveing to many guys they can be marrying cus there related to most evry guy! Thats not mattering to much to the FLDS and the Kingstons. Maybe thirty years back gentiles could be joining the FLDS but not now.
Pratt says we got a letter from WC but hes not putting it ALL up cus he says WC CANT be saying real nasty stuff about the gals in the new church of the holy matrearch. Pratt says he'll put SOME of the letter here, cus that parts good-
WC said
"All them medical studies saying polygamy is negative toward women and children are kinda confusin me cuz it doesn't sound like any are written by polygamists. It's kinda like askin Randy Mankin if his study of the flds shows a negative impact on his town. ya think he's gonna say no? them researchers just ain't bein sweet- AT ALL."
Pratt says WCs WAY right about it!! - if your wanting to know the truth you need to be asking somebody living it!!! Wheres the stuff in the medical books by polygamy folk? Theres not ONE!!! That PROVES its the guverment turning folk against us! If folk were only asking ME what its like I could tell them all about it! And IM not haveing ANY mental problems AT ALL! I bet I could write stuff in the medical books just as good as all those science guys. There thinking there so great, just cus they went to school all those years and their knowing about makeing it look good in books!! When youve got the spirit your not needing all that going to school! Mostve the bretheren didnt do that and their knowing WAY more than the science guys!
Pratts watching Harmonee real close nowdays. Hes wondering what shes up to, and hes not liking her being so close with LiaHona. Hes asked me to watch them both and whats going on. It makes me feel great about Pratt asking me to be doing stuff for him! He's AWESOME! (And Im NOT thinking its true about folk just wanting to know about Harmonee! AND Pratt says Im WAY important!!!)
And Melissa I think Star Maidens a WAY cute name!!!! I LOVE it and I think you should be sticking with it!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Women are WAY blessed in the Principel
Theres a bunchve argueing in the letters right now. Some of its not stuff Im understanding but I guess you guys can be figureing it all out. Theres still stuff about gals getting depressed. Im still not beleiving in it - you just need to be haveing more faith. Harmonee calls sunday meeting "depressives annonymous"! I think thats kinda rude! She says she hates the testifying meetings when anybody can be getting up and saying what they want. She says theres bunchesve misrable folk all saying theyll never make it cus they dont think there good enough to get there! I dont think there misrable - its just keeping humbel. Its not good to be getting all proud and puffed up!! And evrybody needs to be thinking about doing heaps of good stuff so they CAN get to the CK, cus if they dont do evrything, their NOT gonna be makeing it there!
There was a real good talk the other day from one gal. She was crying and saying how her husband was just the kinda guy god was wanting for her, cus he wasnt around to do stuff with her and help her to be happy and he didnt know what she needed to feel loved, but that was GOOD, cus it meant she didnt have anybody but god and cusve that she did a lot of praying. A bunchve the gals listening cried to and we all felt the spirit of polygamy.
I caught Nikelle (one of Harmonees girls) in front of the mirror the other day at my house. She was fluttring her eyelashes and saying "I have no opinyon...I have no opinyon" over and over!!! I asked her what the heck she was doing and she said she was practising, so I said "Practising for what?" and she went " its the only way Ill ever get a guy in our group". I dont know what she was meaning by it, so I told Harmonee and she thought it was funny, and said "Nikelles probally right about that!" she said guys dont like gals knowing more than them and dont like them haveing diffrent opinyons from them. I said women didnt need to be argueing with the preisthood and trying to be telling them whats right - its not there place to be doing it!
I dont know when Harmonees EVER going to be learning to fit in and do the stuff she needs to be doing! Thats what happens when your getting SOME gentiles converting!
Remember about being nice to each other when your writing those letters!
There was a real good talk the other day from one gal. She was crying and saying how her husband was just the kinda guy god was wanting for her, cus he wasnt around to do stuff with her and help her to be happy and he didnt know what she needed to feel loved, but that was GOOD, cus it meant she didnt have anybody but god and cusve that she did a lot of praying. A bunchve the gals listening cried to and we all felt the spirit of polygamy.
I caught Nikelle (one of Harmonees girls) in front of the mirror the other day at my house. She was fluttring her eyelashes and saying "I have no opinyon...I have no opinyon" over and over!!! I asked her what the heck she was doing and she said she was practising, so I said "Practising for what?" and she went " its the only way Ill ever get a guy in our group". I dont know what she was meaning by it, so I told Harmonee and she thought it was funny, and said "Nikelles probally right about that!" she said guys dont like gals knowing more than them and dont like them haveing diffrent opinyons from them. I said women didnt need to be argueing with the preisthood and trying to be telling them whats right - its not there place to be doing it!
I dont know when Harmonees EVER going to be learning to fit in and do the stuff she needs to be doing! Thats what happens when your getting SOME gentiles converting!
Remember about being nice to each other when your writing those letters!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
WAY good! We're getting folk convertid!!!!
Pratt was saying last night about the blog and all the good its doing. Now we've got TWO guys beleiving!!! WC and Tonyre seeing the truth about polygamy now, and there learning all about it from books and OUR blog! AND Mavis was saying she thinks I need a prize for my writing! Pratt SAID in the beginning I was good at writing stuff down!!! Course, its mostly the spirit making folk see the truth, that and Pratt knowing so much stuff and knowing about answering the hard questions folkre asking. (its the guys job to be teaching there wives about stuff and I think its WAY important to be letting them do that and not be knowing to much for yourself. NOT like Harmonee - SHES thinking she knows more than some of the guys!!! You cant be expecting them to be liking it - its not real femanine!
Im real glad some folk're getting to know me better than some of the sisterwives - hhg was saying Im way sensative and needing Pratt more than someve the other sisterwives. Itd be great if they could just be understanding it to! Pratt tries to do more for me and protect me more on account of the post dramatic stress I was getting from Heelamans wives. They need to be understanding that - Pratts being faire to evrybody - he needs to be following the spirit about who he needs to be with and when he's there with them. Thanks for being way understanding hhg! (LaBlessing even got mad the other night - Pratt was sleeping over with her, so I dont know why she was complaning! Just cus I called him and we talked. She says it was HER time and I was stealing it from her!!! Can you beleive it? No wonder Pratts needing to be protecting me!
My crafts going great! Im makeing Pratt a humungus card! Its got a big pink satin heart on it (I stuffed it with old socks - I NEVER waste stuff!) and Im gluing cute little pink bows and rosebuds and lace all round it. Its WAY cute!!!Inside Im writing a specail poem for him. He LOVES my poems! Im still working on it, but this is what I wrote so far.
"Your like the sun in the sky
And your my
Husband Pratt
Just thinkve that!
Your the best
In our little nest!
When your hear
I love being close to you and way near!"
I'm still thinking about getting my poems put in a book like somebody said, but Prattl have to find out how to be doing it.
Im real glad some folk're getting to know me better than some of the sisterwives - hhg was saying Im way sensative and needing Pratt more than someve the other sisterwives. Itd be great if they could just be understanding it to! Pratt tries to do more for me and protect me more on account of the post dramatic stress I was getting from Heelamans wives. They need to be understanding that - Pratts being faire to evrybody - he needs to be following the spirit about who he needs to be with and when he's there with them. Thanks for being way understanding hhg! (LaBlessing even got mad the other night - Pratt was sleeping over with her, so I dont know why she was complaning! Just cus I called him and we talked. She says it was HER time and I was stealing it from her!!! Can you beleive it? No wonder Pratts needing to be protecting me!
My crafts going great! Im makeing Pratt a humungus card! Its got a big pink satin heart on it (I stuffed it with old socks - I NEVER waste stuff!) and Im gluing cute little pink bows and rosebuds and lace all round it. Its WAY cute!!!Inside Im writing a specail poem for him. He LOVES my poems! Im still working on it, but this is what I wrote so far.
"Your like the sun in the sky
And your my
Husband Pratt
Just thinkve that!
Your the best
In our little nest!
When your hear
I love being close to you and way near!"
I'm still thinking about getting my poems put in a book like somebody said, but Prattl have to find out how to be doing it.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
EVERY womans needing a preisthood head.
First off, Pratts WAY pleased theres some folk seeing the truth, like WC!! He was thinking it was only gentiles pretty much reading the blog now, and he wasnt knowing if we were converting folk much. Im sure glad SOME can see what a way wonderful life this is. What a blessing to be in our group!!!
Tony was asking what LaBlessing and Celestial Rainbow're thinking about being married together. Im not really knowing the answer to that one - they dont seem to be talking about it. All Im hearing from Celestial Rainbow is going on about tending all the babies!! Then there was the time she was talking to that young guy at work, so it could be she was wishing to be married to a younger guy, but we're praying she's over all that stuff now and settling down when her baby comes.
There ARE gals getting married again after being married before. Widows ALWAYS get married again cus they need a preisthood head to be telling them and there kids what to do and taking care of them. Course, there married for TIME the second time around, cus theyve got a forever marriage with there dead husband. Any kids she gets with her new husband belong to her FIRST husband, and theyll be in HIS kingdom when he gets it. Then theres gals getting married cus there husband went off somewhere else and left them, so they need husbands. Then theres other gals who get a release from there forever marriage cus there husband did something real bad like adultry and stuff like that. A lot of times she gets married to one of the bretheren whose been giving her advice.
I tried REAL hard last night making a wholesome meal sos LiaHona could be seeing what good cooking is like! I did my garlic and grits cassarole. Its the best!!!! I was thinking it could be making her do some real cooking, but I was right about what she was cooking for Harmonee and the kids - it was hot dogs, white bread and heapsve ketchup and mustard! When Harmonees kids came in the kitchen the first food they were seeing was my cassarole and I was thinking theyd be WAY sad theyd have to be eating LiaHonas meal, but they ate evry scrap of the hot dogs and then they were asking for more. I said they could have the cassarole but they all said no thanks! They dont know what good food is!!!
I think they were thinking I was going over to Saraiahs, but I just hung round in the kitchen clearing stuff up and listening to what they were saying. They went in the sitting room after a bit. It was hard to be hearing after that, but I think they were saying about the kids not seeing Pratt enough, and wishing they could get him to have ALL the kids get some proper schooling. Harmonee was saying home schools OK when you doing it right, but kids shouldnt be teaching kids when there mothers're away.
Pratts RIGHT about the kids not going out to be taught by gentiles! When there taught at home they can be doing preisthood history along with the other stuff and there NOT getting that in public school. Just cus Harmonees sending her kids to the public school isnt making it right! It makes all kindsa problams with them wanting to be bringing kids home, and wanting to go to there friends homes to. Thats just not gonna work for our famly - we dont need to be bringing strangers in to see how we're living, and we dont want the kids getting to close to outsiders and wanting to marry gentiles and losing there glory in the next life. Its better staying on our own and keeping our kids in the truth!!
Im starting a new craft today but Im gonna have to hurry, cus its for Valentines day for Pratt. He'll be loveing it!!!! I wanted him to be taking me out on Valentines but he says it could be making trouble, so he'll have to think what to do.
Tony was asking what LaBlessing and Celestial Rainbow're thinking about being married together. Im not really knowing the answer to that one - they dont seem to be talking about it. All Im hearing from Celestial Rainbow is going on about tending all the babies!! Then there was the time she was talking to that young guy at work, so it could be she was wishing to be married to a younger guy, but we're praying she's over all that stuff now and settling down when her baby comes.
There ARE gals getting married again after being married before. Widows ALWAYS get married again cus they need a preisthood head to be telling them and there kids what to do and taking care of them. Course, there married for TIME the second time around, cus theyve got a forever marriage with there dead husband. Any kids she gets with her new husband belong to her FIRST husband, and theyll be in HIS kingdom when he gets it. Then theres gals getting married cus there husband went off somewhere else and left them, so they need husbands. Then theres other gals who get a release from there forever marriage cus there husband did something real bad like adultry and stuff like that. A lot of times she gets married to one of the bretheren whose been giving her advice.
I tried REAL hard last night making a wholesome meal sos LiaHona could be seeing what good cooking is like! I did my garlic and grits cassarole. Its the best!!!! I was thinking it could be making her do some real cooking, but I was right about what she was cooking for Harmonee and the kids - it was hot dogs, white bread and heapsve ketchup and mustard! When Harmonees kids came in the kitchen the first food they were seeing was my cassarole and I was thinking theyd be WAY sad theyd have to be eating LiaHonas meal, but they ate evry scrap of the hot dogs and then they were asking for more. I said they could have the cassarole but they all said no thanks! They dont know what good food is!!!
I think they were thinking I was going over to Saraiahs, but I just hung round in the kitchen clearing stuff up and listening to what they were saying. They went in the sitting room after a bit. It was hard to be hearing after that, but I think they were saying about the kids not seeing Pratt enough, and wishing they could get him to have ALL the kids get some proper schooling. Harmonee was saying home schools OK when you doing it right, but kids shouldnt be teaching kids when there mothers're away.
Pratts RIGHT about the kids not going out to be taught by gentiles! When there taught at home they can be doing preisthood history along with the other stuff and there NOT getting that in public school. Just cus Harmonees sending her kids to the public school isnt making it right! It makes all kindsa problams with them wanting to be bringing kids home, and wanting to go to there friends homes to. Thats just not gonna work for our famly - we dont need to be bringing strangers in to see how we're living, and we dont want the kids getting to close to outsiders and wanting to marry gentiles and losing there glory in the next life. Its better staying on our own and keeping our kids in the truth!!
Im starting a new craft today but Im gonna have to hurry, cus its for Valentines day for Pratt. He'll be loveing it!!!! I wanted him to be taking me out on Valentines but he says it could be making trouble, so he'll have to think what to do.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Emma Smith wasnt being sweet!!!!
Pratt wants me to answer a coupla questions today. Anonymous was saying its not right to be marrying a mother and daughter to. Pratt says its OK. First off, hes not related to them, and second it happened all the time back in Josephs and Brighams day so it MUST be OK. And even if its saying in the bible not to be doing it thats OK cus Pratt says its not that "cognative dissonence" stuff - its on account of it was probally translated wrong.
Then theres the stuff Mavis and the MD and Rebeckah and the rest were saying about Emma Smith and her not getting destroyed. Pratt says she made all kindsa trouble for the prophet cus she wasnt wanting to be living polygamy. Brigham Young said she was throwing the revelation in the fire, and she was saying NO WAY, to start. It was a good thing she said OK to some wives. Joseph said she could choose some for him, and she went and chose the Partridge sisters. Pratt says its kinda funny cus she wasnt knowing they already WERE marrried to Joseph!!! They didnt let on to Emma though and he married them again with Emma around. Trouble is Emma made a lot of trouble AGAIN and Joseph had to get them move out of the house to keep Emma happy. (They didnt see much of Joseph after that) Emma kept on telling women not to let there husbands get more wives, and then sometimes she got sorry about it, so she didnt make up her mind. After Joseph got killed she didnt follow the church leaders out west and she went and got married to a gentile and started up her own church cus Joseph said one of his sons might be leader. She told her sons there papa never lived polygamy, so I guess she didnt like it much and wanted to forget about it. She told them it was Brigham Young doing it. Pratt says she probally didnt get destroyed cus she let Joseph have SOME polygamy wives, and anyways, maybe those anti polygamy wives get destroyed AFTER they die. THat MUST be it, cus Patt knew a guy and his wife said no to polygamy and god wasnt destroying her right THEN, so itll be happening after shes dead I guess.
LiaHonas asking Harmonee and her kids over tonight for dinner. Im thinking when galsre getting problems like that you need to be letting them know there wrong, not being all nice to them - how can they learn like that? LiaHona sure needs help making good food. I bet theyll be haveing stuff like hot dogs!!! Ill probally cook some wholesome food for me so its a good exampel for them. I was going over to Sariah's tonight cus LaBlessing was coming over and shes got intresting stuff to say about the community, but I think I better stick around sos I can hear whats going on at home, and I can tell Pratt about it. Pratt said NOT to be telling about that new gals church to anybody! Cat Whisperers wanting to be joining it and she says I should to, but sorry Im not doing it!! Im not thinking your prophets the true prophet!!! Its just the kinda thing Harmonee would be doing!
Then theres the stuff Mavis and the MD and Rebeckah and the rest were saying about Emma Smith and her not getting destroyed. Pratt says she made all kindsa trouble for the prophet cus she wasnt wanting to be living polygamy. Brigham Young said she was throwing the revelation in the fire, and she was saying NO WAY, to start. It was a good thing she said OK to some wives. Joseph said she could choose some for him, and she went and chose the Partridge sisters. Pratt says its kinda funny cus she wasnt knowing they already WERE marrried to Joseph!!! They didnt let on to Emma though and he married them again with Emma around. Trouble is Emma made a lot of trouble AGAIN and Joseph had to get them move out of the house to keep Emma happy. (They didnt see much of Joseph after that) Emma kept on telling women not to let there husbands get more wives, and then sometimes she got sorry about it, so she didnt make up her mind. After Joseph got killed she didnt follow the church leaders out west and she went and got married to a gentile and started up her own church cus Joseph said one of his sons might be leader. She told her sons there papa never lived polygamy, so I guess she didnt like it much and wanted to forget about it. She told them it was Brigham Young doing it. Pratt says she probally didnt get destroyed cus she let Joseph have SOME polygamy wives, and anyways, maybe those anti polygamy wives get destroyed AFTER they die. THat MUST be it, cus Patt knew a guy and his wife said no to polygamy and god wasnt destroying her right THEN, so itll be happening after shes dead I guess.
LiaHonas asking Harmonee and her kids over tonight for dinner. Im thinking when galsre getting problems like that you need to be letting them know there wrong, not being all nice to them - how can they learn like that? LiaHona sure needs help making good food. I bet theyll be haveing stuff like hot dogs!!! Ill probally cook some wholesome food for me so its a good exampel for them. I was going over to Sariah's tonight cus LaBlessing was coming over and shes got intresting stuff to say about the community, but I think I better stick around sos I can hear whats going on at home, and I can tell Pratt about it. Pratt said NOT to be telling about that new gals church to anybody! Cat Whisperers wanting to be joining it and she says I should to, but sorry Im not doing it!! Im not thinking your prophets the true prophet!!! Its just the kinda thing Harmonee would be doing!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Pratt needs the sisterwives to be helping him.
Theres some questions about Celestial Rainbow and her mother Chastitee marrying Pratt. Pratts Celestial Rainbows papa in the priesthood, cus he married her mother after her father joined another group, but he married Celestial Rainbow pretty quick so its not like he was ever like her papa, so her mothers her mother and her sisterwife to!
I think Melissas right about Harmonee being mean about me being in the family. Just cus Pratt made her legal wife after his first wife left doesnt make her specail! And she was saying Id be making trouble in the family like I did in Heelamans family and thats not true at ALL!! They were just jealous and mean and needed to be learning not to do that, so I was a blessing in the family then and Pratt says Im a real blessing now!
Pratt did get together with Harmonee, but she said she wouldnt be doing much talking if I was there, so Pratt said hed tell me about it later. He said Harmonees not haveing faith much. She said she didnt get into polygamy cus she was afraid of getting punished if she didnt, and she didnt do it cus she wanted the nice stuff from god for doing it- she said she did it cus she loved god and she thought that was what he wanted her to do. Of COURSE thats what god wants! She needs to be sticking with it. But Pratt says she went on and said it didnt turn out like she was thinking it would, cus she wasnt seeing it like she should. She was saying it didnt seem like it was from god, and it didnt make anybodys life better from living it and shes not likeing what it does to the kids with moms haveing to work and leave them, and haveing to keep secrets, and not seeing there papa much. AND she said there was heaps of gals struggling about haveing bunchesve of kids and there real depressed, and how can they go and get help from doctors when they cant be saying its on account of being in polygamy?? (they shouldnt be seeing doctors anyways - like I said before its about praying and reading the scriptures more and not doing bad stuff to make you FEEL bad in the first place!)
Pratts kinda mad about it. He told Harmonee she needs to be keeping her promises to god, and to be remembering if your breaking them, your in the devils power. He told her not to be thinking its any better out in the world, cus theres no one much going to be helping her out there, shes hasnt got any friends out there, and shes NEVER going to be finding anybody whose going to be loving her like her polygamy family does. But she just said, then if thats love I can be doing without it!
Im thinking Pratts needing all us gals to be supporting him right now. Theres nothing worse than a rebellyous wife!
I think Melissas right about Harmonee being mean about me being in the family. Just cus Pratt made her legal wife after his first wife left doesnt make her specail! And she was saying Id be making trouble in the family like I did in Heelamans family and thats not true at ALL!! They were just jealous and mean and needed to be learning not to do that, so I was a blessing in the family then and Pratt says Im a real blessing now!
Pratt did get together with Harmonee, but she said she wouldnt be doing much talking if I was there, so Pratt said hed tell me about it later. He said Harmonees not haveing faith much. She said she didnt get into polygamy cus she was afraid of getting punished if she didnt, and she didnt do it cus she wanted the nice stuff from god for doing it- she said she did it cus she loved god and she thought that was what he wanted her to do. Of COURSE thats what god wants! She needs to be sticking with it. But Pratt says she went on and said it didnt turn out like she was thinking it would, cus she wasnt seeing it like she should. She was saying it didnt seem like it was from god, and it didnt make anybodys life better from living it and shes not likeing what it does to the kids with moms haveing to work and leave them, and haveing to keep secrets, and not seeing there papa much. AND she said there was heaps of gals struggling about haveing bunchesve of kids and there real depressed, and how can they go and get help from doctors when they cant be saying its on account of being in polygamy?? (they shouldnt be seeing doctors anyways - like I said before its about praying and reading the scriptures more and not doing bad stuff to make you FEEL bad in the first place!)
Pratts kinda mad about it. He told Harmonee she needs to be keeping her promises to god, and to be remembering if your breaking them, your in the devils power. He told her not to be thinking its any better out in the world, cus theres no one much going to be helping her out there, shes hasnt got any friends out there, and shes NEVER going to be finding anybody whose going to be loving her like her polygamy family does. But she just said, then if thats love I can be doing without it!
Im thinking Pratts needing all us gals to be supporting him right now. Theres nothing worse than a rebellyous wife!